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Showing posts from September 29, 2019

Managing Accusations Against Christian Leaders

In recent times, we have seen many things show up on the social media about Pastors and church leaders and there have been many reactions ranging from the good ones to the very terrible ones. In all of this, the bible admonishes us that wisdom is the principal thing. As believers, we must have a reaction that is aligned with the scriptures as our social media activities are part of the things we will give account for. So, how should you react when you see an accusation against a believer on the internet? The bible calls us to stand only with the truth, however, when you are privileged to know the truth about the situation, how should you react to such things? Paul shares with his protégé and youthful pastor- Timothy on how to handle accusations among believers. Firstly, he says that Timothy must not address an elderly person harshly. Take note that Timothy was the Pastor of the church, but he was still not supposed to address an elderly man harshly. For him to have a reason to

Creating your luck part 2

Creating your luck part 2 Let's finish up the concluding part of the article 'creating your own luck' Another rule i will be discussing is  TAKING A CHANCE. If you have positioned yourself in such a way that you know opportunities that fly around, the there is possibility that you will find something you can do. Considering this, a lot will find it hard to see what they can do because they are not thinking out of the box. Let this be in your mind; 'anywhere you see people, there is money. Look out for what you can offer in exchange for the money in their possession.  For instance, an IT personnel might need to see outside opportunities coming from the ICT industry, this is why you should take advantage of any knowledge that comes around your way, they will be useful someday.  I currently serve in Edo state, but there are few or no ICT opportunities in the state. However, I still make some money from house painting. I didn't learn the skill profess