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Prophetic Series - Day 11

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of the Prophetic Series. We are going to be rounding off on the Spiritual Gifts that enable the prophet to function effectively.

This is the Divine ability to suspend natural laws for the supernatural to have its way.
If you have ever heard of MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS before, this gift is responsible for them. This gift WORKS MIRACLES. Unlike the gift of faith that RECEIVES MIRACLES, this gift practically PERFORM MIRACLES. The laws of nature are suspended for those of the supernatural to have their way.
          WHAT ARE SIGNS?
Signs are not miracles; they may not really change anything. They are pointers to truths or other things. Signs can be performed to confirm a truth in God's Word or a ministry. Jesus says the things He mentioned in Mk.16:17 are signs/indicators of who a believer is. I have a friend that one of the signs God has given to him to confirm his message is the ability to  GROW HANDS. I have seen him grow people's hands many times. There was a time, he stretched his hand over a congregation and many congregrant's hands either left or right grew longer than the other. Though, it returned back to normal after a while. That's a sign. Signs most times can be performed to heighten people's faith in God to believe Him for something extraordinary. Have you heard about the time Arch Bishop Idahosa gathered together the head of one of the workers in Duncan Williams' that fell from a great height? The person was not only dead but the head had scattered. He gathered the scattered parts together and commanded him to come back to life. He did that by the Workings of Miracles. The Miracle of John 9 (a man that was born blind) was by the  Working of Miracles. Jesus had to make/create eyes for him. That was why he had to spit on the ground and used the clay to touch his eyes. The working of miracles can also be used to bring judgement and enforce God's Will. Example is when the Korah, Dathan and Abiram plus their entire clan had to be buried alive. Num. 16.

This is the ability of the prophet to decree a thing and have it come to pass. This describes the ability of the prophet to alter the future/outcome of a thing, either good or bad. You see some people believe that God cannot do what is humanly considered as evil. They stress the fact that GOD IS LOVE. HE IS A CARING FATHER, etc. You see, you must understand that GOD IS LOVE; GOD IS JUST (whatever He does is good) AND GOD IS RIGHTEOUS (whatever He does is right). These three aspects of God MUST BE STUDIED AND UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. Study them together. To isolate one aspect to study is to go into error. For example, it is not morally right for a Loving God to bring Plagues on Pharaoh and the Egyptians (the works of His hand). It is wrong for God to have killed the Amorites, Hittites, Jebusites, Girgashites, etc and gave their inheritance to the Israelites. Many of the peddlers of this imbalanced truth will have to remove/rubbish many parts of the Bible to establish their heresy. Jesus came to die for the sin of humanity; suffered to save us from evil. Yet, the same Jesus will lead an army to MASSIVELY DESTROY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HE DIED FOR AT ARMAGEDDON.  Rev. 19.
I said all these to say that God's Will supersede human's idea and welfare. You are only going to enjoy God's benevolence as long as you are in perfect alignment with God's will. When you constitute an enemy to His Will, you can't enjoy His Love but His Justice.
In enforcing God's Will, His mouthpiece invoke this creative ability to cause God's Will to be enacted in the Earth no matter whose horse is gored. This account for the seeming destruction and hurts that have befallen some individuals in Bible history and nowadays. Many have said Elijah didn't work in love when he called down fire on those soldiers; Vituperative attacks have been poured on Peter for the Ananias and Sapphira's case. I have even heard some people say Paul was still young in the faith when he deployed by the Spirit about FOUR GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT TO DEAL WITH ELYMAS THE SORCERER THAT WITHSTOOD THEM WHEN THEY WERE PREACHING Acts 13:7-12. I marvel at the ignorance of those people. You see, God is not out to do anything you want. His Will superintend over everything.

Prophets that function in this dimension has to have a great depth of character because there is a tendency to abuse this power. I cannot shy away from the fact that some prophets have abused/is abusing power. We must know that all of us have the flesh to deal with.

This is God's ability to supernaturally bring healing to sick bodies. All believers can minister healing to sick bodies by obeying Mk. 16:18 but, what we are talking about here is different. This ability is sudden and supernaturally given to believers.
 When this gift is in operation, it is always directed either at a specific case or specific persons/person. An example is the man by the Pool of Bethsaida. Despite the numerous populace of impotent people there, he was the only one that got healed. His faith was not even consulted. This is most times the case when this gift is in operation. The faith of the receiver is most times irrelevant. Also, that I said it is GIFTS OF HEALINGS. It is not one; but many. There are many sicknesses and diseases. So, there is a necessity for many gifts of Healings. This is why you see that some people always get more results along a certain line than other areas.
The Gift of Word of Knowledge and Gifts of Healings often work together to bring healings to sick bodies under the prophetic ministry. Let me stop here today and face another side of this series tomorrow.
Mt. 10: 1,7-8, Mk. 16:17-20, Luke 9: 1-2, 10:9,19. These scriptures are activation keys for these dimension.

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God bless you real good.


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