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The Supernaturals 13

Welcome to another edition of this ongoing series on the Supernaturals. This broadcast consumes a lot of energy both spiritual and physical to be produced and as such, they are not intended to give an AWARENESS KNOWLEDGE alone but, for the readers to fellowship with these truths until the stage of EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE is attained. Then and only then is the Infinite motive achieved.
Yesterday, I talked about Miracles.

Miracles are still possible today. We can all cast out Devil, heal the sick, raise the Dead, cleanse the Lepers, see and know things supernaturally, travel back and forth in time and to other realms of God as the Spirit permits. We have authority over the elements through the name of Jesus. Nature can  be compelled in these days and time to dance to the tune of God's agenda in your domain. It is your God-given right and privilege to enforce His will in your domain. The Devil is a prince without a territory. The territory he occupies is the one you give him. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile. He unrelentingly pursue his agenda; TO STEAL TO KILL AND DESTROY. If he shows up in your house SEVEN TIMES, CAST HIM OUT TEN TIMES. The Bible says to give NO PLACE TO THE DEVIL. He doesn't have emotions neither is he considerate. Use your weapons of warfare against him all the time. You can't defeat the Devil with your intellect. He will whip you a million times over. You can only defeat him on the ground of FAITH IN WHAT GOD HAS DONE THROUGH CHRIST.

The believer is not a person that should accept defeat in the face of spiritual battle. No! There is a realm where the name of the Devil is not mentioned. There is a plane in the realm of the spirit impenetrable for the Devil and his cohorts. There are dimensions that evil cannot infiltrate. This is where you are born into. Sardonic to say, many of us are whipped almost all the time. Many fall flat almost every time. There is an evil under the sun. Princes walk barefooted and servants ride on horses. The sons of the bondwoman are gaining grounds. The enemies are plundering the camps of the righteous. But, what says the Spirit of God?
 They know not; neither will they understand. They walk on in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are out of order. But, I have said, ye are Gods and all of you are the sons of the Most High.
 You shouldn't hail from the Most High and be living like the most low. There is a place you can  go where you can  fix what you want to see in the natural realm. Listen, THE NATURAL REALM IS ONLY A MIRROR IMAGE OF THE SPIRITUAL REALM.
What you see is a product of WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE.
 You hail from the highest plane in the UNSEEN REALM. It is time to go beyond the veil. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, the way has been made to the Holiest of all. Beyond the Veil is where you can  legislate Heaven and compel the earth to resonate with same frequency of the vibration from up there. It is time to learn  to do business in deep waters. There is The Court Room  of Heaven. The Chief Judge and the Highest Judge in all the planes of existence says to you; 'Come, let us reason together. Produce your case. Bring forth your strong reason'. There are cases that you cannot win in this plane of existence. There are cases the Medical Judges or Financial judges have judged and given a negative verdicts on concerning you.
Weep not my friend, there is THE COURT beyond this plane of existence where the  Chief Judge happens to be YOUR FATHER. There is the Court beyond matter, space and time where the Advocate is the First begotten from the Dead. He shed His blood to redeem you.  In fact, His blood will testify and speak in your favour. One good thing about this Court is that YOUR ACCUSER DOESN'T HAVE A RIGHT TO ENTER INTO THAT COURT AGAIN. HIS RIGHT/ACCESS HAS BEEN TAKING AWAY.
 Rev  12:10   And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
The Devil, the accuser of the brethren no longer have a right to enter the Holiest of all. This is no longer the days of Job where the Devil can gather with the sons of God(angels). You can take your case there. I know you will win. The verdict from that realm supersedes and can neutralize every verdict from this realm. Let God be true and every man be a liar. You are from above and you are above all. Live with this consciousness. This is not motivational talk. This is the highest level of reality. The body of Christ is not a combination of bunch of defeated folks. We are more than conqueror through Him that love us. We are the light and salt of this planet. The reason the power of the infernal realm hasn't taken over completely is because Weare still around. Carry this consciousness into your daily life and you will see that you can and will always put to flight the armies of the aliens. I will stop here today. Tomorrow, I will teach about some of the features of an Holy Ghost meetings.

I am using this opportunity to invite all of you from everywhere to the program 'EVENING OF SUPERNATURALS' holding THIS COMING Sunday 16th of July, 2017 by 2:00pm @ Glory Baptist Church Wakajaye off Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan. Myself and some other ministers will be ministering. God bless you as you come. People are coming from all over the place. Don't be left out.
Olufemi Solomon
Call/WhatsApp: 08101025734


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