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Holy Spirit 15- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 2

We have established yesterday that the 7 Spirits of God describe the 7 fold distinct manifestation of the Holy Spirit and it also describes the perfection of the Spirit of God.

The answer to yesterday's quiz is: when God stepped into the matter in Eden, the 7 persons brought by the number 7 are: Adam, Eve, Physical Serpent, spiritual Serpent (the Devil), the Seed of the Woman (Jesus the Christ), the seed of the spiritual serpent (Antichrist) and God Himself . Re- read Day 14 to know how this fit in.
Today's Broadcast

Is. 11:2, Eph. 1:17
This is the Spirit that reveals to you the PLANS AND PURPOSES OF GOD CONCERNING YOUR LIFE, A MATTER, PLACE, etc. If you will ever know why you are on earth, you need the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom.
He reveals EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING about the future.
There are 3 prominent Greek words used for Wisdom relevant to our subject; SOPHIA, SUNESIS and PHRONESIS.

A. SOPHIA describes the entire wisdom of God. The Bible contains the wisdom of God. Christ has become our SOPHIA. 1Cor.1:24,30, Col. 2:3, etc.
B. SUNESIS- the understanding of Sophia. Sunesis is Sophia directed at a particular thing. Sunesis makes us to know how Sophia works. It is a fuller comprehension of a matter and how it works. Without a Sunesis, Sophia is unproductive.
C. PHRONESIS- the highest level of Wisdom, prudence in dealing with affairs, an excellent mindset, supernatural sagacity, a propelling wisdom that makes you to always make excellent decisions. Eze. 36: 27.

God put Sophia into you, develop you with Sunesis and perfect you with Phronesis.
These three levels of Wisdom are what the Spirit of Wisdom takes us through. Until Sophia translates into Phronesis, you CANNOT enjoy the benefit of it.

Is. 11:2, Eph. 1:17
This is the Spirit that gives insights, understanding and revelation into God's Word. He is the giver of RHEMA- a fragment of God's Word quickened/given to you at the spur of the moment.
Rhema in most cases requires the awareness of the Logos- the entire Word of God. I will be honest with you, YOU CANNOT HAVE RHEMA EXCEPT IT IS GIVEN TO YOU.
Rhema is the Sword of the spirit (RECREATED HUMAN SPIRIT) in Eph. 6:17.
It is APOKALUPSIS- an unraveling/unveiling of the truth.

It will make you to know things that cannot be taught, things that cannot be learnt, things that can only be handed out. So that you can walk on things that are not solid, you can navigate your way in the realm of the spirit, that can be able to do business IN DEEP WATER.
Revelation is the vehicle that ferries you into heights and depths in the spirit's realm. You have to be taken far to understand what goes on around you. Darkness has prevailed & will continue UNTIL someone of sufficient stature in such family or locality can travel far into the realms and the custodian of Revelation show you. Gabriel had to show Daniel the time of the deliverance of Israel. May God gives you understanding.

The Spirit of Revelation is our TEACHER. HE IS THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. John 14:17, 16:12-15.
He is THE TOUR GUIDE. There are many things that you cannot know except you are shown. John says in Rev  22:1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. The Psalmist prays you will show me the pathway of life. Several times even today I have prayed God show me. This is why I recommend that you pray Eph. 1:17-21 everyday. Read it from the Amplified Version.

I pray that the eyes of your heart will be FLOODED WITH LIGHT; there will be PHOTIZO- the rays of the light will be turned on. You will interact with Musterion- hidden secrets that belongs ONLY TO THE INITIATED. You will see into the Court Room of Heaven and see what the Heavenly Council has determined for the earth. Ayah.

We advance in this Kingdom by REVELATION. Jesus says 'upon this rock (the principle of REVELATION handed out by the Holy Ghost) I will build my Church and the gate (authority) of Hell shall not prevail against it' Mt. 16:18.
Please, spend some time to pray Eph. 1:17. Today's bubbled forth by the Spirit welling up on my inside.

These broadcasts are preludes to EPIGNOSIS Nite holding on the 26/12/16 9pm @METHODIST CHURCH IYANA CHURCH IWO RD.  IB. Be there.
WhatsApp: 08101025734


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