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Joel Army 4

Hello everyone, I welcome everyone of you in the name of Him who sits on the circle of the earth and the dwellers are like grasshoppers before Him. We are still looking at events that will happen before the New Heaven and Earth. We stopped at WHEN WILL THE RAPTURE OCCUR?
Many people at various times have prophesied a particular day that the Rapture will occur. I'm sure you should have heard of at least one before? The Bible has given us SIGNS OF THE RAPTURE. They are broadly categorised into three:
A. World's events; described in Mt. 24.
B. The emergence of a matured Body of Christ- the fulfillment of Eph. 4:11-16. 
C. Events that will happen in Israel. There is no time to prove the relevance of the nation of Israel but, note that in the second half of the 7 year reign of the Antichrist, he will move his headquarters to Israel, enter the holy of Holies in the temple and proclaim himself as the Messiah. Jesus will cast him out and He will rule the world with Israel as His headquarters. So, what should occur in Israel before the Rapture? 
1. Jerusalem must be the capital of Israel (already fulfilled).
2. The temple of Solomon must be rebuilt. (Yet to be fulfilled).
 I submit to you that before the Rapture can occur, Events A, B and C must occur.
Also, there are three main theological lines of thought with respect to TRIBULATIONS.
I. PRE-TRIBULATION: this means Rapture will occur before the tribulation.
II. MID- TRIBULATION: this means that the church will be taken away in the middle of the tribulation.
III. POST-TRIBULATION: this means it is after the tribulation that the Rapture will happen.
These three lines of thought are biblical. They have been established using types and shadows and many other scriptures. Mt. 24 is basically POST-TRIBULATION. I think the major issue is 'the meaning and extent of Tribulation'.
Well, I can't say for now. But, some prophets like Sadhu Selveraj  believe that the Rapture will happen after the Tribulations.
Another thing to address: there is what is called 'PROGRESSION IN THE REVELATION OF GOD IN THE BIBLE. For example, Jesus says 'concerning the day and the time, no man know except My Father in Heaven' Mt. 24:36 but Paul says 'if you are in the light, that day should not catch you unaware'.1 Thess. 5:1-8. Are they contradicting themselves? No! Some have said that the reason Jesus said nobody knows was because THE DAY WAS FIXED AFTER HE RESURRECTED. 
Let us on move to something else.

E. The appearance and reign of the Lawless one; THE ANTICHRIST. 2 Thess. 2: 1-12.
This will happen almost immediately after the Rapture. Already some prophets have prophesied that the Antichrist had been born. The Antichrist is none of these funny children with horns on their heads and other stuffs like that. He will be like every other normal person. His birth would have been like that of Jesus. 
   What do I mean? 
-He would have been born via the  seed of the Devil deposited into a woman and not from the sexual relationship between a man and woman. 
-The Antichrist is going to be 100% MAN and 100% DEVIL. Just as Jesus is 100% GOD and 100% MAN. 
If the Antichrist will have to copy Jesus Christ in all areas, then it will mean that he will commence his reign at the age of 30 and reign for 3.5years. But, this assumption already has issues because 7years has been apportioned to him to reign. Also, it means the year Jesus will return can be predicted if one knows the exact year the Antichrist was born and when he will clock 30years.
-He will be renowned as a man of peace just trying to copy 'The Prince of Peace' and through peace, he will destroy many Dan. 8:23-25, 1Thess 5:3. Is it any wonder that the religion tagged "The religion of peace" is responsible for massive killings and uproar world over? May God give you understanding!
-He will break his agreement with Israel and the middle belt countries after his first three and half years. He will move his headquarters to Isreal. Towards the end of his reign, he will mobilize a massive number of armies from all over the world-we are talking in 9 digits here to come and stop the Millennial Reign of Christ.
The believers are not going to be on Earth during his reign. A pastor once taught, 'the Antichrist will be a GAY. Why? Adam's death was because of his wife the same goes for Jesus. So, he being the third man decided not to have a wife'. How far this is true, I don't know. 

F.  THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. Rev. 1:7, Zech. 14.
This will occur towards the end of the 7year reign of the Antichrist. Jesus will come in the company of Saints from all ages and a host of angels. It will be a public affair; ALL EYES WILL SEE HIM. His first job is to cast or the Antichrist typified by 'buying and selling' in the Temple Mt. 21:12-13. The next is to battle the Antichrist outside of Isreal.

G. THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. Eze. 38:1-7, Micah 4: 11, Zech. 14:1-5, Rev. 16:13-16, 19:11-21.
The purpose of this battle is the Devil's attempt to stop Jesus Christ and his ecclesia from ruling this planet. Jesus Christ, the man on the white horse will be the Commander of the army on one side while the Antichrist will command the opposition army. More details about this Intercontinental war will be given tomorrow.
May God bless you with revelation knowledge!
I am Olufemi Solomon 
WhatsApp: +2349095507154
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