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Showing posts from November 3, 2019


           WHY SHOULD I KEEP MUTE?                                  Lola, why are you always doing all these talking when the person you are talking to is not giving you attention, in fact he always look at you pitifully, can't you just leave him alone! and let us continue praying for him?! This was my friend we use to do evangelism together telling me to leave a particular guy we have been trusting God to convince... I replied and bring to her remembrance what Rom10:17 says 'So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God'... I believed God is at work in him  Hmmm...Joy, I've been having this particular thought over time and the word Jesus spoke in Mark 28:19-20 makes me understand that at this time, our quietness is no longer required we need to birth forth our being we need to reveal what we are made of we need to let the world see the reason not to keep mute. Jesus Christ in his instruction he said 'Go forth and make disciples of all na

Proposal Palava

Proposal Palava Should I involve God while proposing? As a freshman in College, I saw two categories of Christians on Campus. One group was a people I could describe as the “Grace Junkies” while the other category were people who were consecrated in their outward appearance. In my mind, I felt the seemingly consecrated group has the true Christians as I thought that the two groups cannot be right. It has to be either of them. The groups disagreed on several doctrinal matters especially on how the outward appearance of a Christian should look like. Well, it’s not just my campus that has this setting; it has actually developed into a tool dividing the body of Christ. Through my journey on the campus, I found myself jumping from one end of the rope to the other end until I found a very instructive post on Facebook by Rick Joyner where He said that the heresies in the church are as a result of a lack of the knowledge of the counterbalancing truths of some truths. Involving God