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Showing posts from November 15, 2020


Hello everyone, I want to share some perspectives concerning the US election. This is quite lengthy piece but, make sure you read through. There are various prophets across the globe that have prophesied at various times that Donald Trump will do two terms in office as the US President. This prophecy has been on at least years before now. But contrary to the words of the prophecy, Joe Biden was announced by the media as the winner of the election. Because of this, the critics of this prophecy have put forward various arguments supporting their claims and some even went to the ridiculous extent of demystifying the prophetic ministry. I will go through some of them and share some other thoughts. 1. YOU ARE BEING TOO RELIGIOUS TO BELIEVE IN A PROPHECY THAT D. T. WILL WIN. The natural points to the spiritual. This planet is governed by spiritual laws and forces. Man is created to be dependent on spiritual forces and if you are an atheist or a free thinker, YOU ARE ACTUALLY MANIFESTING THE