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Showing posts from August 25, 2019

God of Weird Instruction

 God of Weird Instruction It is still like a dream to me. How would God disturb another person so much just to make sure that he is in place to help another person. The events of the previous day keep puzzling me on how much goodness lies in God. I remembered as I watched the pregnant clouds covered the entire sky, it sent some very cold chills down my spine. I really wished I could follow the Akintundes home to escape the wrath that will soon hit the place around my church, but the Holy Spirit didn't allow me. For some days, He has been giving me some instructions that are weird. From arranging the spare room in my apartment in the settings of a hotel to buying new towels and a female cloth that I'm not permitted to remove from the pack. It seemed I was going to have a visitor and He wanted me to be prepared, but I wasn't expecting anyone. The thought of having a female cloth in my closet wasn't palatable for my church mind. I just hope my friends would not come and


           Good day Readers I welcome you to Instruction and Obedience Part 2.  As it has been established from Part 1 of this post that ‘Instruction is a command or an order given to a person mostly by a person in the place of authority. It is also a detailed information about how something should be done or operated’. Now let’s focus on what benefit we can derive from obeying Gods instruction: Yielding to Instruction is key as a Christian because it is the only thing that help navigate our life into the right path. The problem now is how many people listen or even yield to instructions 1Sam.15 when the word of the Lord came to anoint Saul as the king over Israel by Samuel…this action is birthed by instruction and it was to be carried out according to Gods instruction. …Now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the Lord… he was instructed to smote the amalekites but in his own personal will he felt it is of no need so he decided to spare some but in vs11 the Lord said