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Showing posts from September 15, 2019

Light Travels Light

Good day readers. Let's talk about going farther when the direction is right and at a good pace. A truck was designed to carry just a tonne in terms of weight so as to cover a distance of 60 kilometers in an hour. Unknown to the driver, the truck was loaded with a tonne and half. The driver starts moving and ended the trip in two hours. A lot of times after so much thought, we realize we should have moved father than where we are and we start wondering why we are still where we are. At times, some of us blame God.God is ever faithful, Abraham judged God faithful. There are things that holds you down from moving at God's pace, they are called 'WEIGHTS'. In pastor Bayo Akintade's teachings, he said 'Light travels fastest because it travels light' chai! Light has no extra weight it carries while traveling. Light does not force itself through a medium that does not allow its passage. You have to know what capacity you are provided with and don't o

How Do I Handle It?

There are always a point in time that everything will just seem as if it’s not coming forth. One thing I want you to understand is that you are on your right lane and you cannot work with any other person’s time. Pressure of getting admitted into the higher institution you’ve attempted all and it seems you are still not making it! You just graduated or you’ve graduated long time ago but job is not smiling and it seems life is miserable! Oh God!  All of my friends are married with kids but here I am, Why me? All those we got married are giving birth and I don’t even have one, God are you really there! My boss got me fired with no reason, Is this life fair!     The list will go on and on like that until eternity. Ecc.2 states all these out clearly, so how do you handle your difficult times. The only way to this is to hand over everything to God Is.12vs1 …And in that day you will say, I will give thanks to you, O Lord; for though you were angry with me, your anger has turned