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Holy Spirit 23- The Gifts of the Spirit- Part 3

Yesterday, we discussed the Revelational Gifts and we said they reveal something and their spectrum covers THE WHOLE OF CREATION INCLUDING THE CREATOR REALM.
Today, we are considering
THE INSPIRATIONAL GIFTS: they are the abilities to speak under a Divine inspiration. In other word, you have not premeditated what you will say.
These gifts are very important because you can minister to an entire congregation of people by operating in these gifts. Let us now discuss them.

1. PROPHECY. 1 Cor. 14
It is a bubbling forth under a Divine inspiration.

1 Cor. 14:3 gives us the textbook scope/function of this gift; he that prophesy speak to men to EDIFICATION, and EXHORTATION and COMFORT. These are the main and scriptural uses of the gift of PROPHECY.
Be it unto you that prophecy DOESN'T CARRY REVELATION ABOUT THE PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE. When revelation of things or event occur in it, the Revelational Gifts are involved.

You need to know about the Inter-relationships among the Gifts of the Spirit.
That's why I said that 'he that prophecy IS NOT NECESSARILY a prophet'.
The Prophetic Office involves Seeing, knowing and speaking things that are hidden from the knowledge of a person and many Gifts of the Spirit are involved.

The person who functions in the simple gift of prophecy EDIFIES (to embolden or strengthen someone with words), EXHORT (encouragement combined with the alleviation of grief) and COMFORT (to soothe,consolation and comfort with a great degree of tenderness).
The whole chapter of 1 Cor. 14 was dedicated to differentiate between Speaking in Tongues and Prophecy. Also, rules guiding the usage of prophecy are outlined there.
Time and space cannot afford me the luxury of dealing with them one after the other. Go and study for yourself and also I will publish these broadcast next year in a book format. There, an extensive work would have been done on each one.


 this is an inspired utterance in an unknown language to the speaker and sometimes to the hearer. There are many things to say about tongues. I have written volumes on it based on Divine Revelation over the years from 2008 till now.

Know that TONGUES in the New Testament first of all THE INITIAL EVIDENCE OF THE BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT. Five scriptures in the book of Acts attested to this.
 However, the tongues spoken at baptism continues as a ceaseless flow of the Rivers of Life within a believer. This tongues I just described now is NOT the gift of Tongues.
 2. Tongues could also mean the gift of TONGUES mentioned in 1 Cor. 12:10. This is called DIVERS TONGUES- it is the ability that the Holy Spirit gives to a believer to speak IN HUMAN LANGUAGE OR ANGELIC LANGUAGE unknown to him/her before. Hmm.

DIVERS TONGUES = TONGUES OF MEN + TONGUES OF ANGELS. 1 COR 13:1. May God gives you understanding.

3. There is also the MINISTRY GIFT OF TONGUES mentioned in 1 Cor. 12:28- the utterance in thus kind of tongues is often accompanied by the interpretation from the speaker. Prophecy in this regard carries revelation with it and come with a greater anointing than the normal speaking in tongues. Whoever is operating in this is closed to becoming a PROPHET.

 I hope you know that you can function in Ministry Gift frequently unlike Spiritual Gifts that are AS THE SPIRIT WILLS.

What happened on the Day of Pentecost?

 Many critics of speaking in tongues always refer to Acts 2 and they will tell you that if you are speaking in tongues and no tribe has told you that you are speaking their language, you are wrong. Sometimes, I marvel at people's ignorance. It's not their fault, they have not been taught.
On the day of Pentecost, my research showed that it was DIVERS TONGUES + THE GIFT OF THE WORKING OF MIRACLES that were manifested.
Divers tongues because about 18 different tribes heard the 120 Disciples spoke in their languages the wonderful work of God.
 Working of Miracles because if 120 all spoke at once, all you will hear is NOISE. But, the gift of the workings of Miracles conveyed various languages to people that need to hear it where they stood in that crowd. Hayah! Holy Spirit, you are powerful.
 Also, the Bible says in Acts 2:4 that the Disciples spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Yet, different people heard different things.
Have you ever sat in a congregation to hear a sermon and what came to you by the Spirit is different from what the preacher is preaching? This is what I am talking about.

Divers tongues involve you speaking the language of another tribe you didn't know before. It is like a Yoruba man speaking in French.

God also give believers the ability to speak in the tongues of angels as He deem fit. As a matter of fact, if you ever know, it will be by a word of knowledge to you. Many times, it may be that instructions are being passed to those angels or you are communicating with them.
I hope you know that primarily, tongues is for FELLOWSHIP?

 it is the ability to give the meaning if an utterance in tongues in a known language. It is rated as the lowest gift of the Spirit because it depends on SUPERNATURAL UTTERANCE IN AN UNKNOWN LANGUAGE TO occur.
Tongues interpretation is NOT the same as translation. Therefore, the interpretation can either be longer or shorter than the real message in tongues. 1 Cor. 14:13 tells us about the possibility of interpreting your tongues. PRAY AND HAVE FAITH. The interpretation comes to you in the form of THOUGHTS. You just have to yield more to God.

It takes a greater degree of faith to interprets than to speak. It is possible to know/have the meaning of what you have said in tongues. Many things are still to be said. Let's stop here.

2moro's teaching is: GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT PT. 4.
If you have missed any of the editions or you have questions, contact:
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These broadcasts are prelude to EPIGNOSIS Nite which holds on EIGHT DAYS FROM NOW by 9pm. Theme: HOLY SPIRIT, THOU ART WELCOME TO NIGERIA
@Methodist Church IYANA Church, Ibadan. You are most invited.


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