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God of Weird Instruction

 God of Weird Instruction
It is still like a dream to me. How would God disturb another person so much just to make sure that he is in place to help another person. The events of the previous day keep puzzling me on how much goodness lies in God.
I remembered as I watched the pregnant clouds covered the entire sky, it sent some very cold chills down my spine. I really wished I could follow the Akintundes home to escape the wrath that will soon hit the place around my church, but the Holy Spirit didn't allow me.
For some days, He has been giving me some instructions that are weird. From arranging the spare room in my apartment in the settings of a hotel to buying new towels and a female cloth that I'm not permitted to remove from the pack. It seemed I was going to have a visitor and He wanted me to be prepared, but I wasn't expecting anyone. The thought of having a female cloth in my closet wasn't palatable for my church mind. I just hope my friends would not come and start making all those guesses again.
Now, He wouldn't allow me to follow my neighbors that we attend the same church. The Akintundes give me a ride to church on Sundays and also back home. The same thing happens for the mid-week services. I wondered why the Holy Spirit would ask me to stay behind even when the church has been locked. We even had to close the bible study early because of the way flood has been hitting different places in Lagos.
The waters poured down heavily for a long time. I think it should be for 3 hours. Then, the Holy Spirit asked me to walk down to my house. This is so weird! I quickly counted about 3 reasons why I shouldn't walk. It's far, late and dangerous! No, I won't do this. Ahan! Is that even the Holy Spirit? I walked to the bus stop. The bike men were deliberate at not picking me. They picked others who were going the same way. One even asked me to get off his bike and he picked another guy.
Okay Lord, You win again. So I started my journey home. It was dark and cold. Walking on the road around 11pm. Thank God I'm no longer staying with my parents in Ibadan. My mum would have eaten me raw. I approached the flyover that leads to my house and my heart skipped. Several stories have been said about the perilous junction. From robbery to rape and even murder. Well, I don't have a choice. I started praying in the Spirit as I approached the place.
Two people stood directly under the flyover trying to wave down cars that are speeding off to wherever they were going. I wondered who they were. I muttered under my breath: 'Lagos is a dangerous place o, just keep walking o and increase the volume of your Tongues so that they will know that you're a serious Christian o'. As I moved closer, I felt drawn to them, but I wasn't willing to do anything 'funny'. Later, I saw that they were wearing the same type of cloth and it was a man and a woman. 'Hmmm, they must be a couple coming from one owambe at this time of the day'. As I was murdering them with my thoughts, there was a sharp witness in my heart to speak with them. I had moved past them when I suddenly turned back and went to meet them.
After about 5 minutes of some serious questioning from both sides, we were on the way to my house. I walked ahead of them as I noticed that they don't really trust this boy that is playing Jesus to them even with their torn clothes. I pondered on the questions they asked me before following me. They must be sound Christians. I pitied them to have encountered such misfortune after attending a church conference program!
At home, it was a night full of surprises. Their room was already in place as if I was expecting them. I had new towels for them and I had a cloth for the woman which was her exact size. I was able to make some food for them too. I am not a great cook, but they enjoyed the bread, egg sauce and hot tea. Certainly, they had a great night rest. The following day, I hastily went to the ATM and got some cash for their tfare and they traveled back to Edo State.
At work, they called to appreciate me. They even sent me a picture they took when they got home. The husband was well fitted in my clothes and the wife in the cloth I bought. Such a lovely couple. Although, they lost all they brought to Lagos to the robbers, they are now back at home. All thanks to the God of weird instructions!
*Owambe is a cliché for party.

Lanre Olaniyi


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