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DAY 25
Yesterday we discussed the Power Gifts and the fact that they do something.
Many examples exist in the Bible and also in our days of people that are working in the Power Gifts.
Benny Hinn for example works in the Gift of Healing, Late Arch Bishop Idahosa operated very well in the Gift of Faith and Working of Miracles. I think about more than 20 people were raised back to life. I heard of two cases where the dead persons fell from a height on a construction site and the head scattered. He just gathered the head together and commanded the dead persons to rise up. Another outstanding man in the last century was Apostle Ayo Babalola, a man of prayer, signs and wonders. Many times, they have seen him on unclimbable hills and mountains praying. He used to levitate a lot. The water that came out as a product of his prayer still carries curative power till tomorrow. I have entered that river before and the anointing for healing is still strong. St. Patrick of Ireland raised the son of the king of Ireland that had been dead and buried for 6 months as one of the signs that God sent him to Ireland. In of his writing to his friend, he expressed surprise at how much he had performed miracles that had no Biblical precedence.
Today's Business.

This is one of the most debated topics in the Body of Christ. Why? The Devil hate anything that will give you a upper hand over him.
This is when a believer that has accepted Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Saviour is COMPLETELY IMMERSED in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Be it known into you that it is not possible to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues.
There are five places that people were baptised in the book of Acts;
A. The 120 Disciples. Act 2:4.
B. At Samaria with Phillip the Evangelist. Act 8:17
 C. Saul which became Paul. Act 9:17, 1 Cor 14:18
 D. At Cornelius' house. Act 10:44-46
E. At Ephesus. Act 19:1-7

Baptism in the Spirit is the entrance into the supernatural and your access gate into flowing in Spiritual Gifts. After a person has been baptised in the Holy Spirit, there is a need to be constantly refilled. Why? We seems to leak.
One Baptism many Fillings.

 The apostles that were baptised in the Holy Spirit in Act 2: 4 had to be refilled in Acts 4 :31. The disciples that Paul laid hands on and they spoke in tongues and prophesied in Act 19: 6 were encouraged by the same Paul to be filled with the Holy Ghost in Eph. 5:18.

 Eph. 5:18 - 'be not drunk with wine but be filled with the Holy Spirit'. From the Greek language the 'but be filled' is translated as 'but be being filled with the Holy Spirit'. It denotes a continuous action.
The fact that you were filled yesterday doesn't mean you are still filled today. You need to stay filled with the New Wine. You will be bold and fearlessly declare God's Word and do God's Will.


The benefits of speaking in tongues are numerous. I will list some of them for you.

A. Speaking in tongues is God's direct hotline. 1 Cor. 14:2- he that speaks in an unknown tongue speak not unto men BUT TO GOD. No demon or man can interfere with the frequency of your discussion with God. They don't even know it.

B. He that speaks in tongues speaks mysteries. 1 Cor. 14:2. Mysteries is from the Greek word MUSTERION which means hidden secrets that belongs only to the initiated. Mysteries are not jargons. The word is used among the occultic group to describe secrets that belong only to their group. So, when we speak in tongues, we speak mysteries not revealed to men, things that you can't know except you are granted access.
 You need to know that in God's Kingdom, things are covered, secrets are coded, mysteries are locked up. It takes an apokalupsis- an unveiling of a truth for you to know. That's why the Old Testament temple's wall is very tall so that people outside the temple cannot see what goes on inside. Also, you cannot know what goes on currently in a section of the temple until you come in there. This is the replica of what happens in the New Testament. You cannot know what happens in a particular spiritual level until you are brought in. When you speak in tongues, you speak mystery so that when understanding is granted to you, it will be what you need to move on in your spiritual journey. Sometimes, it is a new SWORD of the spirit (Rhema) that is handed out to you. May God gives you understanding.
 I will like to stop here for now.

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These broadcasts are prelude to EPIGNOSIS Nite which holds NEXT WEEK MONDAY by 9pm. Theme: HOLY SPIRIT, THOU ART WELCOME TO NIGERIA
@Methodist Church IYANA Church, Ibadan. You are most invited.


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