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The Cross doesn't not complete the atonement. Somebody had to take the blood of Jesus into the Holy of Holies in Heaven and sprinkle it 7 times on the Mercy Seat. Jesus is better than Aaron because
A. Jesus is both the SIN OFFERING and THE HIGH PRIEST.  John 1:29, Heb. 3:1, 9:26, 28

A. His Head.
This happened when the soldiers weaved a crown of thorns, pressed it on his head and wore a purple robe on him. The purple robe and the crown of thorns signify KINGSHIP. Mt. 27:27-31
In the garden of Eden, man lost THE KINGLY AUTHORITY OVER THIS PLANET TO THE DEVIL. That's why God said to the spiritual serpent that the seed of the woman will crush his head and he (spiritual serpent) will bruise his heal. 'Crush your head' means he will take back the dominion you have stolen from man. This is the reason Jesus was crucified at GOLGOTHA- the place of skull to signify that man's headship has been restored. May God gives you understanding! The blood Jesus shed on the head through the crown if thorns signify that the governing influence over this planet that Adam lost has been restored to us. Hallelujah!

B. His face.
This happened at Gethsemane. Luke 22:44.The Bible says that as Jesus prayed, the sweat on His face was as the drop of blood. Can you imagine the intensive agony in the Spirit?

What is the significance of this?
One of the curses that came upon man was that man will begin to eat in the sweat of his face.
Gen. 3:19 says 'in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return'.
This is where TOILING started. That somebody will work like an elephant and eat like an ant. This is the origin. The good news is the drop of blood from Jesus' face had dealt with it. No longer should a believer in Christ toil again. It doesn't mean you won't labour. But, it means you will have something substantial to show for your labour. Hallelujah!

C. Hands.
This happened through the 6-8inches long nails driven through His hand. Whether it was the wrist or palm, I am less concerned. What I know is this, if you see the Risen Christ, check for that nail prints. If it is not there, I can bet it that it is not Jesus that you saw. When He rose up, He showed the hole in His hands to the disciples.
The Significance
The curse of poverty in man's hand has been removed right now. That is why in Christ Jesus, our hands can bare increase. It means our hands can  be very productive and fruitful. The curse upon man's work has also been destroyed by the blood Jesus shed in His hands. It should never be said that a believers did a business and it folded up.

D. Leg.
This occurred when the nail was driven through His leg. His two legs were put one on top of the other while the nail was dashed through them. The hole is still there till tomorrow. The significance of this is that we can enjoy Divine direction right now. We can be led by the Spirit; led into triumphant victories. Rom 8:14, 2Cor. 2:14. Our legs can take us to places in accordance with God's will. It also mean that our feet can possess territories for us right now-wheresoever the sole of your feet stepped on, I have given it to you become a present day reality. Joshua 1:3 Lastly, our feet can enjoy SPEED IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS.

This happened through the scourging that He went through. The Bible says 39 stripes were laid on His back. Be it known unto you that stripes has metallic attachments to the threadlike leathers used to make them and they are always long so that they can coil around the person they are administered on and it can be forcefully removed thereby tearing some of the victim's flesh off. This was the case with Jesus. Isaiah 53:2 says he had no form or comeliness and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him
Isa  53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.  53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
'Grief' in the above scripture means 'SICKNESSES AND DISEASES'. His stripes brought healing to us. He had carried away our pains(menstrual pains and the pain that comes from handling hot objects; ALL FORMS OF PAINS) and sorrows had been carried away. There is no sickness whether internal or external that the stripes of Jesus cannot heal right now. Mt. 8:17, 1 Pet. 2:24.

In Genesis 3:17, God cursed the ground for the sake of man that it will begin to produce thorns and thistles for man. This curse was removed when the blood of Jesus was shed on the ground. Toiling is over. The ground is now empowered to give MAXIMUM YIELD TO MAN'S LABOUR ON IT. Hallelujah!

John  19:34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
  19:35 And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.
 19:36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.
19:37 And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced.
These verses have many significance apart from fulfilling prophecies in the Old Testament. I believe the GREATEST OF THE SIGNIFICANCE IS THIS:
Adam's wife came from his side. Gen. 2:21-22. Science has revealed that the bone that God removed from Adam to make Eve came from his side. It means a woman shouldn't be in front or behind her husband. May God gives you understanding!
Adam was a type of Jesus because he was made in the image of Jesus (Gen. 1:27, Heb. 1:3, Col. 1:15). If Adam's wife came from his side, so must Jesus' wife. When the soldier pierced His side, the way was opened for THE NEW CREATURE to be born. The way was made for THE WIFE/BRIDE OF CHRIST to come into existence. When that soldier pierced His side, the way was made for you and I to come out brothers and sisters. Hallelujah!

1. Man died spiritually by eating of the fruit of the tree, man was made spiritually alive through the Cross/tree that was nailed to.
2. A woman need not labour greatly in pain again at child birth. Isaiah 53:4-5 says he bore our griefs(sicknesses and diseases) and carried our sorrows. Every pain had been carried away and nailed to the Cross. I don't know if you can handle:
3. In the latter part of Gen. 3:19, God called the man He had made in His image 'dust'  and He also said man will return to dust. This pronouncement made all the generations of Adam to be bound to adamah-Hebrew word translated as 'dust'- dark earth. The implications are grievous.
A. God has said to the serpent in verse 14 to begin to eat dust. Now, He said to man, YOU ARE DUST. It means that as long as the physical serpent eat physical dust, the spiritual serpent (the Devil) had authority over man. In Christ Jesus, the authority that the spiritual serpent had over man had been taken away from him. Hallelujah! No Devil has authority over us any longer. We have been delivered from the power/authority/dominion of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son. Col. 1:13.

B. This pronouncement that bound Adam and his descendants to the earth I believe is responsible for the fact that no man except Enoch and Elijah has gone to Heaven before Jesus came. Though, Moses was resurrected before Jesus came. Jude gave us the account. Jude 1:9. That's why Moses could show up on the Mount of Transfiguration. I believe that Abel (the first man to die) went to a region underneath Earth called PARADISE or ABRAHAM'S BOSSOM. Luke 16:22. Listen, Prophet Samuel came up from there to address Saul the king. 1 Sam. 28:11-20. All the Old Testament Saints were held captive in Abraham's bosom.
Though, this place was not a place of torment unlike Hell Fire, none of them could get out until Jesus came. That's why Jesus told the thief on the Cross, today, you will be with me in Paradise. Luke 29:43. Do you think Jesus was referring to the Paradise up there? No. Jesus couldn't have said that since He would only go to Heaven after 3 days. Jesus was referring to Abraham's Bosom. One of the things Jesus did as He rose up was to open Paradise up so that all of the Old Testament Saints could go out and enter the Heavenly Paradise. That's why after Jesus resurrected, the graves were opened and they saw the body of MANY SAINTS IN JERUSALEM. Mt. 27:52-53. Apostle Paul says He led captivity captives (Eph. 4:8). He led the Old Testament Saints to Heaven like an earthly conqueror. Hallelujah! The curse has been broken. Every righteous person now go straight to Heaven now. Hallelujah!
The blessing and the significances of the Blood that Jesus shed will not just manifest in your life automatically because you are a Christian. No way! Your faith is what will consciously make what Jesus has done to be real in your life.
Olufemi Solomon


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