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Showing posts from December 18, 2016

DAY 26 AND 27

DAY 27 BENEFITS OF SPEAKING IN OTHER TONGUES Jude vs. 20 says 'but beloved, building up yourself in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost'. Oikodome is the Greek word for 'building' here. Praying in tongues can augment your faith. It doesn't mean that it has taken the place of the Word of God that makes faith to come according to ROM. 10:17, but, consistently praying in tongues will stabilize you on the level of faith that you are. If for example, you have prayed by faith for an HIV patient to be healed, praying in tongues will make your faith never to go below that level. An average Christian is unstable; rise today, fall tomorrow, full of Hallelujah today, sad and depressed another time. Praying in tongues consistently as an habit stabilizes you. Praying in tongues is a form of SPIRITUAL EXERCISE. Paul told Timothy to exercise himself unto godliness. Spiritual muscles are built deliberately not just by default. There are things in your spiritual l


DAY 25 THE BAPTISM WITH THE SPIRIT Yesterday we discussed the Power Gifts and the fact that they do something. Many examples exist in the Bible and also in our days of people that are working in the Power Gifts. Benny Hinn for example works in the Gift of Healing, Late Arch Bishop Idahosa operated very well in the Gift of Faith and Working of Miracles. I think about more than 20 people were raised back to life. I heard of two cases where the dead persons fell from a height on a construction site and the head scattered. He just gathered the head together and commanded the dead persons to rise up. Another outstanding man in the last century was Apostle Ayo Babalola, a man of prayer, signs and wonders. Many times, they have seen him on unclimbable hills and mountains praying. He used to levitate a lot. The water that came out as a product of his prayer still carries curative power till tomorrow. I have entered that river before and the anointing for healing is still strong. St. Patric

Holy Spirit 22- The Gifts of the Holy Spirit- Part 2

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are basically empowerment/tools for service. It is not the same as MINISTRY GIFTS. Apart from the depth of maturity required, many gifts of the Spirit are required for someone to be able to stand in a Ministry Gifts. For example, 7 Gifts of the Spirit come into the spectrum of a PROPHET while an apostle should be able to function in all the Spiritual gift. So, he that prophesy is NOT NECESSARILY a prophet. By God's permission, I will do a series of teachings on Ministry Gifts next year. They are MORE THAN THE POPULAR FIVE OF Eph. 4 that you know. Let me pause and face today's business. I said yesterday that Spiritual Gifts have been broadly divided into three. Let's explore them now. A. REVELATIONAL GIFTS: They reveal something about both the Creator and the created things whether visible or invisible. They are directly under the Ministry of the Spirit of Seeing and Knowing. These gifts SEE, HEAR AND KNOW THINGS ABOUT ANYTHING AND ANYONE t

Holy Spirit 23- The Gifts of the Spirit- Part 3

Yesterday, we discussed the Revelational Gifts and we said they reveal something and their spectrum covers THE WHOLE OF CREATION INCLUDING THE CREATOR REALM. Today, we are considering THE INSPIRATIONAL GIFTS: they are the abilities to speak under a Divine inspiration. In other word, you have not premeditated what you will say. These gifts are very important because you can minister to an entire congregation of people by operating in these gifts. Let us now discuss them. 1. PROPHECY. 1 Cor. 14 This is an inspired utterance in a KNOWN LANGUAGE TO THE SPEAKER AND MOST TIMES, THE HEARER. It is a bubbling forth under a Divine inspiration. 1 Cor. 14:3 gives us the textbook scope/function of this gift; he that prophesy speak to men to EDIFICATION, and EXHORTATION and COMFORT. These are the main and scriptural uses of the gift of PROPHECY. Be it unto you that prophecy DOESN'T CARRY REVELATION ABOUT THE PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE. When revelation of things or event occur in it, th

Sequel to Epignosis Nite

1. I have been receiving testimonies of people that are blessed through the Daily Broadcast 2. I have received messages from people that want to be prayed for. A guy called sent me a message from the North how that he had been contemplating suicide. He masturbate and also fornicated with a lady and since then, he had been having serious pains all over his body. I led him to repentance and rebuked the Devil over him. Thank God he is fine. A person also sent a message to me requesting prayers for his sick dad. I was led to tell him to send his Dad's picture which he did. I received a word of knowledge concerning his case-it was an arrow that was shut at him. I rebuked it and the Dad is fine. 3. Some couple of weeks back,  we(CYA) were called upon to minister to a boy brought from Lagos to I bad a who had been under the bondage of the Devil. When we got there and saw him, he was behaving like an imbecile. Thank God we received many words of knowledge and we dealt with the case.

Holy Spirit 21- The Gifts of the Holy Spirit- Part 1

We are still on our 30 days journey on the Holy Spirit and it has been very amazing. Though, for me, it has been an herculean task having to discern the posture of revelation everyday. I hope you know that I have no note that I copy from? Today, we are looking at GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT. 1 Cor. 12:1-11. Paul opens the chapter by saying that he doesn't want us to be ignorant about SPIRITUAL GIFTS. There are DIVERSITIES OF GIFTS BUT THE SAME SPIRIT. Let us look at the Characteristics of Spiritual Gifts - They are not gifts in the sense you own them. No they are released to you to operate in AS THE SPIRIT WILLS-1 Cor. 12:11 They are not signs of spiritual maturity. The Corinthians have been tagged 'the most immatured church that Paul pastored, yet, they came behind in NO GIFT OF THE SPIRIT. 1 Cor. 1:7. Wait a minute! This doesn't demystify the importance of the Gifts. A Christian without POWER is not different from a Jehovah Witness. Laugh - Most times, functioning in th

Holy Spirit 20- The Seven Eyes, Seven Lamps and Seven Horns

Just as we have learnt in the previous posts, Isaiah 11 vs. 2 mentioned the 7 Spirits of God individually. However, the 7 Seven Spirits of God are also called the 7 Eyes, 7 Lamps and 7 Horns. The insights from the Holy Spirit revealed that these names have significance and their operations are different. Let us explore them one after the other. A. THE SEVEN LAMPS  Zech. 4 :2, Acts 2:3,  Heb. 12:29, Zech. 2:5. The old testament is the mirror image of the new testament. God gave Moses the description of the 7 Lamps in Exodus 25:31-40, Lev. 8:1-4. We can safely infer from these scriptures that the 7 Spirits are responsible for LIGHT (ILLUMINATION). The 7 Lamps lights the world especially THE CHURCH. Remember that in Rev. 1:20, the seven candlesticks are the seven churches. (Also Read Zech. 4:2, Rev. 4:5 plus the scriptures above to see the premises for this truth). The 7 Lamps are responsible for the Illumination of the Church. Apart from this, Fire typifies the JUDGEMENT and th