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Lola, why are you always doing all these talking when the person you are talking to is not giving you attention, in fact he always look at you pitifully, can't you just leave him alone! and let us continue praying for him?!
This was my friend we use to do evangelism together telling me to leave a particular guy we have been trusting God to convince... I replied and bring to her remembrance what Rom10:17 says 'So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God'... I believed God is at work in him 
Hmmm...Joy, I've been having this particular thought over time and the word Jesus spoke in Mark 28:19-20 makes me understand that at this time, our quietness is no longer required we need to birth forth our being we need to reveal what we are made of we need to let the world see the reason not to keep mute. Jesus Christ in his instruction he said 'Go forth and make disciples of all nations' making disciples doesn't require disguising we have to reveal it with everything that we can. Recently I was chatting with a friend and he said you talk too much and I asked him but you used to enjoy my conversations he replied and said in fact I loved interacting with you because you are always real and raw even if you do these things unconsciously but lives are transformed you're still not selfish.
Our actions and our dealings must proclaim who we are in Christ. If I have vouched to be with him then obeying his instruction shouldn't be any big deal'... I said. Likewise also most a times we give up so easily and forget what our assignment is. what situation says a time might not be palatable but in all these things we should find joy in it and be happy that God choose us to represent him here on earth.

Keeping Mute is not part of the plan!


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