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Showing posts from March 5, 2017


ONCE SAVED FOREVER SAVED DOCTRINE The age long debate in the Body of Christ is 'at what point is a salvation guaranteed? The two basic School of Thought is: ONCE SAVED, FOREVER SAVED and YOU ARE NOT SAVED UNTIL YOU GET TO HEAVEN. Both of these assertions are wrong. Recently, the 1st assertion has resurrected with a new name called ETERNAL SECURITY. This is a new trend among the HYPER GRACE PREACHERS. The question is this, once you give your life to Christ, are you saved forever? The answer is YES AND NO. I will journey from the NO to the YES. The NO reasons are stated below:  1. The presence of a type of sin called A SIN UNTO DEATH. 1 John 5:16-17 already disapprove of the claim of anything called Eternal Security. The Sin unto death is the sin of consciously turning away from God. Heb. 6:4-6 & 10:26-31 shed more light unto it. Kenneth Hagin (of blessed memory) explained in details in his book called THE TRIUMPHANT CHURCH.  2. Paul the apostle did a good job on this s