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Holy Spirit 11- The Work of the Holy Spirit in a Believer's Life- Part B

It is by the Spirit that we get born again. John 3:3,5. I have said it before, you can never accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour except the Holy Spirit CONVICTS YOU.John14:8. He's the One that incubates the seed of the word and fertilize it so that a new baby can be born spiritually.

He is the One that brings you into the FELLOWSHIP WITH THE GOD-HEAD. 2Cor. 13:14.KOINONIA- describes the level of intimacy that makes things in ONE PERSON to flow INTO ANOTHER. The closest natural thing is SEX. When you read 'and Adam KNEW (KOINONIA) his wife... You can understand this Fellowship. Dan.11:32 is it.

The Holy Spirit into such intimacy with the individual members of the God-Head such that virtues can flow from them to us. He is the revealer of Jesus the Christ to us. John 16:13-15. Our weaknesses are disgraced in the presence of the STRENGTH OF GOD.

He is the Life-Giver. John 6:63,ROM.8:11
He is the Imparter of Supernatural Power. John 14:12-17, Lk. 12:49, Acts 1:8
He is the giver of SPEED. This speed can manifest both in natural and spiritual things. 1 Kgs. 18:46- The hand of the Lord came upon Elijah and he outran the chariots of Ahab(driven by the best/fastest horses in the land) to Jezreel-a distance of 30miles. Whao! Have you heard of Aaron's rod(a dead stick) that budded overnight when placed in God's Presence? Lev. 17:8. It will take a min. of 5 years before an Almond tree can bud. The Holy Spirit can collapse time on your behalf.

If you are reading this post and you feel your biological time is ticking out in any area of life, I decree SPEED IN GETTING WHAT GOD SAYS YOU CAN HAVE in Jesus' name.  Amos 9:13 also talks about SPEED. He can give speed in achieving anything good and Godly.

KOINONIA with the Spirit also involves TRANSPORTATION. The Holy Spirit can move you physically from one place to another in the spirit realm and also in the natural. Many examples abound in the scriptures and in our days. If need be, you can move faster than an Airplane now. The Omnipresence of God can make you to be in more than 1 PLACE simultaneously. Hmm. Before you think this is magical, YOUR SPIRIT LIVES IN TWO REALMS EVEN RIGHT NOW. You are sitted in Heavenly places in Christ Eph. 2:6 and at the same time, you are in your body in a location on the earth.

John was both on the Island of Patmos and at the same time in Heaven when he wrote the book of Revelation. Your body is given to you majorly for LOCALIZATION. But, your spirit by the energy of the Spirit can know/interact with realities beyond your body. I pray God gives you understanding. It seems Witches understand this concept more than the real owner. Hmm.

The Holy Spirit can transport you not only you but even a group/things to another location. Joshua Mills(a man that found himself in an elevator in China from his house in the U. S) has had to take his wedding ring supernaturally from another location. Pst Chris once said he had had to take his pen (that he forgot on the altar) from his house. If you enter this realm, nobody can steal your property again. Phillip Airways is still much alive.

Go and study the feature of the ENDTIME ARMY as described by Joel in Joel 2 you will grab this. I have deviated to some other areas but, I believe some people need this.
We will continue tomorrow. with the PART C- HOLY SPIRIT & BELIEVERS
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