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Showing posts from December 4, 2016

Holy Spirit 11- The Work of the Holy Spirit in a Believer's Life- Part B

It is by the Spirit that we get born again. John 3:3,5. I have said it before, you can never accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour except the Holy Spirit CONVICTS YOU.John14:8. He's the One that incubates the seed of the word and fertilize it so that a new baby can be born spiritually. He is the One that brings you into the FELLOWSHIP WITH THE GOD-HEAD. 2Cor. 13:14.KOINONIA- describes the level of intimacy that makes things in ONE PERSON to flow INTO ANOTHER. The closest natural thing is SEX. When you read 'and Adam KNEW (KOINONIA) his wife... You can understand this Fellowship. Dan.11:32 is it. The Holy Spirit into such intimacy with the individual members of the God-Head such that virtues can flow from them to us. He is the revealer of Jesus the Christ to us. John 16:13-15. Our weaknesses are disgraced in the presence of the STRENGTH OF GOD. He is the Life-Giver. John 6:63,ROM.8:11 He is the Imparter of Supernatural Power. John 14:12-17, Lk. 12:49, Acts 1:8 He is t

Holy Spirit 10- The Works of the Holy Spirit in a Believer's Life- Part A

The Works of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers are numerous. However, I will try to enumerate most of them. They are: He is our Teacher/Guide: John 14:17,16:12-15. His teaching ministry's scope is LIMITLESS- He can teach you anything because He knows EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING- He is ALL KNOWING. There is no aspect of human endeavor that the Divine Spirit can't instruct you about. Hallelujah. HE IS OUR COMFORTER: John 14:26. Jesus was the Comforter to the Disciples when He was down here. Thank God His prayer to the Father has been answered and ANOTHER COMFORTER OF THE SAME KIND(Grk.: Alos Parakletos) has been sent to us (Disciples). The Amplified Bible gave us some meanings of the word, COMFORTER: a. Comforter-consoler, encourager. He consoles with the alleviation of griefs and pains. b. Helper-Rom. 8:26.He takes hold together with us against every challenges or obstacles we may face. In the place of prayer, He gives the correct words to pray and the strength

Holy Spirit 9- The Roles of the Holy Spirit in the God-head

He is the Power house of the God-Head. Have you ever wondered how powerful the Holy Spirit is that turned the Word of God (2nd person in the God-head) to a seed and transported Him into the womb of Mary? Whao! When you say God is OMNIPOTENT, you are referring to the contribution of the Eternal Spirit to the God-Head. The God-Head are 3 DISTINCT Personalities eternally bound together. (Maybe next year, I will teach about the God-Head. I have taught it before in one place). The God-Head is 3 in 1 place and NOT 1 in 3 places. He is the Angel( messenger) of God' s Presence. Isaiah 63:9-11. It means He brings the PRESENCE OF GOD and make it real to you. This doesn't mean He is God's errand boy, you can say that about the angels. He is responsible for the Omnipresent attribute of the God-Head. No wonder WIND is used as one of His symbols. Zech. 4:10 talks about the 7 EYES that runs to and fro through the whole earth. No wonder, NOTHING CAN BE HIDDEN FROM HIS EYES. He is

Holy Spirit 8- The symbol of Oil

1 Sam.16:13, Is.61:1,PS.23:5,92:10. The Oil typifies ANOINTING UPON & WITHIN A PERSON. It's an empowerment for God's Service. In the old testament, the anointing comes only on THE PRIESTS, KINGS AND PROPHETS to perform spiritual tasks. The rule hasn't changed now just THAT ALL BELIEVERS have been brought in. The anointing is NOT THAT oil you carry about in the bottle. One man of God in Nigeria once said 'THE ANOINTING IS THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A BOTTLE'. That statement is completely heretical. To appreciate the Oil Dimension of the Holy Spirit, let's look at d making of the HOLY ANOINTING OIL in old testament. Song of Songs 1 vs. 3 'Because of the savour of thy ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee'  Ex. 30 vs. 22-25 THE HOLY ANOINTING OIL as described in Ex. 30 typifies  THE LIFE-GIVING DIMENSION. 1Cor.15:45. The holy anointing oil is compounded after the order of the Divine Apothecary-like a pharm

Holy Spirit 7- The symbol of Water

When Water is used to describe the Eternal Spirit, it symbolizes many things which we will consider later. The 1st manifestation of this WATER was in Eden; Eden isn't a geographical location but the Presence of God that came upon a certain location on d Earth. That's why no Archeologist can find it. Not even Adam can take you there Polar shift was what happened in the time of Noah that made places with water to become land and vice versa. Man's habitat is EDEN just like a fish's habitat. Thank God through Christ, WE HAVE BEEN RESTORED INTO EDEN.  A river flowed out from Eden (The Presence of God on d Earth) and branched into 4 heads. This same was d river that the Israelites drank from as they journeyed through the Wilderness. Eze 47 describes the various level/dimensions of this WATER and functions. Jesus announced two dimensions of this same WATER in John 4:14(WELL OF LIVING WATER) and John 7:38-39(RIVERS- many branches OF LIVING WATER). Rev 22:1-2 crown

Holy Spirit 6- The symbol of Fire

ACT2:3, HEB. 12:29, ZECH.2:5. This is popular phrase especially among Prayer and Deliverance Churches. Fire typifies the JUDGEMENT  and the Spirit's power to PURIFY from every draught and impurities. Isa 66:15-16. The Holy Spirit is described as the Spirit of Burning. Isa 4:4. The Fire Dimension can also PROTECT. Zech.2:5. Hell Fire and Lake of Fire represent the Divine Judgment on Evil doers and everything/everyone that pertains to the Devil. EVERY HUMAN BEING WILL PASS THROUGH THE FIRE OF THE HOLYSPIRIT. It's either you pass through it here in this life to purify you or in the life beyond in Hell and Lake of Fire. The choice is yours. The Holy Spirit is the REFINER and PURIFIER. Mal 3:2-3. The Holy Spirit descended as a Wind and filled the Disciples as FIRE. We need the Fire of God in these days to purify us from every draught, impure and iniquities. The Fire deals with the WEAKNESSES of the flesh and create an hunger for God. The Fire Dimension of the Spirit is res

Holy Spirit 5- The symbol of Wind

Acts 2:2, Job 33:4,15:30, Ps 33:6, 35:5, Is.11:4, 30, 30:28. The breath or wind symbolizes the Holy Spirit as the Life Giver (Eze 37). It describes His Omnipresence power. No wonder He is called 'THE ANGEL OF HIS PRESENCE'. Isa 63:9. It doesn't mean that He is God's errand boy but, one of His many responsibilities is to bring the Presence of God to you. The Holy Spirit is the Glory of God- ROM.6:4. Shekinah is the visible Glory of God. Jesus was limited by time and space when He was here but, the Holy Spirit has come to make the SAME POWER Jesus carried when He walked this planet to be available everywhere and at the same time with the same intensity in every region of God's creation. Whao! Thank you Holy Spirit. Many 'Jesuses' are to be raised in this time. The wind also typifies THE TRANSPORTING ABILITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Gen 5:24, Elijah, Jesus Acts 1:9, Phillip Acts 8:39-40 etc. The Holy Ghost descended on the day of Penticost like A RUSHING MI

Holy Spirit 4- The Symbol of Dove

Mt. 3:16, Mk. 1:10. This typifies the harmless and gentle nature of God the Holy Spirit. He neither FORCE NOR FUSS ANYONE. It is only the Devil that force people and even afflict them without their consent. The Holy Spirit IS NOT a dove; He created the dove. Luke 3:22 says 'the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily form like a dove upon Him'. Many have wrongly interpreted this verse and that's why many church logos have the dove as an integral part of it. You need to know that the church can NEVER COME INTO HER FULL POTENTIAL AND RELEVANCE ON THE EARTH UNTIL SHE KNOWS (knowledge with participation-Greek EPIGNOSIS) the Holy Spirit. The person that designed the handbill for EPIGNOSIS Nite had already put a Dove there to represent 'the Holy Spirit'. I told him to remove it. The symbols in most cases are already becoming an idol in many people's hearts and rather than for many to think of the Holy Spirit as a person, they think of Him as a dove/fire/wind,etc. T

Holy Spirit 3- The Holy Spirit of Wine

Many symbols/things are used by the Scripture to give us insight about the nature, ability and character of the Holy Spirit. We will look at them one after the other. The HOLY SPIRIT AS WINE Eph. 6:18- says Be not drunk with wine which is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. Pls, understand that Paul wasn't encouraging the consumption of liquor. Some ignoramuses have linked this scripture with the admonition of Paul to Timothy to take wine because of his health. Paul used the analogy of the intoxicating power of wine to describe the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is referred to by Jesus as THE NEW WINE. It's possible to be filled with the Holy Ghost to the point of intoxication so much that you can begin to stagger/walk like a drunk person. I have seen a lady that was under this intoxicating power for 3 days stretch. She couldn't speak in any other language except TONGUES. She had to carry a notepad and pen around to express herself. Pastor Chris Delvan once said

Holy Spirit 2- Person of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a person. Jesus used the 3rd person singular pronoun for Him. John14:16-18,16:7-15,1Cor.12:11, Rom 8:27. He has a body. That no one you know have seen Him before doesn't mean He doesn't. All spirits- (God, angels, humans and demons- have SPIRIT BODIES that help them relate in the SPIRIT REALM. The gift of Discerning of Spirits can make u see and/or hear the conversation of any of these spirits. He can SPEAK/LEAD/GIVE COMMAND. Act13:2-3 He has a MIND- ROM.8:27 He has a WILL.1Cor.12:11 He has EMOTION.Eph.4:30,Mt.12:32,Ex.23:21. The Holy Spirit is a PERSON WITH ALL THE ATTRIBUTES OF A PERSON, relate with Him this way. Next Broadcast is THE SYMBOLS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT   . EPIGNOSIS NITE is 26/12. Get ready. READ AND SHARE.

Holy Spirit 1

This is Day One of the 30 days teachings on the Holy Spirit. You must know that the Holy Spirit Is God. Acts 5:3-4,He's the 1st individual member of the God-Head introduced to us in d Bible (Gen.1:2). In d beginning God (Elohim-plural) created the heavens and the earth (Gen.1:1). He's the 3rd member of the God-Head. Note that this has nothing to do with position/importance/rank. The God-Head contains 3 DISTINCT PERSONS WT DIFFERENT ATTRIBUTES THAT ARE ETERNALLY BOUND together to answer the name GOD. The God-Head is NOT 1 person in 3 places, but 3 PERSONS IN ONE BODY and that body is called GOD(Elohim-plural most times in the Bible). The Holy Spirit is God; so, the honour and splendor accorded to God the Father and Jesus Christ should also be given to Him. The next post will be on THE PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Please, READ AND SHARE. GOD BLESS YOU.



It is gonna be a night of wonders, power, outpouring of the Spirit. Please, don't miss it all.