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The Supernaturals 8

Hello everyone, I'm sure those that have been following this series have really been enjoying it? The goal is to see you walk in their realities that you start sharing the testimonies of what God has been doing through you after you this series. Yesterday, we talked about Raising the dead. Today, I am going to be sharing about TIME DIMENSION. I got to know about Time Dimension when I listened to the messages of Peter Tan some years back.
Before we go into the Bible, let us look at time from a scientific point of view. I remember taking a Physics Course in my 200L where we were taught TIME DILATION AND THEORY OF RELATIVITY credited to Albert Einstein. I don't want to bore you with details but, naturally
1. Time is not constant and the same everywhere in the earth. Variation occurs as you move away from the equator.
2. Time Dilation explains a strange phenomenon; time is slower for objects moving with high speed as compared to an observer in a state of inertia. The meaning is this the stop watch of an athlete running in an 100/200m race will read something from the stopwatch in your own hand.
3. Length of a fast moving object contracts that is why you cannot take a snapshot of a fast moving car and get the entire length and breadth
4. The weight of an object reduces as speed is increased that's why a car in top speed can easily Summersault. Having known this let's now begin today's study.
Time and its constituent  elements are a subset of eternity. Eternity is a TIMELESS ZONE. Time is irrelevant there and everything done in time irrespective of duration can be reversed. The human spirit even though lives in TIME is not limited by time. It operate in a realm higher than matter, space and time. When the Supernaturals come into time, perturbation occurs. Time can be reversed, time can be stopped and time can be fast forwarded. Time is irrelevant when the principles from that higher realm ate deployed in time. There have been many films and occurrence that point to the fact that time can be adjusted to suit a particular purpose, people can have a particular experience outside of their time zone and people can travel backwards and forwards in time. These are possibilities in THE GOD DIMENSIONAL OF THE SUPERNATURALS. There are plenty examples in the Bible that we may not be able to exhaust. The purpose is not to swell your head with knowledge but that you can deploy this principles to change things in your life and ministry. TIME IS IRRELEVANT IN THE REALM YOU BELONG. ANY THREAT/PRESSURE YOU FEEL BECAUSE YOUR BIOLOGICAL TIME IS TICKING AWAY IS NOT REAL. All you just need is A MOMENT OF ETERNITY AND EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU HAVE LOST WILL BE GAINED SPEEDILY. Oh my! Such an anointing tonight.

The Bible says 'a day in the presence of God is like a Thousand  years down here' PS. 90:4, 2Pet. 3:8. A day in our planet equals 24HOURS. You can calculate the equivalence of spending 1HOUR in God's Presence and the implications on your life here. There are many people that what they have done outside of communing with God in His Presence has made them to bascilide hundreds of years. May God give you understanding.

Let us look at examples of where time was mesmerized in the Bible
A. The lifespan of Manna- Manna has different lifespan during the same week. If Manna was packed from Sunday-Friday, it expires in 1 but the same Manna will last for 2 days before it expires and the same Manna last forever when Manna is put in the Ark of Covenant. Same Manna but different experience due to location. I will continue tomorrow.

I am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS holding on Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other minister will be ministering. God bless you as you come.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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