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The Supernaturals 12

Hello everyone, I welcome you again to another edition of this series. We have dealt with Seeing and Knowing yesterday. We have the MIND OF CHRIST. We can reason and know things supernaturally. The Holy Spirit is The Knower and dwell on our inside. We cannot be confused, we always know what to do. We know which way to go. We are led by the Spirit of God. Hallelujah!
Today, I want to talk about
Miracles are supernatural acts of God that make natural laws most times to be suspended.
Miracles are majorly the demonstration of the Dunamis Power of God. That's why they are called ACTS OF POWERS. In the Bible, there are different types of miracles that were performed by God and his people. The constraints of time and space will afford me the luxury of mentioning them one after the other. However, I am going to give a rough category of miracles as recorded in the Bible and some examples:
A. The miracle of creation and recreation. Gen. 1, John 1:1, Is. 45:18, Jer. 4:23-30, Eze 37
I hope you know that we are living in a recreated earth? If you don't know, go read up my post on the Easter Broadcast 1-3
In both the created and recreated earth, the power of God was mightily demonstrated. Also, we see creation in the valley of Dry Bones.

B. Power over Nature.
 It is making any part of the elements of nature to align with God's will. After all, He created them. Col. 1:16
They include:
1. Jesus turning water into wine. John 2. Many people nowadays including myself have prayed on water to become Kerosene and it did.
2. Jesus multiplying loaves of bread and fishes. I have many examples of this miracles nowadays.
3. Jesus calming the sea. Luke 8:22-24
4. Jesus making water molecule to freeze and conducive for walking. Mt. 14:22-33
5. Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still.
6. Isaiah telling the sun to go back Ten Degrees
7. Jonah and the fish
8. Jesus and the fish with coin
9. Jesus telling fishes to enter Peter's net. Job  21:6
10. Jesus cursing the fruitless Fig Tree. Mt. 21:19
11. Elijah and Elisha parting the River Jordan.
12. All the plagues and miracles that Moses wrought in getting the Israelites to Canaan.
13. The wall of Jericho that the Heavenly host marched into the ground. Listen, that wall was a CUBOID. Even if it fell down, it would still be as tall as it used to be. The angelic host that their captain appeared to Joshua were responsible for marching it to the ground.
14. The Four Hebrew Men and the Fiery Furnace and so on.

C. Power over humans body.
God's power can be directed at the humans body to create, replace missing parts or to restore it to normalcy.
1. Leprosy disappeared. Mt. 8:3
2. Dumbness and deafness dealt with. Mt. 12:22
3. All forms of paralysis dealt with. Mt. 11:5
4. Blind eyes open.
5. Virgin Mary conceived, Sarah bore a child at old age.
6. The soldier's ear that was caught off by Peter when Jesus was arrested.

There is also the dimension of creative miracles. This is where missing body parts are supplied. John 9 is a good example. Hands and legs can grow out now. Short people can become tall suddenly, fat people can suddenly lose weight, Genotype can change suddenly and other missing internal organs can be replaced. These and many more are the possibility now.

D. Power over devils. We have dealt with this in this series before.

E. Power over death, Hell and the grave. We have also dealt with this kind of miracle before in this series.
"Without the resurrection of Jesus, Gethsemane would have heard only the piteous wail of a soul in despair and Calvary's cross would have been but a death stake for a martyr of a lost cause and would not have been retained in the memories of men. He conquered death when administered to his own body" (NOTE: The above sentences in quotation marks are taken from Ben F. Taylor, "Miracles" in Truth in Love, July, 1955).

Miracles are not performed for the fun of it. The lack of understanding of this has caused many catastrophes in the body of Christ. Many have stepped out  to do miracles in order to swell their egos or to test powers. Their inability to get result has made some to discredit the existence of miracles. Many years ago, a White Garment Prophet entered into the Zoo in Ibadan without the permission of the authority to test power on the lion. That one tore him to pieces. I once heard of an Evangelist that was enroute to a village for Crusade who met a river on his path. The villagers that paddle the canoe had closed for the day. He just remembered how Elijah removed his mantle and smote the water and it parted. He removed his Agbada- a native Yoruba attire, smote the water and it parted. Thank God. The eye witnesses were just himself and one villager. After the entire Crusade, many people saw him off to the bank of this river. He wanted to remove his Agbada and show them stunt. The Holy Spirit told him to enter the Canoe and go with it. Miracles are majorly to bring GLORY TO GOD AND TO DEMONSTRATE HIS LOVE AND COMPASSION TO MAN.
God is not moved by our needs and He is not under any obligation to always meet them. God's miraculous power will show up when our needs synchronize with His Will. Hannah is a good example. What I am saying is this, there may be a blind person that may not get well if opening his/her eyes will bear no Kingdom relevance. May God give understanding.
Tomorrow, I will continue in this series.
I am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program 'EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS' holding THIS COMING Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other ministers will be ministering. God bless you as you come.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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