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Creating your luck part 2

Creating your luck part 2

Let's finish up the concluding part of the article 'creating your own luck'

Another rule i will be discussing is 
TAKING A CHANCE. If you have positioned yourself in such a way that you know opportunities that fly around, the there is possibility that you will find something you can do. Considering this, a lot will find it hard to see what they can do because they are not thinking out of the box.
Let this be in your mind; 'anywhere you see people, there is money. Look out for what you can offer in exchange for the money in their possession. 
For instance, an IT personnel might need to see outside opportunities coming from the ICT industry, this is why you should take advantage of any knowledge that comes around your way, they will be useful someday. 
I currently serve in Edo state, but there are few or no ICT opportunities in the state. However, I still make some money from house painting. I didn't learn the skill professionally but I picked it by observing painters do their thing around me, now I feed from that knowledge.

Another thing we should consider is the fact that 'you may need to be SACRIFICIAL AT SOME POINT'.
A school of thought says that 'good/quality things are expensive'. This is right but may not be always right. There is always an attracting factor you put in yourself, business, and so on that attracts people and opportunities your way. This factor may mean going below the standard charge at some point, or doing some things for free. I have had to paint for free for fellow corp members just to showcase and  create awareness that I can do wall paintings. Today, I am getting jobs that I now can charge at the standard rates.

Lastly, 'BUILD GENUINE PRODUCTS'. For whatever skills or products you are selling, make sure you give the best. Try to ensure your product is the best among peers around. If there is a product around you that is better, aim at becoming better than that product. People at some point will not mind the distance and charge if and only if they can trust your product. A very good human interaction is key in achieving this also, get feedbacks from the opportunities you have in time past and use them to become better. 

Mind you, money is not what you need first, it is an idea, a systematic plan and a move. 
Setting up may necessarily not be expensive as you thought. 

In our next article, I will discuss some biblical areas to look at for people who are about setting up a business. God bless you. 

Akintade Ifeoluwa


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