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Showing posts from April 15, 2018


Still on  Genesis 3 The Bible says Adam went to hid himself when he heard the voice of God walking through the garden. It means man's sense of righteousness-ability to stand in God's Presence without any sense of guilt and inferiority complex was lost Time and space will fail me to teach extensively on righteousness but, know this for sure, we became righteous through the substitutionary work of Christ. God made Jesus to bear our sinful nature and gave us His (Jesus) righteous nature. 2 Cor. 5:21. We can come boldly to the throne of Grace without any fear, guilt or inferiority complex. Heb.4:16. If you were to appear before the Throne of God right now as a born again, you won't feel like Adam after the fall. Hallelujah! Another thing is this, God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden. EDEN is to man what WATER is to a fish. We can only govern this planet effectively and attain the fullest of our potentials if we remain in Eden. At the fall, we were sent out of Eden.    


 WAS JESUS POOR? Jesus brought in the New Covenant and this Gospel of Salvation. The question is this, WAS JESUS POOR DURING HIS EARTHLY MINISTRY? Many will be quick to say that He was born in a stable and buried in a borrowed tomb. Be it known unto you that Joseph and Mary stayed in a stable because there was no place in the public places not because of lack of money. Luke 2:1-7 Some other misunderstood scriptures along this line are: Luke 9:58 and 2 Cor.8:9 1. Luke  9:58 And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. They interpret this to mean Jesus doesn't have a place to stay. Well, the next verse nullified this erroneous belief because the same Jesus told another to FOLLOW HIM. The phrase 'the Son of man hath not where to lay his head' refers to the man's heart. It means Jesus has searched him and found out that there was no place in the man's heart to place His (Jesus) auth


SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SPECIFIC PLACES THAT JESUS' BLOOD WAS SHED The Cross doesn't not complete the atonement. Somebody had to take the blood of Jesus into the Holy of Holies in Heaven and sprinkle it 7 times on the Mercy Seat. Jesus is better than Aaron because A. Jesus is both the SIN OFFERING and THE HIGH PRIEST.  John 1:29, Heb. 3:1, 9:26, 28 Let me share with you about SOME SIGNIFICANT PLACES JESUS SHED HIS BLOOD A. His Head. This happened when the soldiers weaved a crown of thorns, pressed it on his head and wore a purple robe on him. The purple robe and the crown of thorns signify KINGSHIP. Mt. 27:27-31 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? In the garden of Eden, man lost THE KINGLY AUTHORITY OVER THIS PLANET TO THE DEVIL. That's why God said to the spiritual serpent that the seed of the woman will crush his head and he (spiritual serpent) will bruise his heal. 'Crush your head' means he will take back the dominion you have stolen from man. This is the reason Je


WHY GOD WILL PROSPER YOU Having known that it is God's will to prosper you, then we need to know why God wants to prosper you. WHY WILL GOD PROSPER YOU? 1. Financial Prosperity causes His Kingdom on Earth to spread. Zech. 1:17 Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem. I don't believe the Great Commission (Mk. 16:15,20, Mt. 28:18) can be accomplished without financial and material resources. Barnabas was a financier most of Paul's missionary journeys. Acts 4:36 revealed that his name was Joses. The disciples gave him that name most likely because of his contribution to God's work. 2. It is part of the fulfillment of the dominion mandate given to Adam in Gen. 1:28-30. 3. It helps you to make contribution and register your relevance in the Church and in the world. John 13:28-29, Acts 10:38 You can give to the needy when you are financia