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DAY 26 AND 27

DAY 27

Jude vs. 20 says 'but beloved, building up yourself in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost'. Oikodome is the Greek word for 'building' here. Praying in tongues can augment your faith. It doesn't mean that it has taken the place of the Word of God that makes faith to come according to ROM. 10:17, but, consistently praying in tongues will stabilize you on the level of faith that you are. If for example, you have prayed by faith for an HIV patient to be healed, praying in tongues will make your faith never to go below that level.
An average Christian is unstable; rise today, fall tomorrow, full of Hallelujah today, sad and depressed another time.
Praying in tongues consistently as an habit stabilizes you.

Praying in tongues is a form of SPIRITUAL EXERCISE. Paul told Timothy to exercise himself unto godliness. Spiritual muscles are built deliberately not just by default. There are things in your spiritual life that will not show up until you begin to work them out. Remember that the Holy Spirit is the Coach and He determines the kind of exercise you need to do per time. That's why you need to always fellowship with Him.

Isaiah 28 vs 11 says 'For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom  he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear'. We can draw out many things from here:
God speaks to us through tongues. Remember that tongues are Holy Ghost inspired utterance. So, the Holy Spirit uses this medium to speak to us so much that when we get the interpretation, you would know that wisdom has been communicated to you. God speaks through tongues.

Speaking with tongues brings a season of refreshing to us from the Lord. The word 'refresh' is the same word used in Psalms 23 for 'restore'. It means to make a new, to return to the original state of functionality. Hallelujah! We get refreshed when we pray in tongues. There is rest for you when you pray in tongues. You see these things are in PLACES in the realms. There are PLACES, REALMS, DIMENSIONS, LEVELS, etc and most times, you have to take your journey to that place. If you have not gotten there, you cannot get what you want that's why prayer is not mechanical. It may take you 20 minutes to get there today and tomorrow, you may still be on your way after 2 hours. Develop a STAYING POWER in the place of prayer so as to hold out, until God's promises pick up material tangibility in your life. Men ought ALWAYS TO PRAY AND NOT TO FAINT. Luke 18:1. There is a place in God that NOTHING IS HIDDEN, to know things that are hidden, you have to take your journey there. The vehicle is PRAYING IN TONGUES.
 It is the boat to navigate in spiritual waters. When your deep calls for God's deep, you take your journey by praying in tongues. Don't you know how many minutes I spend praying in tongues before typing these broadcast everyday? I have to pray until revelations are conveyed to my heart.

Speaking in tongues is the mechanism to get refilled with the Holy Ghost and partake of the New Wine. In Eph. 5:18, we are admonished to stay filled with the Spirit speaking... You get filled by speaking and you stay filled by speaking.

Do you know that 1 Cor. 14:14 has been proven scientifically? When you pray in tongues, there is ZERO activity in your brain. Understanding is ferried to your mind when you obey 1 Cor. 14:13.
The best way to pray, worship and give thanks to God is to do it in tongues. 1 Cor. 14:15-17. Paul prioritize praying, singing and blessing God in tongues more than doing them in your understanding. As a matter of fact, what you pray, sing or utter in your understanding should be an interpretation of what has been said in tongues. May God give you understanding. There are so many things to still say about tongues, we will continue tomorrow.
 If you have missed any of the editions or you have questions, contact:
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These broadcasts are prelude to EPIGNOSIS Nite which holds NEXT WEEK MONDAY by 9pm. Theme: HOLY SPIRIT, THOU ART WELCOME TO NIGERIA
@Methodist Church IYANA Church, Ibadan. You are most invited.


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