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Showing posts from December 11, 2016

Holy Spirit 19- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 6

He is responsible for bringing the necessary and the God- kind of knowledge and information that God deem fit for us to know to us. 1Jn  2:20 says But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. It means all information are at our disposal. But, the fact that all the information are at our disposal doesn't mean we practically know all things. You can have the most advanced dictionary on your table and still not know the meaning of a word. There is the need for SEARCHING. The Psalmist says in Psalm  77:6,  I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search. However, there are 3 prominent words used for 'knowledge' relevant to our study; GINOSKO, OIDA/EIDO and EPIGNOSIS. GINOSKO- it depicts the commencement of the process of knowledge. It is related to GNOSIS which means 'knowledge in general'. (Time won't permit me the put Bible references. I have a long way to go). OIDA/EIDO-

Holy Spirit 18- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 5

The fear we are talking about here is NOT the kind that makes you to be afraid, but this fear means REVERENCE, WORSHIP, HONOUR AND OBEISANCE. The Spirit of Reverence is responsible for the worship of God. He commands OBEDIENCE to the Will of God. The timidity of the Omnipotent is the commencity of sagacity. Pro. 9:10, Ps. 111: 10. There is a connection between 'The Fear of God' and 'WISDOM'. The Holy Spirit has been given to us to make us HOLY. It is the Spirit of Reverence that conveys the Presence and Holiness of God to us. This ministry of the Spirit of Reverence is seriously needed in the Church of today  where immoralities and corruption are spreading like wildfire in the harmattan. The sadonic thing is that the Pulpit Ministers that are supposed to be the quintessential  portraits of the Reverence for God are not exempted from this viral infection. The kinds of things that go on in some denominations are disgraceful even to be spoken about. No fear of God.

Holy Spirit 17- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 4

We have been studying the 7 Spirits of God listed in Is. 11:1-2. We have said that the 7 Spirits of God represent the 7 fold manifestation of the same Holy Spirit and the perfection of the Spirit of God. THE SPIRIT OF COUNSEL. Is. 11:2 This is one of the grace upon Jesus the Christ when Isaiah describe Him as the Wonderful Counsellor (Is. 9:6) EXTRAORDINARY STRATEGIST. It means His counsel is the best available one. The spectrum of His Counsel ranges from Spiritual to physical matters. The Psalmist says in 16:7 'I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins(spirit) also instruct me in the night seasons. This should be your confession every time. Ahithophel of David's time functioned in this grace. 2Sam.16:23. The Bible says 'And the counsel of Ahithophel, which he counselled in those days, was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom,'. The meaning is that Ahithophel's a

Holy Spirit 16- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 3

Before we discuss today's topic, there are so many things that have not been said about the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation.  1. Jesus advised the Laodicean Church (the present Church dispensation) to ANOINT HER EYES WITH EYE SALVE SHE CAN SEE. Rev. 3:18. This describes the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation.  2. The descriptions of wisdom and understanding in the book of Proverb show that it goes beyond the natural realm. Pro. 3:13-24.  3. The gift of a word of wisdom is under the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom. TODAY'S TOPIC  3. THE SPIRIT OF MIGHT. Is. 11:2 This describes the DUNAMIS OF GOD- dynamic ability of God to produce change. The whole spectrum of manifestation of God's power either spectacularly or otherwise are under the spectrum of the Spirit of Might. So, the Power Gifts- Gifts of Healings, Working of Miracles, Gift of Faith- are there. Also, Signs and Wonders and Deliverance are not excluded. The Spirit of Might is responsible fo

Holy Spirit 15- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 2

We have established yesterday that the 7 Spirits of God describe the 7 fold distinct manifestation of the Holy Spirit and it also describes the perfection of the Spirit of God. The answer to yesterday's quiz is: when God stepped into the matter in Eden, the 7 persons brought by the number 7 are: Adam, Eve, Physical Serpent, spiritual Serpent (the Devil), the Seed of the Woman (Jesus the Christ), the seed of the spiritual serpent (Antichrist) and God Himself . Re- read Day 14 to know how this fit in. Today's Broadcast 2. THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM Is. 11:2, Eph. 1:17 This is the Spirit that reveals to you the PLANS AND PURPOSES OF GOD CONCERNING YOUR LIFE, A MATTER, PLACE, etc. If you will ever know why you are on earth, you need the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom. He reveals EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING about the future. There are 3 prominent Greek words used for Wisdom relevant to our subject; SOPHIA, SUNESIS and PHRONESIS. A. SOPHIA describes the entire wisdom of God. T

Holy Spirit 14- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 1

To begin with, the 7 Spirits of God are not 7 different Spirits of God. But, it means 7 DISTINCT MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SAME HOLY SPIRIT or, you can say THE HOLY SPIRIT MANIFESTING IN 7 DIFFERENT WAYS. NUMBER 7 The number 7 in the Bible means THE PERFECTION OF GOD IN ALL GENERATION. God had to introduce this number in Gen. 3. Number 3 The number 3 is the number of TRINITY and it also signifies RESURRECTION. If you notice, on the 3rd day in Gen. 1, it was life. By d principle of Sowing and Reaping, a seed must die first before it can germinate. John 12:24. But, on the third day, God said trees with seeds should come out of the ground. In other word, an orange tree came up with oranges ready for consumption on the third day of Recreation (we are in a RECREATED EARTH- this is for another time). God established trinity in the garden as exemplified by the relationship between Him, Adam & Eve. But, the Devil brought death into this No. 3 by the evil act of disobedience he cause

Holy Spirit 13- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Church and the World

Let me say prestissimo that this list is not exhaustive. But I know that you will be blessed. John  16:8-11 says that  And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. Before a person can be born again, the Holy Spirit has to convict him/her of sin. The Holy Spirit is also convicting the world at large of sin especially the sin of neglecting salvation and when a territory is turning massively away from the Truth, He stirs up men to pray and also to warn them less His judgement will come on them. He convicts the world that the Devil is JUDGED. The Devil is now a prince with no territory except the ones humans give to him. His end is determined already. He's gonna wind up in THE LAKE OF FIRE together with all that follows him. The Devil is defeated. I like to shout it

Holy Spirit 12- The Work of the Holy Spirit in a Believer's Life- Part C

Please, today's broadcast reveals the HIGHEST ROLES THE HOLY SPIRIT have to undertake in individual believer's life. Take it VERY SERIOUSLY. HE IS THE REVEALER OF SECRETS. John 16:13, 1John2:20. The 7 Eyes run to and fro in the earth. So, nothing is hidden from His eyes. He can reveal things hidden from human's knowledge in the past, present and future. Through the Holy Spirit, there is NOTHING THAT CAN BE HID FROM YOU AND NOTHING SHOULD CATCH YOU UNAWARE. The Holy Spirit is also called, THE SPIRIT OF SEEING AND KNOWING. Eph. 1:17     He is the ADMINISTRATOR OF THE THRONE OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE: 1Cor. 3:16, 6:17,19. The God-Head reside in you through the Holy Spirit. He is the God at work in you both to will and do of God's pleasure. Phi. 2:13. The Throne of God/authority is limited by the degree of alignment with the Holy Spirit. You must cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He carries out God's will-nature, character, etc  in you. Jesus can be in your boat and

Prophecies About 2016 Epignosis Nite (1)

We have done a careful compilation of the promises of the Father. This is not check afterwards to confirm if God did it or not, but to help us receive the promises. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it ? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Num23:14) For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. (Heb 10:37) Our hearts are fixed on Him that has promised and we have judged Him to be faithful. The following are promises of the Father for, in and through Epignosis Nite. -There will be Angelic presence such that Angels will be available to handle every section or units alongside the humans. -I see the ladder of Jacob where Angels ascend and descend. Salvation will come into everything represented in the program. It will be a night of the manifestation of the glory of God. -Epignosis Nite will be like the night of Passover where the Eg

What is Epignosis Nite all about?

‘ Epignosis Nite’ was birthed out of the hunger to experience the fullness of God. It became an annual meeting of the alliance aimed at worshipping God with music. The first edition held in 2011. Since then, the program has evolved to what we have today which is an avenue to reach out to the whole nation. Epignosis is a Greek word that means the complete knowledge of God. This is the fullness of the Father. Strong Dictionary explains it as recognition, that is, (by implication) full discernment, acknowledgement. This brings us not just into the knowledge of God, but an experiential knowledge of God. When a man comes in contact with Epignosis , he has seen God! Epignosis Nite is program is a night of abundant supernaturals plugged by an atmosphere of worship. Over the years, there have been several testimonies of healings and several supernatural impartations which characterize the atmosphere created by the lifting up of the hands of brethren. The experience of those who h