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Showing posts from December 10, 2017

Prophetic Series - Day 11

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of the Prophetic Series. We are going to be rounding off on the Spiritual Gifts that enable the prophet to function effectively. THE WORKINGS OF MIRACLES This is the Divine ability to suspend natural laws for the supernatural to have its way. If you have ever heard of MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS before, this gift is responsible for them. This gift WORKS MIRACLES. Unlike the gift of faith that RECEIVES MIRACLES, this gift practically PERFORM MIRACLES. The laws of nature are suspended for those of the supernatural to have their way.             WHAT ARE SIGNS? Signs are not miracles; they may not really change anything. They are pointers to truths or other things. Signs can be performed to confirm a truth in God's Word or a ministry. Jesus says the things He mentioned in Mk.16:17 are signs/indicators of who a believer is. I have a friend that one of the signs God has given to him to confirm his message is the ability to  GROW HANDS

Prophetic Series - Day 10

Hello everyone that has been following since inception and those just joining. I greet you in the name of Him that has the Sea of Glass before His Throne reflecting everything in all realms of existence to Him. We are still looking at the Spiritual Gifts that enable the Prophet to be effective in his/her assignment.  I made an audacious statement at the beginning of this session that ALL THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT MANIFEST IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER IN THE PROPHETIC OFFICE. Though this is not true for all prophets but, the fullness of the prophetic office require all spiritual gifts at work. We have looked at the Revelational Gifts and Utterance Gifts. Now, THE POWER GIFTS. The Power Gifts are three: A. THE GIFT OF FAITH. B. THE GIFTS OF HEALINGS C. THE WORKINGS OF MIRACLES. Take note of the names; the correct names are what I gave above. A. THE GIFT OF FAITH: this is the sudden supernatural release/deposit of the God-kind of faith into the spirit of a believer to believe/recei

Prophetic Series - Day 9

I welcome you once again in the name of God the pioneer of the prophetic realm. We are still discussing the Spiritual Gifts that enable a prophet to become effective in his/her ministry. Today, we are looking at               THE UTTERANCE GIFTS. The Utterance Gifts consist of DIVERS TONGUES, INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES AND PROPHECY. These gifts SAY SOMETHING. These gifts most times are the mouthpiece for the Revelational Gifts that we have already discussed. Let us look at them one after the other.        DIVERS TONGUES: this is an inspired utterance in an unknown language to the speaker and sometimes to the hearer. There are times the utterance is in the language the hearer knows. God may want to get across to one person/group of persons in the congregation.  I have already done an extensive teaching on Tongues in the previous series that I have done like HOLY SPIRIT SERIES, SUPERNATURAL SERIES and TONGUES AND WORSHIP SERIES. You can get them on