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Showing posts from February 28, 2021

Understanding The New World Order

We have an online weekly meeting that is focused on the times and season. Recently, we had a discussion on the new world order and we felt it should be archived here so that the readers of this blog can be able to access it. --------------------------------------------- Topic: Understanding the New World Order Speaker: Pastor Ebenezer Onomu Tonight as we consider this topic , understanding the new world order. I acknowledged that this topic as it is. , it may sound irrelevant to many, especially the  christocentric brethren, but i want first of all tell you that , this topic become imperative for us who are alive in a time like this, this last days which begin since the day of the Pentecost, and we are the end of the  last days. Why do we need to understand the new world order? (1) Bible says . So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom . (Psalms 90:12 KJV) Either contextually or prophetically nothing in this verse communicate relevance of marking birthday