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Showing posts from December 3, 2017

Prophetic Series - Day 8

I welcome you again in name of the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire to another edition of this Prophetic Series. We are still considering the Spiritual Gifts that are the major tools for the prophets to function effectively. Today, we are looking at THE GIFT OF DISCERNING OF SPIRIT            WHAT IT IS NOT 1. It is not a gift of suspicion or fault finding. You don't have to be a Christian to suspect or find fault in people. The degenerate nature of humanity carries a tangible ability to suspect people with it. This ability are in layers to be put off depending on our consecration to walk in the Spirit. 2. It is not a SIN DETECTIVE MACHINE. Many people think that all you have to see is the brother/sister that is fornicating; no. Though, this gift can unveil sin, but it is not primarily design to be a sin detector. God is more concerned about restoring the person to himself if he/she wants to  than exposing the wrong deeds and make the person more vulnerable to

Prophetic Series- Day 7

I welcome you again to another edition of this prophetic series in the name of Him who died and rose triumphantly on the third day day, Jesus the Anointed. We started looking at Spiritual Gifts under the Prophetic office and today, we are going to consider THE GIFT OF A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE.        WHAT IT IS NOT A. It is not the gift of knowledge. B. It is not a mind reading or psychic gift. C. It has nothing to do with academic prowess or intellectual capacity.                  WHAT IT IS  It is a sudden impartation of a fragmentary knowledge of God concerning a matter. The scope of the revelation offered by this gift is limited to THE PAST AND THE PRESENT. The gift under consideration can reveal the activity of the God Head and every being or thing in creation.  Most times, because its occurrence precedes that of the Gift of a Word of Wisdom, people find it difficult to tell the difference between the two. The Gift of a Word of Knowledge help the prophet to reveals the

Prophetic Series - Day 6

I greet you in the name of Him that has the All Seeing Eyes and the All Hearing Ears to another edition in this Prophetic Series. In the next couple of episodes, we are going to be looking deeply into the SPIRITUAL GIFTS UNDER THE PROPHETIC OFFICE. I want to believe we are all familiar with the Nine Gifts of the Spirit listed in 1Cor. 12:8-10. I think it should be P. C. Nelson of blessed memory that divided the Nine Gifts of the Spirit into three broad parts; A. UTTERANCE GIFTS B. REVELATIONAL GIFTS C. POWER GIFTS. From research and careful study, I discovered that ALL THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT ARE DIRECTLY/INDIRECTLY INVOLVED IN DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY. You don't have to agree with me but when I am through, you will agree with me. Now, it is time to look into the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT FROM THE PROPHETIC PERSPECTIVE        REVELATIONAL GIFTS: They are gifts of the Spirit that REVEAL SOMETHING. The spectrum of coverage of these gifts is limitless.

Prophetic Series- Day 5

I greet you in the name of the Lord of the holy prophets both in Heaven and on the earth.      CLASSES OF PROPHETS Prophets in the Old Testament were classified basically into MINOR and MAJOR PROPHETS. The yardsticks are the duration of time, the geographical area upon which the prophet prophesied over, etc. In the New Testament, below is the rank: A. Jesus the Christ is the greatest prophets that ever walked this Earth. He functioned in all Ministry, Spiritual Gifts and most of the other empowerments from the God Head setting an example for us. The Bible said He is anointed without measure. John 3:34. No one can attain this class in the prophetic. B. Foundational Prophets: they are those that brought forth the revelation of the New Testament. These are the writers of the Epistles. Example is John, Paul, Peter, etc. These folks are also in a class of their own. C. We also have prophets in the early days of the Church like Agabus. He brought forth a revelation about a drough

Prophetic Series - Day 4

I welcome you in the name of the God of the holy prophets(Rev. 22:6) to another edition in this prophetic series. TEACHING AND PREACHING MINISTRY OF A PROPHET I already established yesterday that just like other five fold ministry, the main thrust of a prophet is NOT to give personal prophecies to people but to preach and teach the Word of God. The questions to ask now are these, 1. What does teaching and preaching mean? 2. What is the difference between the Teaching Ministry of a Teacher and the Teaching Ministry of a Prophet? 1. To Preach means to proclaim or to tell while to teach means to explain. Prophets are preachers or teachers of the Gospel. This is what can mature the saints and equip them for ministry. John the Baptist was ranked higher than other prophets before him in the sense that he pointed to the Saviour that others have been prophesying about (Luke 7:28) yet, he didn't go about giving personal prophecies to people but preached REPENTANCE to the people. M

Prophetic Series - Day 3

     WHO IS A PROPHET It is very imperative that everyone in these days and time come to terms with the prophetic office and one of the foundational knowledge is to know who a prophet is. WHO IS A PROPHET? A prophet is God's spokesman or mouthpiece. Ex. 7:1. A prophet is an interpreter of God's mind. In the New Testament, they are confirmers of what God has said to you. Acts 13:1-2. A prophet is a proclaimer of Divine messages; a preacher of righteousness. Acts 15:32, 1 Cor. 14:3. One who speaks under Divine to inspiration to Foretell or Forth tell. Acts 3:21, Heb. 1:1, Acts 11:27-28, 21:10-11. Under the Old Testament, there were those called PROPHETS and SEERS. The two of them have some similarities while they also differs in certain way. SIMILARITIES BETWEEN SEERS AND PROPHETS A. Both receive revelations from God. These revelations can be about the past, present or future. B. Both can bring vision, guidance, direction and encouragement to people. C. Both speak

Prophetic Series- Day 2

      GENERAL INTRODUCTION The Prophetic Ministry and Office play an important role not only in the Church but in the world at large. There is a natural tendency in every man to desire to know things beyond what the Five Senses can know. There is a natural propensity in humanity to inquire of things before they happen. The quest to receive information beyond the realm of matter, space and time has skyrocketedly increase in today's world. This is why patronage has increased in the traditionalist circle. Be it known unto you that the Great Elohim didn't create you to be ignorant or void of the ability to know things beyond the Natural Realm. This is why in these last days, He has promised to POUR OUT HIS SPIRIT UPON ALL MEN. Joel 2:28. He is raising A MIGHTY COMPANY OF PROPHETS IN THESE LAST DAYS.  It took me a lot of time before I could come into terms with this because a lot of my theological ideologies had to go for the Present Truth of God to have His way. THE PROPHET

Prophetic Series - Day 1

    I HONOUR THE PROPHETIC             SPIRITUAL LINEAGE. I, Solomon Olufemi honour the God Head; the Three in One and One in Three; the pioneering Fathers of all things, visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. They are the Ground and Pillar of Truth and also the Creator of the Prophetic Realm and the first to weird its powers. I honour the Twenty four elders, the pillars and structural beings of all the realms of God's Creation; the pillars upon which every thing is built. I honour every member of the Council of Prophets in Heaven from father Abraham to other members of the Council both on Earth and in Heaven. I honour Adam, the first man created in God's image and likeness and the first man to speak and act prophetically when he named the animals and when Eve was brought to him. I honour Enoch, a most likely member of the two Olive Trees that stand before the God of Heaven and the Earth. A man that has been, never