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The Supernaturals 10

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of the Supernaturals Series. Yesterday, I talked about the fact that God has adjust time in your favour. He dwells in a TIMELESS ZONE. The time that Lucifer rebelled in Heaven and the time that the New Heaven and the New Earth will show up are both IN GOD'S PRESENT TENSE. There are no past or future in Heaven, EVERYTHING IS IN HIS PRESENT. That's why FAITH(the catalyst that works in God's realm) IS NOW. FAITH COMES BY HEARING(not having heard). May God give you understanding!  Today, we are dealing with SUPERNATURAL TRAVEL.
Is it possible to travel to places apart from the natural transport means? Well, you are going to find out today.
I need everyone to read up my posts on THE SPIRITUAL WEAPONS OF WARFARE 8 and 9 on I have shared  extensively on the TRANSPORT MODE IN THE SPIRIT REALM.
Listen up, scripturally and with the experiences of believers all around the world, it is very possible to travel with other transportation mechanism unknown to man's day to day life. Even scientifically, OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE is gaining wider acceptability. What is OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE?
This is when the spirit/soul of a person literally come out of the person's body and go to places/made to know things that the person's brain knows nothing about. The Occultic realm does Astra Projection. Listen, there is a possibility of touching you other than with my physical senses and every other material medium. The radiation of Sunlight to you doesn't require a material medium yet, you feel sunlight tangibly on your skin. Have you ever been in a situation that even though you are not seeing the person with your physical eyes, you know beyond any shadow of doubt that someone is looking at you? The natural eyes has a serious penetrating ability. Natural things have been placed here to teach us spiritual things. You can go to places(BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD) in Visions and Dreams and when you come back to your physical senses, you know beyond a shadow of doubt that your experience is real. We will discuss this later. But, today I am talking about TRAVELING SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY. I want to believe that you know that your body and your mind are not all about you? You are a spirit like God, you are a soul and you live in a body. Your spirit can relate with the spirit world, your soul stays in the middle between the spirit and the natural world and your body relate majorly with the natural world. The human spirit is an eternal being that can't be limited by anything in the natural; time, space, length, distance, matter, etc. Some people think we that talk this way are already going off course because the demonic has almost taking over this things. The Devil is a liar. They are copycats of the REAL THING. There is no fake if there if there is no ORIGINAL. I have had many experiences in my life that made me to believe that I am a spirit. I remember attending a Retreat in  2005 where one of the invited guests said 'I have come to feed you with bones today'. For my mind, 'Wetin he go preach wey I never hear before?' That time, what I knew was just a little bit higher than NEW CREATION REALITIES. I thought that was the highest truths that anybody can know. I was seriously disappointed. When he started, it got to a point that I could no longer bear it. All of a sudden, my spirit stood up from me and I saw him go to vomit and return to his seat. Hmm. I was conscious of going to vomit as much as I was conscious of sitting to listen to a sermon in progress. That happened twice in that meeting. Though later, I had sufficient stature to feed on it. Now, I could say it was 'biscuit bone' that he shared that day. Many times after a Prayer Meeting and I have to relax, I have seen my spirit go to places before and I was conscious of going somewhere and being where I was.
 Angels move from place to place in splits of seconds. The TO AND FRO MOVEMENT that the Bible pointed out about the Devil is TRANSLATION. It is possible to translate; you suddenly vamoose from somewhere and condense/find yourself somewhere else.
 In recorded Bible history, Enoch must have been the first man to translate. He translated by faith to Heaven. Heb. 11:5. It means, you can translate now by Faith. I personally believe the translation to Heaven that time was not the first one, he must have been going into different realms, places, etc prior to that time. Elijah is another person. It is very obvious in Elijah's case the people in days knew him to be caught up in the spirit often. The Bible says Ahab had sent to all nations to look for him. The sons of the prophets after his translation wanted to go look for him perhaps the spirit had dropped him in caves. Apostle Paul talked about being caught up to Heaven to hear things way beyond comprehension in this world. He can't say whether he went with his body or not he didn't know. I talked about Time Dimensions yesterday. One of the things that can happen supernaturally is to travel backwards or forwards in time. You can go into the future to see things there relevant to the present and you can go backward I  time to see things or attend meetings that took place in the past. Paul became the invisible observer at the Last Supper. 1 Cor11. He said to the Corinthians that his spirit alongside the Holy Spirit will attend the Service where they will deliver the guy that was sleeping with his father's wife over to the Devil. 1 Cor. 5
Elisha's spirit followed Gehazi when he went after Namaan.2Kgs.5:26. Who told you that you can't go backward in time to attend YOUR NAMING CEREMONY if  necessary? I said this of someone that will read this post.
John the Beloved was caught up to Heaven to see things that are yet to come to pass. Rev. 4. Joshua Mill in U. S. A. suddenly find himself in an Elevator in China and he was led by the Spirit to go join a Prayer Group and ministered to them even though he couldn't speak Chinese Language (Divers Tongues dey now) and he returned to the same Elevator and came back to the State. He was so confused about the experience not until the leader of the Prayer Group sent him a mail thanking him for coming to bless them. Many children of God have had to travel supernaturally from place to place. PST Chris shared one time about how he commanded his pen that he forgot on the pulpit to come back to the case in his study room at home. Joshua Mills has talked about picking his Wedding ring that was forgotten in his house in the State from a distance of thousands of Kilometers away. In these last days, increasing demands will come on transporting supernaturally from place to place. Increasing demand will come on REDUCING GEOGRAPHICAL DISTANCE and/or having GEOGRAPHICAL SHIFT(changing location within the twinkling of an eye). Demands will increase on the ability to BILOCATE SUPERNATURALLY. There will be demands on ability to change form so much that close acquaintances won't be able to recognize you. At least Jesus did this after He resurrected. Mary Magdalene couldn't recognise  Him. John 20:15. His Disciples on the Road to Emmaus couldn't recognize Him.Luke 24:13. The portals for these realms are opening     gradually wider by the day. Jump in by your now by faith. God bless you.
SEEING AND KNOWING is tomorrow's topic.
I willI am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program 'EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS' holding THIS COMING Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other ministers will be ministering. God bless you as you come.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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