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Showing posts from July 28, 2019

Things To Do Before Attending a Special Program

Things To Do Before Attending a ‘Special Program’. These times, we are witnessing a lot of programs in our churches and there are several testimonies that come out of these meetings. The testimonies are received with mixed feelings. While some believe it, others see it as a set-up and give different excuses why it cannot be true. Well, special programs are scriptural. Jesus had many of them during His ministry on the earth. There are things you must know and do before attending a special program and this determines how much you will receive from those programs. Before you attend your next program, these are the things you must do to be position yourself well for the program. 1- Study about The Theme: You should find out the theme of the program and do a thorough study on it from the bible. This helps your hunger to swell as you may encounter certain questions and you would anticipate that the questions are answered in the program. 2- Meditate about The Theme: After studying

Does God Really Choose a Spouse for Us?

Does God Really Choose a Spouse for Us? Some months ago, I did a survey among 30 ladies concerning how they want their man to propose to them. It was very obvious that the ladies do not want to hear about the dreams and visions he had or the number of days he fasted and prayed before he was sure that she is the one. They just want to hear how he feels about them and they want it to be magical (Whatever that means…). As much as I would not want to talk about how to propose, it is an outflow of what the guy believes and the perception of the proposal is also an outflow of what the lady believes. There have been many schools of thought that teach different things. Some have said that the choice of the spouse is a complete prerogative of the humans involved and so they can decide to marry whoever they have feel right for them. In this school, attraction and perhaps character is the basis for choosing as they believe that God does not have a will about the choice of life partner. There