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Showing posts from January 29, 2017


Yesterday, I told us by the Spirit of God that Heaven is never the goal of Christianity. We didn't get Born Again so that we can MAKE HEAVEN like they used to say. Jesus didn't die so that He can save us from Hell. He came to pay the price to restore the dominion of the Kingdom of God that was once on earth back to us. He came to restore the Authority that Adam had before the fall and much more than this, He has brought us into the God-Head through our Union with Him. This was what made Lucifer to the then known and some angelic beings in a massive rebellion against God. Now to the business of the day. THE COMING OF JESUS LIKE THE DAYS OF NOAH. Mt.  24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also t


Hello, welcome to DAY TWO of the broadcasts on the SPIRITUAL WEAPONS OF WARFARE. Some important things that I said yesterday includes: 1. God doesn't take people. It is better to say a person has gone home to be with the Lord than to say God has taken hin/her. Also, if God had to take anybody, He wouldn't use sicknesses, diseases, accidents, suicide bombers, religious extremists, natural disasters, demonic attacks, etc has a medium of conveying His people to Heaven. GOD DOES NOT USE THE INSTRUMENTS OF THE DEVIL TO DEAL WITH HIS CHILDREN EVEN WHEN THEY GO WRONG. 2. Death is an appointment which you can choose to keep. It is not everyone that can be killed. Every man is at liberty to decide how long he/she wants to stay on earth. Martyrdom is either a calling or choice. It is not everybody that has to die for the sake of the Gospel. This doesn't mean you will deny the faith either. 3. It is NOT God's will for all believers to die. Else, A. There will be no one


THE DEATH ISSUE I welcome you to these broadcasts in the name of Jesus. It will continue for at least 20 more days. Do your best to read, study and share every single one of them. Before we look into the weapons of Defense, we need to lay some foundations. Just follow me on this journey. THE DEATH PALAVA Death has become the most dreadful enemy of humanity. The pains, sorrows and untold hardship that have befallen many as a result of death are unquantifiable. The question is 'can a good God create a bad thing like death'? What is the origin of death? THE ORIGIN OF DEATH I like you to know that death was NEVER part of the original equation. God didn't create human beings to die. Death has its foncet origo in the rebellion of the Devil. Is. 14:12, Eze. 28:12. When the Devil and one-third of the angelic host rebelled with him, they all died (spiritually, lost their authority and body). Hell was created as their domicile. But, the Devil, in the same spirit of rebellio