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Showing posts from September 22, 2019

God Does Not Speak English!

God Does Not Speak English! How to hear God's voice is one of the most frequently asked questions by Christians. One can be very perturbed until one hears the voice of the Lord over a situation. Hearing God's voice is the right of every Christian, but very few enjoy this great benefit of salvation. Many Christians have fallen into the hands of false prophets who claim to have heard God for them. Firstly, you must know that God is willing to speak to you more than you are willing to hear God's voice. A very comforting chapter in the gospel of John is the 10th chapter. John tells us that every sheep of the Lord knows the voice of God. It can be quite hard to believe that every Christian knows God's voice as that chapter asserts, but it is very true that every christian knows God's voice, however, very few Christians know that the voice they have been hearing belongs to God. We have all been hearing God's voice, but because we do not know that the voic

Disappointing Prayer

Disappointing Prayer I wondered what gave birth to this wide smile that has invaded her entire beautiful face. My mind really wanted to wander, but I had to cage it and focus on the cause of the smile rather than the charming smile. The last expression I saw from her face was that of a very bewildered and disappointed person. I could even say that she was angry. Here she is, in front of my desk in less than 24 hours smiling from east to west. Did her cheeks increase over night? 'Please, I want to know your God'. The statement excited me completely because I now understand why she was smiling. It means the prayer was answered and as much as I wasn't surprised, I was very grateful to God for showing up even after a disappointing prayer. I could remember how she sat in front of my desk a day before and waited for me to finish my day's work before we moved to a restaurant where she insisted that she buy the drink. She bought two bottles of cold Mirinda, but