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Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Prayer of Enquiry

PRAYER OF ENQUIRY Prayer is a well established and accepted doctrine in all denominations of the body of Christ. Although, there are differences in our modes of prayer, we all believe in the efficacy of lifting up our voice to God to hear our requests and answer them. As much as we do a lot of this, we don't take the full advantage of it as children of God. We would rather worry and think things through rather than calling on God for help. This can be due to lack of faith in the power of God or being slothful in prayers. Apart from the aforementioned factors that prevent us from enjoying the efficacy of prayers, one key factor that prayer hinges on is praying correctly. To pray correctly simply means to pray according to the will of God. It is easy to know the will of God about sickness and poverty because they are expressly written in bible, but even at this, we still do not get answers when we pray. What you might be missing out may be a simple enquiry. The prayer

Relationship View

Relationship View Good day Readers, What's our view when we hear Relationship? what usually comes to our mind is all these romantic something but in actual sense, it is not always true or like that. Relationship means connection, relation, link or bond. It is a way in which 2 or more people or the way things are connected or linked together. Relationship is a way people relate with each other or the way they behave around each other. People can be in any form of Relationship, generally speaking or based on our residual knowledge we are more exposed to one form of relationship more than others. Relationship can be in a Family/blood Relationship form, Friendship, Casual Relationship or Romantic Relationship. Family are the first set of people one interact with. They are related by blood. Family builds their relationship by spending more quality time together at which each individual involved feels secured and loved. Friendship is the emotions shared, being friends. It