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The Supernaturals 6

Hello everyone joining us from every part of this country and beyond. Welcome Day 6 in this new series. Yesterday, I talked about the EXOUSIA (authority) we have to cast out Devils. Be it known unto you that  the Devil and his works are the same. So, casting out Devils also means taking authority over fear, anxiety, lack, etc. However, you cannot be disrespectful to people that are authority figures to you and expect that your commands will be followed. David spared Saul when he had the chance to kill him because he knew that Saul was still the king in Israel even though, he was in a backsliding position. Michael refused to bring railing accusation against the Devil when he disputed with him about the body of Moses, he simply invoke the Supreme authority against him; Satan, the Lord rebuke you. Jude 1: 9. Honour the authorities that God has set everywhere and you will see  that your words will no longer fall to the ground. Lastly on this note, in casting out Devils, sometimes, some measures of Dunamis power are required. Sometimes, the names/identities/number of demons are required to be known so as to be able to cast them out. This can be known either through A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE OR DISCERNING OF SPIRITS. Jesus had to ask for the name of the Demon in the Garderene man before He could cast them out.Luke 8:26-33.
Let me stop here and handle today's topic.
I don't think I have ever attended any program that has 'Raising the Dead' as a title. The only person that I have seen titled his message that way was Archbishop Benson Idahosa.  Many people can still summon up the courage to pray when the person is still on the Hospital bed but, once the doctor announce 'we are sorry we've lost him'. I discovered that many times, that marks the end of prayers. Some will begin to cry while the others will start comforting themselves with all manners of scriptures many of which are out of place.
Paul wrote some fantastic things along this line:
1Cor  15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?  15:13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:  15:14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
  15:15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
  15:16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
 15:17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
15:18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.  15:19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
 15:20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.

I like to tell you that it is possible to raise people up from the Dead. If it is impossible for the dead to be raised, then Christianity is a bundle of lies. Our faith is built upon the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead and there is still an EMPTY TOMB in Israel to testify to this. I want you to know that YOU TOO CAN RAISE THE DEAD. 'But, I have not seen it happen before'. It doesn't matter.

A. Death is inevitable. As convincing as this fact sounds, it is NOT SCRIPTURAL. There are at least two people in the Bible that haven't die before; Enoch and Elijah. This tells you that Death can be avoided.

B. God gives and God takes blessed be His name. This believe is very common among Christians. We think God can just come into this planet and take you away as if  He is lonely in Heaven? So, irrespective of the circumstances surrounding the death of a person, the conclusion is that GOD HAS TAKEN HIM/HER. Lie. God don't take people. He is not a hawk neither is He a thief. Everybody dies mostly their own fault. Job was the only writer in  the Bible that said God gives and God can take the life of His people. Prophet Isaiah was sent to Hezekiah to tell him to prepare for death due to his sickness. He faced the wall and argued his case before God. That bros got 15 extra years. God don't take people. I don't care how spiritual the person is.  Enoch was the only one that the Bible recorded that God took. This is because of the assignment that he will still do during the time of the Antichrist.

C. Once death comes, then, no hope again. Death is the end. Apostle Paul revealed by the Spirit that death is an enemy that will still be destroyed.1 Cor. 15:26. The last time I checked, God is the beginning and the end. God is the first person to stand and when everything ends, God will remain. Death was never part of the original equation. Sin was what brought death on the scene. Now that Sin has been dealt with, we can deal with death also. It is also part of our redemptive rights. We have the right to live and no death should violate this right.
D. It is appointed to man to die once and after then, judgement. Heb. 9:27
The wrong interpretation given to this scripture is that everybody must die no matter who you are. This conclusion is wrong and unscriptural because:
I. There will be continuity of life on earth till the time of the White Throne Judgement.
II. Paul revealed that there will be believers on earth when the Rapture will take place. The meaning of this is that even if there is an appointment to die, IT IS NOT EVERYBODY THAT CAN/WILL DIE.
I heard a man of God say this some couple of years ago, 'DEATH IS AN APPOINTMENT, YOU CAN CHOOSE WHETHER OR NOT YOU WILL KEEP IT'. Selah!
E. God has said man's age was 70 years. This is wrong. It was David that said 70 and 80 years in labour and sorrow. PS. 90:10. Jesus has carried away our sorrows. Is.53:4. We can live our days without sorrows. What God said about man's age was 120years in Gen. 6:3. However, even Noah lived for 950 years after God has said 120years.Gen.9:29. Listen, you can determine when you want to die. There are some people that are deep in occultism that use evil powers to increase their life span. Don't you think God can do better than this? If you want to die in your prime years, good for you. Just make sure your death didn't others into trouble. As far as I am concerned, I believe that I will be part of those that will be on earth during the Rapture. I don't care if the Rapture will happen in the next Century.
Everybody has a God given right to remain on Earth till such a person fulfill God 's intention for sending him/her to this planet. After your purpose has been fulfilled, then we can start counting extra time for you. Don't die too early and don't allow anyone around you to also die too quickly. TOMMORROW, I will conclude this topic and move to another aspect of the Supernaturals.
I am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS holding on Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other minister will be ministering. God bless you as you come.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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