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The Supernaturals 7

Hello everyone, I believe your day has been splendid? We have considering the Supernaturals Series and we are presently on RAISING THE DEAD. Let's just continue from where we stopped yesterday.

A close look into the synoptic Gospels reveals that  has given to His Disciples POWER AND AUTHORITY to do the Supernaturals. Mt. 10:1,8, Luke 9:1, 10:19, Mk. 16:17. You will notice Jesus put Raising the dead in the same category with Healing the sick. This points to the fact that as far as God is concerned, there is no difference between healing the sick and raising the dead.
Also, from Mt. 10:8, raising the dead is a command that Jesus gave to His disciples including YOU AND I.
Mt. 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, RAISE THE DEAD, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
 3 were done by Jesus( Mt. 9:25, Lk. 7:14, John 11), 7 by others (1Kgs. 17:21, 2Kgs.4:34, 2 Kgs.13:20-21, Jonah 2:1-10/Mt. 12:40, Acts 9:40, 14:20, 20:10.

A. Follow Jesus' Methods for raising the dead. These methods are gotten from studying the principles that Jesus put to use in raising the dead.

I. In Mt. 9:24, Jesus spoke FAITH-FILLED WORDS; He said the maid is not dead but sleeps.
 Don't go around telling folks that the person you want to raise is dead while believing that you will raise the person back to life.
II. He sent the crowd away. The reason was so that their unbelief will not affect his faith. I learnt this by experience. Listen, that the crowd is full of pastors doesn't mean that they believe. My first attempt in 2009 to raise a man in my area from the dead was thwarted by a pastor. I had been praying for him releasing God's power into his body. His entire body was already getting warm to the extent that a pastor that came into the room touched his leg and exclaimed that he is still warm and he began to pray. This other pastor that was comforting people telling them to be grateful that the man died in his house and not in an accident came in and scatter everything. I just left the room disappointed. Meanwhile, the face of the diseased's son lighted up when I told him his Dad will rise again. In this case, if I had locked the door, allowing no one to enter, the man would have come back to life.
III. Except for Lazarus, Jesus touched the other two. This touch was to release ENOUGH DUNAMIS to quicken from the Dead. It means, this DUNAMIS POWER HAS ALREADY BEEN ACTIVATED IN HIM BEFORE HE GOT TO THE DEAD PERSON. Remember Jesus was enroute to Jairus house when the woman with the issue of blood interrupted the journey and pulled out Dunamis from Jesus even without His permission. Mk. 5. This Dunamis is activated by PRAYER. Elijah, Elisha and Peter did some serious prayers on the scene. It must have taken some minutes or hours before they got through it.

IV. I also saw that Jesus did a short faith sermon for the close relations of the dead person so that they can at least have faith in His prayers.

V. He called the dead person by either a PROPER NOUN OR COMMON NOUN commanding them to arise.
VI. He hands the risen person over to his/her parent or close associate and sometimes require that they give food to the person.

A. You yourself must believe that the person can be raised from the dead. That's why you have to feed on scriptures that goes along this line prior to the time. The day of battle is not the time to prepare, you may fall flat on your face. I love to read ROM. 4:17-21. I must have read it hundreds of time.
 Rom. 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Many believe in God but, they don't believe He can quicken the dead through them. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT GOD CAN QUICKEN THE DEAD AND CALL THINGS THAT BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE THROUGH YOU; UNWAIVERING FAITH. I can't count how many times I have repeatedly confess and told myself that: I HEAL THE SICK, CLEANSE THE LEPER, RAISE THE DEAD AND CAST OUT DEVILS. This continuous practice will reduce the mountain of unbelief to surmount in raising the dead. You will meet many so-called believers that have been engrossed in unbelief. I remember some couples of years back when myself and some CYA members went to interrupt the Internment Service of man that his daughters used to attend our program. It wasn't funny that day. It was an Open Air Service. We requested the permission from the Lead Pastor conducting the service telling him that we have come to raise the man back to life. He granted us the permission because the person involved was his Church's Evangelist and he wasn't ready to lose him. He told the congregation to be singing a Resurrection song in Yoruba language while we pray. The entire crowd was divided into many parts; less than 10% could muster words of prayers, some were confused wondering what's going on, some elderly ones thought it was youthful exuberance and lack of respect for spiritual things for us to have done that. Sardonic to say, we hadn't pray up to FIVE MINUTES before the relatives bundled us out of the place. Those guys were heavily drunk. We had to leave. All we could do was to pray for the wife that collapsed as her husband was lowered into the grave. If you will have to deal with a crowd at the scene of death, may God send an angel to help you put them in order. Lazarus's house and the Widow of Nain's son involved a lot of Angelic activities to make Jesus' faith unaffected by the crowd's unbelief.

B. You have to pray especially in TONGUES after you have sent the doubters away. Listen, there is no specific time for this prayer. It is a P. U. S. H.(Pray Until Something Happens) kind of prayer. An ordinary faith declaration may not work in many cases. The effectual, fervent, continued, heartfelt prayer of a righteous man make tremendous power available dynamic in its working.James 5:16(Amp). In most cases, this power can literally flow through you into the dead person. Pray until you have a note of victory in your spirit. All the needed gifts of the Spirit to get the job done will be released as you pray.The GROANING AND WEEPING of Jesus at Lazarus' house were DEEPER AND HIGHER LEVELS OF PRAYERS THAN PRAYING IN TONGUES. It is an agonizing in the Spirit. Don't think He cried out of compassion, He did some serious intercession there. I believe He continued that way till He had a breakthrough. The shouting of  Lazarus' name and all those stuffs were instructions gotten in the place of prayer. FOUR GIFTS WERE IN OPERATION AT LAZARUS' TOMB. They are: The gift of Faith to call back his spirit to his body, The Working of Miracles to return the decaying body to the previous state, The Gift of Healing to heal his body (remember he died of sickness) and Prophecy to give the commands and instructions. May grants understanding. After you have prayed, command LIFE to return to the body. The spirit is the life of the body. James 2:26.

C. Understanding the circumstances surrounding the person's death most times is useful. If it is a demonically oriented death, you will have to take authority over those demons and take their rights over the person before you even face the dead person. The blood of Jesus  the HIGHEST BINDING ENERGY IN ALL THE REALMS OF GOD. So, we can use it to bind and lose. Remember that it is a weapon of Warfare. Rev. 12.
Note, most times, the spirit of the diseased stays around for some times before departing from this planet. As a matter of fact, the Hebrew tradition believes the spirit stays for THREE DAYS before finally departing. Little wonder Jesus waited for their traditional belief to expire before going to raise Lazarus.

Lastly, You are from the LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, YOU CAN DISPENSE ZOE- the God kind of Life. 1Cor. 15:45. You are from Jesus the QUICKENING SPIRIT, you can quicken from the dead. You can call things that be not as though they were. Raising the Dead is not an impossible task. If God could raise Jesus from SPIRITUAL DEATH TO SPIRITUAL LIFE, THEN, IT IS VERY EASY TO RAISE PEOPLE FROM PHYSICAL DEATH TO PHYSICAL LIFE. Shalom. Tomorrow, I will teach on TIME DIMENSION.

I am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS holding on Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other minister will be ministering. God bless you as you come.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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