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The Supernaturals 9

Hello everyone, we are still on the topic; TIME DIMENSIONS. I said that even scientifically, time is not constant in this planet. There are different Time Zones. I started giving examples from the Bible how the Supernaturals stepped into time and time was reversed, stopped or fast forwarded.
1. MANNA: it had three life spans.

2. Aaron's rod budded overnight when it was placed in the Presence of God  This is not ordinary at all. A dead wood brought forth fruits overnight. Whao! It will take about 5 years for fruit to grow on a newly planted Almond tree yet, fruit came up overnight. Num. 17: 1-10. Suddenly, that's how God works.

3. Abraham and Sarah had time reversed for them. You know that Sarah conceived at age 90. Her body was good as dead but, God reversed the aging process in this couple so much that Abimelech was going to marry Sarah.Gen. 20. It was in Genesis 17/18 that God made the Promise of Isaac to them. The duo were REYOUNGIFIED and they had a son at old age. Do you know that this miracle didn't stop after Isaac was born? Abraham married Keturah after Sarah was gone! Keturah bore SIX CHILDREN FOR HIM. Gen. 25:1-4 Whao!

4. The aging process in Joshua and Caleb was stopped for 40 years. Joshua and Caleb were the only Israelites above 20years that made it to the Promised Land because of their faith in God. God made the Israelites to wander in the Wilderness for 40years till the last of them died. Caleb stood before Joshua at age 80 saying Joshua he was still as strong as he was 40years ago when Moses made the promise of inheriting the place the sole of his feet has tread upon. Joshua 14:6-14. What happened to him? Even though his physical age was increasing till he became 85years old, yet the aging process in his body had been stopped about 40 years prior to this time. This is what God can do.
5. What about the Fig Tree that Jesus cursed?
 'Mark  11:14 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.
I want to you to know first of all that Jesus' declaration was a response to the words the Fig tree spoke to Jesus. Selah! Jesus cursed it and overnight, it has dried to such an extent that you can use it for firewood. Do you know how long it takes for a tree cut down to dry up? But overnight, time was compressed, the future was brought into the very present. My God!

6. Jonah did  a THREE DAYS JOURNEY in just ONE DAY. Jonah 3:3-4. Evangelists in these days need the mantle(anointing) of Jonah. How can you bring a city of more than 600,000 people under God's influence within such an incredibly small time? No poster, no handbill, no crusade, no Ministry Team, just one person, chai !
7. The tree that sprung up overnight to shield Jonah from the scorching of the Sun. Jonah 4:6
GOURD- a tree that is as large as olive tree, has large leaves like those of a vine, caster oil is extracted from it. The tree came up overnight. Time was shortened for it grow to into maturity
8. Jesus turned water into wine.John 2:1-10. If you know the duration of months it takes for grapes to ferment in those days when there was little or no scientific knowledge, you will marvel. Time was fast forwarded. The future was brought into the present so that wine could be available within minutes. Hallelujah.

9. Remember when Jesus walked on the Sea? The Bible says in John  6:21 Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.
Did you get this? The ship got to the shore immediately Jesus entered into it. Here, distance was shortened. Let me just stop here. Know this now, supernaturally, time, space, length, distance, all the things in the natural can be adjusted to dance to the tune of the Supernaturals. You should have heard PST Adeboye's testimony of a One-lane bridge expanding to accommodate his car and a trailer to pass side by side at the same time. I have heard of a Catholic monk that pulled out a wood(increased its length by pulling it) so that it can fit into the construction of their Church. Who told you a building is immovable? You need to ask Sis Aimee McPherson how she told the females in her Church to be praying while she told the males to push the Church building back because it was standing against the Government's road and they still had spaces at the back of the Church. They pushed it back and conspicuously, the space at the back reduced conspicuously.
A. Elijah outran the chariot of Ahab. Listen, Ahab must have had the fastest and best horses as the king. His horses started running before Elijah. He caught up with them and left them behind. It was a distance of 35MILES. 1Kgs 18:46
The hand of the Lord can come upon you now and you can overtake a Sport car. You can overtake an airplane and get to destination before those that boarded the plane get there. My sister can bear me witness, I have put her and my younger brother on a bike to take them to our house before and I got home before the bike them. Sorry, if that's too high for you. That happened when I first heard the message I am sharing with you. There have been some CYA guys that trekked and got to destinations faster than those that used cars.

2. In Amos 9, some fantastic things were said there:
Amos  9:13 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.
This describes abundance and speed. Planting season overflow into harvest and vice versa.
God can shortens time and adjust things in the natural to get you to where you should be. If in your life, it seems as if you are left alone and everyone has gone ahead of you, all you need is some moments of eternity and you will catch up and leave them behind. In this realm I am describing, time is irrelevant. Listen to this, the enemy has put man in bondage for thousands of years, Jesus showed up 4000years after Adam sinned in Eden and delivered not just people in His Time Frame but, PEOPLE IN HIS PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Lost time can be restored, lost opportunities can be regained. Isaiah told the sun and the shadow of man to go TEN DEGREES BACKWARDS as a sign that God will heal Hezekiah. 2Kgs 20:9-11, Is. 38:8.
Joshua told the sun to stand still in the valley of Aijalon till he finish conquering his enemies. Hmm, if you know the global effect of that action, you will marvel. Places  Egypt experienced flood, some countries experienced continuous sunlight for days. I mean one man adjusted the global climatic condition.
 Time can be brought back by the power of God to walk in your favor. Length can be increased or decreased. There are many testimonies of SHORT PEOPLE THAT SUDDENLY GROW TALL. What of Supernatural Weight Loss? Fat person losing weight seriously that skirts and trousers can fall off immediately. I have watched Crusade Videos that it happened.
 As I begin to round off, let me also tell you that you can have experiences outside your Time Frame. It means, you can go back and forward in time. People like Enoch and Elijah lived outside of their Time Frame. Those guys are exceptional. Listen, Translation is only going to be possible AT THE RAPTURE. Yet, thousands of years back, those guys went INTO OUR FUTURE AND BROUGHT OUR FUTURE INTO THEIR OWN PRESENCE. I don't know if you get this scenario?
I pray that God will grant every readers UNDERSTANDING IN JESUS' NAME. Tommorrow, I will talk about SUPERNATURAL TRAVEL. Stay tuned.
I am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program 'EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS' holding NEXT WEEK, Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other ministers will be ministering. God bless you as you come.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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