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Showing posts from July 9, 2017

The Supernaturals 15

Hello everyone, thank God for this series. I am going to continue from where I stopped yesterday. DANCING IN THE SPIRIT Is there anything like dancing in the Spirit? I'm sure you know this song; When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my soul, I will dance like David danced. I will dance/3xs like David danced. I am sorry to tell you that song is not New Testament compliant. Let's see how David danced.  2Sam. 6:14   And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod. Listen, David didn't dance under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. He danced with his might; he danced IN THE FLESH. He danced to keep to the timing of the rhythm being played as the ark was ferried to his domicile. When the anointing comes upon you today, you are not going to dance like David in the flesh but IN THE SPIRIT. WHAT IS DANCING IN THE SPIRIT? This is when the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes upon you and especially your legs and you dance to the tu

The Supernaturals 14

Hello everyone, welcome to another exciting edition of this series. Today, I will be sharing on SOME FEATURES OF AN  HOLY GHOST MEETINGS Actually, every gathering of believers ought to be an Holy Ghost Meeting but sardonic to say, many churches have never had any of those experiences before. There are many believers that have never fallen down under God's power, spoke in tongues, dance, drunk, run, sing laugh, etc in the Holy Ghost before. So, when they see stuffs like these, they tend to reject it or term it demonic. I have ministered very well in such kind of places before. There is gross lack of knowledge in this line even among ministers. Even the commonest one, SPEAKING IN TONGUES, many are still arguing about its authenticity. Some said it is demonic, gibberish, etc. Some believe that every time people fall, it has to do with demons. Well, let's look at what the Bible has to say concerning these things. A. SPEAKING IN TONGUES This is the initial evidence of the bap

The Supernaturals 13

Welcome to another edition of this ongoing series on the Supernaturals. This broadcast consumes a lot of energy both spiritual and physical to be produced and as such, they are not intended to give an AWARENESS KNOWLEDGE alone but, for the readers to fellowship with these truths until the stage of EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE is attained. Then and only then is the Infinite motive achieved. Yesterday, I talked about Miracles. Miracles are still possible today. We can all cast out Devil, heal the sick, raise the Dead, cleanse the Lepers, see and know things supernaturally, travel back and forth in time and to other realms of God as the Spirit permits. We have authority over the elements through the name of Jesus. Nature can  be compelled in these days and time to dance to the tune of God's agenda in your domain. It is your God-given right and privilege to enforce His will in your domain. The Devil is a prince without a territory. The territory he occupies is the one you give him. If

The Supernaturals 12

Hello everyone, I welcome you again to another edition of this series. We have dealt with Seeing and Knowing yesterday. We have the MIND OF CHRIST. We can reason and know things supernaturally. The Holy Spirit is The Knower and dwell on our inside. We cannot be confused, we always know what to do. We know which way to go. We are led by the Spirit of God. Hallelujah! Today, I want to talk about                      MIRACLES Miracles are supernatural acts of God that make natural laws most times to be suspended. Miracles are majorly the demonstration of the Dunamis Power of God. That's why they are called ACTS OF POWERS. In the Bible, there are different types of miracles that were performed by God and his people. The constraints of time and space will afford me the luxury of mentioning them one after the other. However, I am going to give a rough category of miracles as recorded in the Bible and some examples: A. The miracle of creation and recreation. Gen. 1, John 1:1, Is.

The Supernaturals 9

Hello everyone, we are still on the topic; TIME DIMENSIONS. I said that even scientifically, time is not constant in this planet. There are different Time Zones. I started giving examples from the Bible how the Supernaturals stepped into time and time was reversed, stopped or fast forwarded. EXAMPLES OF TIME DIMENSIONS; ALTERNATION OF TIME AND EVENTS IN THE BIBLE 1. MANNA: it had three life spans. 2. Aaron's rod budded overnight when it was placed in the Presence of God  This is not ordinary at all. A dead wood brought forth fruits overnight. Whao! It will take about 5 years for fruit to grow on a newly planted Almond tree yet, fruit came up overnight. Num. 17: 1-10. Suddenly, that's how God works. 3. Abraham and Sarah had time reversed for them. You know that Sarah conceived at age 90. Her body was good as dead but, God reversed the aging process in this couple so much that Abimelech was going to marry Sarah.Gen. 20. It was in Genesis 17/18 that God made the Promise o

The Supernaturals 11

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition in this series. Time can be constrained and compelled by the force of the Supernatural God to work in your favour. Even Jesus says in Mt. 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Days have been shortened now. Though, we have 24hours a day and 12months a year, time has been reduced. I believe time has almost been halved. Also, with respect to Supernatural Travel, you don't have to die before you go to Heaven. There are believers like you and I that often go to Heaven to attend Council Meetings and I am sure that there are human beings that go there for excursion also. Paul went to Heaven and he said whether in his body or an Out of Body Experience, he cannot say. Phillip was transported from Crusade Ground to another location. Supernatural travel is a possibility both in the Old Testament and New Testament. Hallelujah! Today, we are loo

The Supernaturals 10

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of the Supernaturals Series. Yesterday, I talked about the fact that God has adjust time in your favour. He dwells in a TIMELESS ZONE. The time that Lucifer rebelled in Heaven and the time that the New Heaven and the New Earth will show up are both IN GOD'S PRESENT TENSE. There are no past or future in Heaven, EVERYTHING IS IN HIS PRESENT. That's why FAITH(the catalyst that works in God's realm) IS NOW. FAITH COMES BY HEARING(not having heard). May God give you understanding!  Today, we are dealing with SUPERNATURAL TRAVEL. Is it possible to travel to places apart from the natural transport means? Well, you are going to find out today. I need everyone to read up my posts on THE SPIRITUAL WEAPONS OF WARFARE 8 and 9 on I have shared  extensively on the TRANSPORT MODE IN THE SPIRIT REALM. Listen up, scripturally and with the experiences of believers all around the world, it is very possible to travel

The Supernaturals 8

Hello everyone, I'm sure those that have been following this series have really been enjoying it? The goal is to see you walk in their realities that you start sharing the testimonies of what God has been doing through you after you this series. Yesterday, we talked about Raising the dead. Today, I am going to be sharing about TIME DIMENSION. I got to know about Time Dimension when I listened to the messages of Peter Tan some years back. Before we go into the Bible, let us look at time from a scientific point of view. I remember taking a Physics Course in my 200L where we were taught TIME DILATION AND THEORY OF RELATIVITY credited to Albert Einstein. I don't want to bore you with details but, naturally 1. Time is not constant and the same everywhere in the earth. Variation occurs as you move away from the equator. 2. Time Dilation explains a strange phenomenon; time is slower for objects moving with high speed as compared to an observer in a state of inertia. The meaning

The Supernaturals 7

Hello everyone, I believe your day has been splendid? We have considering the Supernaturals Series and we are presently on RAISING THE DEAD. Let's just continue from where we stopped yesterday. A close look into the synoptic Gospels reveals that  has given to His Disciples POWER AND AUTHORITY to do the Supernaturals. Mt. 10:1,8, Luke 9:1, 10:19, Mk. 16:17. You will notice Jesus put Raising the dead in the same category with Healing the sick. This points to the fact that as far as God is concerned, there is no difference between healing the sick and raising the dead. Also, from Mt. 10:8, raising the dead is a command that Jesus gave to His disciples including YOU AND I. Mt. 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, RAISE THE DEAD, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. In the Bible, there are 10 MAJOR RECORD OF PEOPLE BEING RAISED FROM THE DEAD.  3 were done by Jesus( Mt. 9:25, Lk. 7:14, John 11), 7 by others (1Kgs. 17:21, 2Kgs.4:34, 2 Kgs.13:20-21, Jonah 2:1

The Supernaturals 6

Hello everyone joining us from every part of this country and beyond. Welcome Day 6 in this new series. Yesterday, I talked about the EXOUSIA (authority) we have to cast out Devils. Be it known unto you that  the Devil and his works are the same. So, casting out Devils also means taking authority over fear, anxiety, lack, etc. However, you cannot be disrespectful to people that are authority figures to you and expect that your commands will be followed. David spared Saul when he had the chance to kill him because he knew that Saul was still the king in Israel even though, he was in a backsliding position. Michael refused to bring railing accusation against the Devil when he disputed with him about the body of Moses, he simply invoke the Supreme authority against him; Satan, the Lord rebuke you. Jude 1: 9. Honour the authorities that God has set everywhere and you will see  that your words will no longer fall to the ground. Lastly on this note, in casting out Devils, sometimes, some