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Prophetic Series - Day 4

I welcome you in the name of the God of the holy prophets(Rev. 22:6) to another edition in this prophetic series.
I already established yesterday that just like other five fold ministry, the main thrust of a prophet is NOT to give personal prophecies to people but to preach and teach the Word of God. The questions to ask now are these,
1. What does teaching and preaching mean?
2. What is the difference between the Teaching Ministry of a Teacher and the Teaching Ministry of a Prophet?
1. To Preach means to proclaim or to tell while to teach means to explain. Prophets are preachers or teachers of the Gospel. This is what can mature the saints and equip them for ministry. John the Baptist was ranked higher than other prophets before him in the sense that he pointed to the Saviour that others have been prophesying about (Luke 7:28) yet, he didn't go about giving personal prophecies to people but preached REPENTANCE to the people. Mt. 3:2
2. The teaching ministry of a prophets differs from that of a teacher in the sense that he/she TEACH INSPIRATIONALLY while a person who is strictly a teacher teach to explain and instruct by precept and example. A teacher speak from the logical point of view to explain, teach and expound the Word of God. A prophet is not so logical. His/her utterance appeal to the spirit of man. Sometimes, his/her inspirational teaching may not fit into the rest of the message. Prophecy is inspired utterance in a known language so also is PREACHING. However, not all preaching is prophecy.
You see, the other Ministry Offices know most times what they are going to teach/preach on. This may not be so for a prophet. He/she may just know what to preach when he/she gets up to preach or sometimes he/she goes up to preach with just a little idea of what the message is. It was said of Smith Wigglesworth that he taught more with the prophetic anointing.
The teaching ministry of a prophet do not follow a chronological order whereas a teacher teach precept by precept. For example, a prophet can start out talking about Thanksgiving then go to Prayer. From there to Finance then to Marriage and can end up on the Rapture. Very funny isn't it?
 Every aspect he/she has delved into represent the spiritual needs of the congregation.

Just like every other ministers and children of God, a prophet needs to prepare very well in the Word of God. There are some prophets that have entered into extreme in this line. They have substituted Hearing from God, visions, dreams, prayer, etc for personal study of the Bible. This is not only wrong, it is extremely hazardous. Visions, dreams, revelations, etc are supposed to be subjected to the Word of God.  Also, the way many of these prophets that are not grounded in the Word of God proffer solutions to people's problem is completely out of alignment with the Bible. All sorts of unscriptural prescriptions all in the name of 'PROPHETIC WORK'- Yoruba English translation.
A prophet operate most times just like a Medical Doctor. The diagnosis must be right but more importantly is THE PRESCRIPTION. The prescription of a prophet that is not well grounded in God's Word will be wrong. He/she is not going to be thoroughly furnished for every good work. 1 Tim. 3:16-17.
However, a prophet doesn't just prepare by studying the Word of God extensively but SPEND QUALITY TIME IN PRAYER AND WAITING ON GOD. This is the main way a prophet prepares for ministry. You see the prophetic anointing thrive under serious Prayer Ministry and Worship.  Do a survey of folks around that minister in this office, you will discover that they are great intercessors. If you see anyone that doesn't have a solid prayer life, no time to wait on God and no time to study God's Word yet, he/she sees visions every time and prophesy, I can tell you categorically that the person functions with an anointing that can only be found outside of the borders of Zion. Ministry that functions in the Prophetic anointing are majorly Prayer People. It was said of Apostle Ayo Babalola that you can see him sit on a SINGLE SPOT PRAYING FOR THREE DAYS STRETCH.
Prophets are MOUTH PIECES OF GOD. You can't speak on behalf of someone you haven't spoken to or heard from. Other Five fold ministers can still survive and do some ministry work without paying due diligence to spending some extra time in prayer, fasting and waiting on God. But, not so for a prophet. No wonder someone like Elijah dwelt in caves. He only come out when God has so instructed. Prophets are not people that spend 24hours in public eyes.
A scenario happened in 1Kgs 22 where 400 prophets (real ones not false) including their leader Zedekiah prophesied that Ahab would go to war and win not knowing that they only prophesied by the dictate of the lying spirit. Micaiah that saw into the Heavenly Council was the only onethat  prophesied accurately.
1Kgs 22:24   But Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah went near, and smote Micaiah on the cheek, and said, Which way went the Spirit of the LORD from me to speak unto thee?
 1Kgs  22:25   And Micaiah said, Behold, thou shalt see in that day, when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself.
Prophets are people given to the SECRET PLACE.

Let me stop here tonight and continue tomorrow.
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Twitter: @cya_nigeria
READ AND SHARE. God bless you.


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