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Hello everyone, I want to share some perspectives concerning the US election. This is quite lengthy piece but, make sure you read through. There are various prophets across the globe that have prophesied at various times that Donald Trump will do two terms in office as the US President. This prophecy has been on at least years before now. But contrary to the words of the prophecy, Joe Biden was announced by the media as the winner of the election. Because of this, the critics of this prophecy have put forward various arguments supporting their claims and some even went to the ridiculous extent of demystifying the prophetic ministry. I will go through some of them and share some other thoughts.
The natural points to the spiritual. This planet is governed by spiritual laws and forces. Man is created to be dependent on spiritual forces and if you are an atheist or a free thinker, YOU ARE ACTUALLY MANIFESTING THE NATURE OF A KIND OF SPIRIT. Rom. 1:20 says 'For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse'. Politics/Government is one of the mountains of influence and it is spiritual. Therefore, the correct perspective about everything is to put the spiritual first and then the natural follows.
I wish this were true. The Bible is full of God's loyalists that were actively involved in government; Joseph, Daniel, Deborah, Esther, Nehemiah, etc. If God could have chosen Cyrus to do His work and sent Joseph ahead of Israel to the land of food to preserve His people, it shows that God is interested in politics. Is. 33:22 says 'For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us'. The above Scripture doesn't sound like a God uninterested in Government. Jesus Christ is still coming to reign politically for a thousand years down here.
The Scripture doesn't support the above claim. It is crystal clear that God's will in this planet depends on the cooperation of man to come to pass. Ps. 115:16 says 'The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men'. Nothing happens in this planet without the cooperation of man. God needed a Moses to bring Israel out Egypt. God will always need people to do His will. Christianity over the years has suffered the loss of territories and people because of the erroneous belief that God doesn't need people before His agenda comes to pass. The person in power determine to a large extent the progress Christianity can make in any land. Nigeria has recorded the death of untold numbers of Christians in the last one decade because those in power have used their influence to enhance the agenda of evil. USA must not be made to experience such. Already, all manners of inhuman, ungodly laws and judgement provoking acts are already ongoing in the US right now.
Any Christian with Biblical sense will never utter such a word. The judgment of the Majority most times are wrong especially when it concerns spiritual matters. Spiritual blind people cannot discern spiritual things. More so, ungodliness and lawlessness are on the increase in the US. Therefore, the judgment of such folks cannot be trusted when it comes to what God wants.
1. Except for prophecies in the Bible unconnected to man, all prophecies don’t automatically come to pass; there are conditions attached to them. Parts of the conditions are faith in the prophetic word, prayers (the means to authorize God to intervene in earthly affairs) and corresponding actions in favor of the prophecy. Examples includes: the birth of Jesus Christ where Prophet Simeon and Prophetess Anna had to facilitate it in the place of prayer (Luke 2 vs. 25-38), even though God told Abraham his seed, Israel will spend 400 years in captivity, the answer came in the 430th year after Israel cried unto God (Ex. 2:23), God told Elijah to go tell Ahab that there will be rain but, the rain didn’t come until Elijah prayed 7 times, (1 Kgs. 18:1 and 42-45), etc. The prophecy under question hasn't received the necessary alignment from the Body of Christ that's why there are some issues to it.
2. In prophecies that involve man, God can change His mind when humans change their ways. The same God that said priests will forever come from the family of Eli changed His mind when Eli couldn’t instruct his children in the right way, God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and announce their doom but the people repented and God spared them.
3. Sacrifice is many times greater than prophecies. Engaging priesthood against prophetic declaration can alter the outcome of such prophecy. The prophecy of Isaiah, a major prophet that Hezekiah was going to die was changed when Hezekiah engaged priesthood. Elisha who received the double portion of Elijah's anointing prophesied a series of events in the battle between Israel and the Moabites. When the events began to play out, the king of Moab sacrificed his son and the great indignation rose against the Israelites 2 Kings 3.
4. Prophets are men and they can miss it sometimes. Prophet Samuel has the reputation that his words don't fall to the ground yet, he wasn't accurate in the house of Jesse when he had to anoint the replacement for Saul. This is one of the reasons prophecies are to be judged. 1 Cor. 14:29. Don't forget that Prophets are men and the fact that a prophet makes mistakes doesn't mean God has abandoned the person. This point was not included so that you can conclude that the prophets made mistakes with respect to this election. No! As a matter of fact, the present situation didn't catch some of them including me unaware. Some of us saw this coming.
I won't give sensitive details here but let me say this: this election is a clash of two kingdoms; light and darkness, seeking to advance their end of the age agenda. The two candidates represent these two kingdoms. Whoever win the USA is very important because it is still the present world power and whatever is done in USA can easily spread/duplicated elsewhere. There is a time frame apportioned for the Body of Christ to prepare for the heavy persecution that will befall her in this decade.
A. This next administration of D. T. is supposed to be the interlude and extension of the time of preparation for the coming heavy persecution that will befall the body of Christ in some few years to come. If he didn't win, the time will be shortened and there will be more casualties in the body of Christ more than required. It is like the 7years of abundance and 7 years of famine in Egypt. When I say 'Body of Christ', I mean globally and not in USA alone.
B. Most of what he did in the first tenure were more of groundbreaking, uprooting and planting. His next tenure is to nurture and see the seed grow into a tree and move the counse of God to a greater level of manifestation.
Most of the Anti Trump derive their news sources from the likes of CNN, FOX NEWS, NBC, BBC and some miscreants on social media. If memory should serve you right, you will agree with me that these media houses have continuously, in the last 4 years demonstrated gross hatred for Donald Trump and his administration. I have lost my respect for them when I see all manners of fake news and propaganda chunked out by them. The posture of CNN during the Co-vid 19 pandemic was an eye saw. Twitter and Facebook are fast joining this trend. In the 1/2 weeks, thousands of Twitter accounts of those whose posts are not in support of the Democrats have been blocked and many posts on Facebook have been tagged Fake News. If they don't have skeleton in their cupboard, why not allow 'free press'?
This Us election has been known to have recorded almost the greatest number fraudulent acts in the history of the US. Is it the fake ballot papers with no watermark that you want to talk about or the way absenteeism votes have been used to generate more votes for J. B. and all manners of electronics, systems and acts just to see that power gets into the hands of the Democrats by all means. One of the reasons God has allowed this elections to go this way is to expose the evil plots and actions of the Democrats. I know some of you reading this may not believe. I don't blame you, the thickness of darkness is astronomical. When some of us were talking in 2014/2015 that Bubu is not what they say he is, they called us all manners of names. Now, it is getting clear. Experience is a bad teacher.
Unlike some other political parties in other countries of the world, the Republican and the Democratic parties have age-long political ideologies that find relevance irrespective of the candidates that bear their flags. I want to discuss four out of the ideologies of the Democrats that I, as well as some others around the world have issues with.
You won’t hear this in the news but know this for sure. The Democrats are in serious support of Islam. This is very evident in the growth of Islam in places like London, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, Iraq and Syria. One of the prophecies for this decade is that the Red Horse of Rev. 6:4; Islamic Terrorism will gallop through Europe and many other regions in this planet. Islam and the Antichrist have many things in common which I won’t discuss now.
The Republicans believes in a free market economy- capitalist where the citizens own, control and manage the means of production of goods and services and their distribution. But the Democrats believe the government should be in charge. Communism, which has failed in many nations of the world that practiced it is the biggest argument against it. Not only this, communism has hampered the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in many countries especially in China. Christianity is still under serious siege in that country up till Now.
The Democratic Party operates an Anti-God, Anti-Christianity and Anti-righteousness system of government. This is evident in the promulgation of Abortion, their stand on LGBT and the ban on prayers and the Word of God in schools and other Public places. Sodom and Gomorrah in Bible days were destroyed, not because of idolatry, but because of homo-sexuality. There is a pending judgement upon the US and many other countries on their stand on homo-sexuality. There will be many dramas in this decade. Just watch out.
Israel is a beloved nation of God. This is clear in the Bible. As a matter of fact, all the nations in the world are broadly divided into two; JEWS AND GENTILES (every other country apart from Israel). The Church (Body of Christ) is THE SPIRITUAL ISRAEL. It means the Church has a lot to do with the physical nation of Israel. For crying out loud, the millennial reign of Jesus Christ will happen from the physical nation of Israel. So, when you see a government that her ideologies is antagonistic to the well-being of Israel, such a party/government doesn’t deserve the approval or smiling face of the Church. One of the good thing that D. T. did in his first tenure was to announce Jerusalem as the capital of Israel against the decision of the UN. Can't you see that Biblical prophecies are fast happening? The last of the signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ in Israel is THE REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON. Already, a lot of work is going on.
A. One of the plans of the enemy in this time is to make believers to mock, disregard and disrespect the prophetic office. We are in critical times. It is true that all believers can see but some see far and more because of the heights they are standing on. They are THE WATCHMEN. If this election make you to mock/disregard the prophetic office, in the coming worse upon the earth, you may end up being a victim. Is it any wonder why God's plan is to turn ALL BELIEVERS TO A COMPANY OF PROPHETS? I shared some deep thoughts in my book 'THE ARMOR OF THE ENDTIME SOLDIER (you can order for yours).
B. There are presently some contentions; vote recounting, law suits, etc going on. The votes From Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania are yet to be finalized. All hope is not lost yet. It looks like the final winner will be pronounced by the Supreme Court. Those of you praying, keep your faith and hope alive. No be person wey first submit script dey get better mark for exam. And if at the end of the day, Donald Trump is declared the loser, God will still be God. Prophets will still be loved by people like me and God will give strategies to defeat the enemy even under the leadership of the Democrats. As long as we are here, WE WILL PUSH BACK THE FORCE OF THE ANTICHRIST.



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