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The Supernaturals 11

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition in this series. Time can be constrained and compelled by the force of the Supernatural God to work in your favour. Even Jesus says in Mt. 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
Days have been shortened now. Though, we have 24hours a day and 12months a year, time has been reduced. I believe time has almost been halved.
Also, with respect to Supernatural Travel, you don't have to die before you go to Heaven. There are believers like you and I that often go to Heaven to attend Council Meetings and I am sure that there are human beings that go there for excursion also. Paul went to Heaven and he said whether in his body or an Out of Body Experience, he cannot say. Phillip was transported from Crusade Ground to another location. Supernatural travel is a possibility both in the Old Testament and New Testament. Hallelujah!
Today, we are looking at

These things come under the Prophetic Dimension to our Priesthood as Believers.
Many people have cheaply given away the ability to see and Know to the Prophets. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word is interpreted as A SEER. Even though the New Testament Prophets also SEE, their major work is not to SEE but TO BE A CONFIRMER OF TRUTHS, PREACHERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, etc. The Prophetic Office in the Global Body of Christ has not been able to come into the fullness of her assignments because the heavy demands of SEEING AND KNOWING UPON HER. This ungodly demands has also turned many a good and godly prophets to Soothsayers and False Prophets. Listen, you don't need a prophet to know ANYTHING THAT PERTAINS TO YOUR LIFE AT ALL. It is Spiritual laziness and irresponsibility to go a prophet to know things about your past or future. We can all SEE AND KNOW.  Prov  20:12  says The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.
There are several scriptures in the New Testament that describe the Seeing and Knowing abilities of the believers.
1 Cor. 3:16, 6:17, ROM. 8:9 all describe the fact that the Holy Spirit now inhabits a believer that has given his/her to Christ.
The Holy Spirit is THE KNOWER. He is described as the Seven Eyes which describe the perfection of Sight. He is the All-Seeing Eyes. Zech. 3:9, Rev. 5:6. There is nothing that goes on in all the realms of existence that He doesn't see. Also, if you look at the structure of the Throne of God, you will agree that it is impossible for anything to escape the knowing power of God. There is a Sea of Glass in His Throne Room that reflect everything in all the realms of God to Him. Also, there are the Four Beasts that are full of eyes within and without. Rev. 4:6. Listen, your Papa is the All-Knowing God (Omniscient). Biologically speaking, you are a bastard if you don't resemble your Father. He has shared His abilities with you. You have been made a PARTAKER OF THE DIVINE NATURE. 2 Pet. 1:4.
You have received an anointing from the Holy One and YOU KNOW ALL THINGS. 1John 2:20,27
There is such a thing as the FIVE SPIRITUAL SENSES. You have a spiritual eyes to see, a spiritual ears to hear, a mouth to talk, etc. Your spiritual body resemble your physical body. Jesus in His glorified bloodless body of flesh and bones look like you, a man. The reason your spiritual senses have not been activated is because of IGNORANCE either due to lack of knowledge of unpersuadableness. Read Mt. 13:9-17. You can see. You can hear. Repeatedly, Jesus says in Revelation, he that has an ear let him ear what the Spirit says to the Church. Which ear do you think Jesus is referring to? YOUR SPIRITUAL EARS.
You have eyes to see and ears to hear. As you meditate on these words, this realm will open to you. Your dreams will no longer come from a multitude of day to day activities but, they become a platform for Divine Revelations. Your eyes will be opened into the visions of the Lord either in Open Vision, Closed Vision or Trances. Kenneth Hagin prophesied about The Spirit of Seeing and Knowing before he left this planet. It is a slap on your face to enter a business and you lose your money because you didn't know. It is a disgrace to the Grace that saved if you marry a beast as a wife or husband and you now exclaim, 'I don't know that he/she will turn out this way'. God is called Alpha and Omega. One of the meanings is this 'God sees what you will do in the future before you start out at all'. That's why He would say Esau have I hated and Jacob have I loved' even though the two of them have not been born already. God looked into the future and saw that Esau's priority will be antagonistic to His Kingdom and that's why He rejected him. Don't you think that as that brother is promising you Heaven and Earth, you can see into the future? Maybe you will see how your face is being Bluetoothed with punches so much that there is no Network Coverage. Laugh! Prophets are to confirm what you have seen. In your place of communion with God, He can paint pictures upon the tablets of your heart. Don't be in haste to go away. The Creator of the eyes, Ears and Mouth can talk. He can show you things to come. John 16:13. Micaiah, a man under the Old Testament saw into the realm of the spirit to see how the death of Ahab was decided. 1 KGS.22. You can travel back forth in time and you can see into the Past, Present and Future. I pray that the Grace and Peace of Him who IS, who Was and who IS TO COME rest mightily upon you in Jesus' name. Rev. 1:4.
I will stop here today and continue tomorrow.
I willI am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program 'EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS' holding THIS COMING Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other ministers will be ministering. God bless you as you come.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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