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Showing posts from January 6, 2019

Joel Army 10

Hello everyone, I welcome you to the second half of this series in the name of Jesus. In the first part, I took time to talk about various events that will occur between now and the New Heaven and Earth. In this second part, I will talk about the relevance of Joel's prophecies to our days, the End Time Army, Nigeria and her prophetic destiny, etc. Note: A serious level of prophetic inclination is needed to flow in this second part. I pray that God will pour out the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in this aspect upon every reader in Jesus' name. Please take time to read Joel Chapter 1- 3 very well. GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO JOEL This book was categorised with the Minor Prophets like Amos, Hosea, Micah, etc but as we will still discover, it contains some deep Revelations that some of the so-called Major Prophets didn't have. THE TIME IT WAS WRITTEN This is one of the few books that theologians were not able to agree on a specific date it was written. One thing is sure

Joel Army 9

Hello everyone, I welcome you to another day in this series in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. I'm almost through with the first part of this series. Then, I will go to the book of JOEL. THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT The Justice system of God cannot allow a person to be cast into Prison without being tried in Court. Hence, the essence of this Court. The Devil and other Fallen angels were judged in Eternity past. Some were left to roam the Earth while some were bond in different places pending the time for the manifestation of the Lake of Fire. Everyone in Hell Fire right now is AN ACCUSED PERSON; they have not been declared guilty/criminals. It is only a Court of Law that can pronounce a person a criminal. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HELL FIRE AND LAKE OF FIRE 1. Hell Fire is the Cell that sinners go while the Lake of Fire is the Prison. 2. Compared to the Lake of Fire, Hell Fire is a child's play. It is not hot at all. As a matter of fact, the Devil and many demons

Joel Army 8

JOEL ARMY DAY 8 I welcome you to another day in this series in the name of Jesus. Yesterday, we stopped at THE JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST.  2 Cor. 5:10, ROM. 14:10-12, 1 Cor. 3:10-15. I said yesterday that everyone that appear before this seat will not partake in the 2nd Death. This is the Seat of Reward for all the Saints. It is the place where WHAT YOU HAVE DONE WILL BE JUXTAPOSED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED TO DO. Apostle Paul declares in 1Cor  3:13-15 'Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire'. The meaning is that it is possible for someone not to have any reward even though he/she is saved. THIS IS WHY ATTENTION SHOULD BE PAID TO FINDING OUT

Joel Army 7

Hello everyone, welcome to another day in this series. Yesterday, I stopped at the hordes of Hell to be led by the Antichrist in the battle at Armageddon. I have said the army will feature: The Antichrist,  the False Prophet, Demons and Fallen Angels, massive human army to be recruited from all the nations of the Earth. Another special troop that will be form a platoon in this camp are THE NEPHILIMS. WHO ARE THEY? They are a special breed of humanity that have been fashioned through the energy from the infernal realm. Their DNA is completely different from normal humans and this makes them to be capable of things beyond natural. Let me put it this way: THEY HAVE BOTH HUMAN AND DEVIL'S DNA TOGETHER. The Antichrist is the prototype of the Nephilims. So, they are made to be conformed to his image and likeness. I believe that all these funny sexes that we have nowadays; Bisexual, Transgender, Lesbians and Gay  ARE THE STAGE ONE/TEST RUNNING OF NEPHILIMS. The days of Noah when F

Joel Army 6

I welcome you today in the name of Jesus. In this series, we are still looking at events that will occur before the Adamic civilization will end. Note that the Rapture is NOT the end of the world rather, it is the beginning of another phase. We are looking at the battle of Armageddon and yesterday, I stopped at THE QUALITY OF THE SAINTS THAT WILL FIGHT ALONGSIDE JESUS. Yesterday, we have dealt with where these Saints will come from. Let us now look at THEIR QUALITIES. 1. ALL OF THEM ARE IMMORTALS: everyone of them would have entered into their GLORIFIED BODIES 1 Cor. 15:51-54. Therefore, they cannot be killed. All the weapons that the hordes of Hell will bring against them cannot harm them. Is. 54:17 will be 100% true about them. 2. They are going to be MATURED SAINTS. I hope you know that the word 'Saint' does not refer to those who are dead  in Christ? 'Sainthood' is a state that all believers have been called into. The Corinthians were regarded as the MOST CARN

Joel Army 5

Hello everyone, I welcome you once again to another edition in this series in Jesus' name. We are still talking about the events that will happen between now and the New Heaven and Earth. We are presently looking THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. Eze. 38:1-7, Micah 4: 11, Zech. 14:1-5, Rev. 16:13-16, 19:11-21. This battle will take place shortly after Jesus Christ and his ecclesia have entered into Jerusalem. This battle is the Devil's attempt at stopping the Millennial of Christ.Jesus Christ, the Son of God riding on the white horse will lead the Army of Light while the Antichrist, the Son of the Devil will command the hordes of Darkness. Those on the side of Light include: saints in Heaven and the Raptured ones and the host of angels while those on the side of the Antichrist include, the False Prophet, the massive army from all the nations of the Earth that the Antichrist would have recruited before the arrival of Jesus Christ and His ecclesia, demons and fallen angels and nephili

Joel Army 4

Hello everyone, I welcome everyone of you in the name of Him who sits on the circle of the earth and the dwellers are like grasshoppers before Him. We are still looking at events that will happen before the New Heaven and Earth. We stopped at WHEN WILL THE RAPTURE OCCUR? Many people at various times have prophesied a particular day that the Rapture will occur. I'm sure you should have heard of at least one before? The Bible has given us SIGNS OF THE RAPTURE. They are broadly categorised into three: A. World's events; described in Mt. 24. B. The emergence of a matured Body of Christ- the fulfillment of Eph. 4:11-16.  C. Events that will happen in Israel. There is no time to prove the relevance of the nation of Israel but, note that in the second half of the 7 year reign of the Antichrist, he will move his headquarters to Israel, enter the holy of Holies in the temple and proclaim himself as the Messiah. Jesus will cast him out and He will rule the world with Israel as His