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The Supernaturals 14

Hello everyone, welcome to another exciting edition of this series. Today, I will be sharing on
Actually, every gathering of believers ought to be an Holy Ghost Meeting but sardonic to say, many churches have never had any of those experiences before. There are many believers that have never fallen down under God's power, spoke in tongues, dance, drunk, run, sing laugh, etc in the Holy Ghost before. So, when they see stuffs like these, they tend to reject it or term it demonic. I have ministered very well in such kind of places before. There is gross lack of knowledge in this line even among ministers. Even the commonest one, SPEAKING IN TONGUES, many are still arguing about its authenticity. Some said it is demonic, gibberish, etc. Some believe that every time people fall, it has to do with demons. Well, let's look at what the Bible has to say concerning these things.
This is the initial evidence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
It is not the only evidence of being baptised in the Spirit but, scripturally, it is the initial evidence of being baptised in the Spirit. Five places in the New Testament testify to this. Is it possible to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues? Scripturally, it isn't. At Cornelius' house, the way the Jewish believers that accompanied Peter knew the Gentiles have received the Spirit was by hearing them speak in tongues. Act 10:44-46.
Speaking in tongues is the language that is taught by the Holy Spirit. When you speak in tongues, you speak mysteries (Grk: MUSTERION- hidden secrets that belong only to the initiated). We talk mysteries and not gibberish. It is an unending flow that leads to other greater dimensions in the Spirit. I have written extensively on this subject in the Series SPIRITUAL WEAPONS OF WARFARE. Read Broadcast 21-25 available on
Speaking in tongues leads to many other channels in the same rivers of Living Water that Jesus promised in John 7:37-39 that will flow from the innermost being of believers. The Holy Spirit at Salvation is referred to as WELL OF LIVING WATER while that at the baptism with the Spirit is referred to as RIVERS OF LIVING WATER. Let me stop on this note. Read up the rest on the blog.

Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:18-20, 1 Cor. 14:26
Singing in the Spirit is one of the evidence of being filled with the Spirit. Paul the apostle says we can sing PSALMS, HYMNS, SPIRITUAL SONGS, MELODIES UNTO GOD.
Let me define them.
A psalm is a spiritual poem or ode. It may rhymn and it may not. But, it definitely have elements of poetry. This psalm that Paul was referring to is not the book of Psalm in the Old Testament. We are talking about FRESH DOWNLOADS FROM HEAVEN.
HYMN: this is also not the hymns in our song book though, some of them came this way. They are diversities of songs giving by the Spirit that can either be directed to God or man. They may have choruses and they may not. The first time I sang hymns, I sang for at a stretch. Only of them had choruses. They just flowed out of me in the same way speaking in tongues does.
SPIRITUAL SONGS: they are the revelation of God's Word to you expressed musically. This is how most of our choruses were formed.

MELODIES: they can be tunes or chants but, they are not void of God's power.
All these things that I have described are not premeditated. They flow through the impulse of the Spirit. Most times, they are PORTAL OPENERS; they open up channels of Living Water to us or they become vehicles to convey us into higher realms of God or convey things and beings from that realm to us. By this I mean they can convey angels and Saints in Glory to us. There may be times the tunes/songs flowing through you is the Processional Song in that realm. May God open your ears to hear SOUND FROM HEAVEN.
I will teach extensively in this line when I do TONGUES AND WORSHIP SERIES IN AUGUST.
 Singing in the Spirit also connotes having victory in spiritual warfare. This becomes a sign of answered prayers when it comes after an intense session of prayers especially GROANING IN THE SPIRIT.

I have heard some ignoramuses say things like 'Falling down is not scriptural'. Maybe you are also one of them, light is shinning now in Jesus' name. There are many places in the Bible where man fell in the presence of an Heavenly Being.

Let us live examples in the first part of the Torah alone.
1. Joshua fell before the captain of the host of the Lord outside Jericho.
2. Balaam's Horse.Num. 22:27
3. Moses fell before God. Deut. 9:18
4. Unclean spirits fell down to worship Jesus. Mk. 3:11
5. Judas and the Soldiers that came to arrest Jesus. John 18:6
6. Ananias fell down in the presence of the Holy Ghost. Act 5:5
7. Paul fell before the Glorified Jesus looking down from Heaven. Act16:29
8. John fell down before the Glorified Jesus. Rev. 1:17
9. The Twenty four Elders. Rev. 5:8,14
10. Daniel fell before Gabriel. Dan. 8:17
The Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every truth shall be established. I have selected 10 to give to you. No arguments again.

There are many reasons. I will list some of them.
1. When the natural comes in contact with the Supernatural, one must bow to the other and it's sure not going to be the Supernatural. The natural bows to the Supernatural any day any time.
2. People can fall in worship to God.
3. People fall when demons are cast out of them.
4. People fall when healings and other spiritual operations/vision/Supernatural travel take place.
5. People fall when anointings (high voltage spiritual electricity flow into them) and gifts (Spiritual and Ministry) are imparted into them. These are the basic reasons why people fall. Let me stress that hands doesn't have to be laid before FALLING happens. It can happen during a Word, Worship, Prayers, Impartation Session. It can even happen in your PRIVATE DEVOTION. I have rarely falling down in a Church Service before but, the two significant times that I have fallen down were in my Private Prayers. I lost the grip of my hands and legs for some hours on the floor. Let me stop here today and continue tomorrow.
OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS WERE IN PARADISE AT THIS TIME. Those Saints are not from the Old Testament. Selah! Find out their origin and if you get anything, contact me.)
Olufemi Solomon- a servant of the mysteries of God.


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