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Holy Spirit 20- The Seven Eyes, Seven Lamps and Seven Horns

Just as we have learnt in the previous posts, Isaiah 11 vs. 2 mentioned the 7 Spirits of God individually.
However, the 7 Seven Spirits of God are also called the 7 Eyes, 7 Lamps and 7 Horns. The insights from the Holy Spirit revealed that these names have significance and their operations are different. Let us explore them one after the other.

 Zech. 4 :2, Acts 2:3,  Heb. 12:29, Zech. 2:5.
The old testament is the mirror image of the new testament. God gave Moses the description of the 7 Lamps in Exodus 25:31-40, Lev. 8:1-4. We can safely infer from these scriptures that the 7 Spirits are responsible for LIGHT (ILLUMINATION). The 7 Lamps lights the world especially THE CHURCH. Remember that in Rev. 1:20, the seven candlesticks are the seven churches. (Also Read Zech. 4:2, Rev. 4:5 plus the scriptures above to see the premises for this truth). The 7 Lamps are responsible for the Illumination of the Church.

Apart from this, Fire typifies the JUDGEMENT and the Spirit's Power to PURIFY from every draught and impurities. Is. 66:15-16.
The Holy Spirit is described as the Spirit of Burning. Is.4:4.  The Fire Dimension can also PROTECT. Zech. 2:5. Hell Fire and Lake of Fire represent the Divine Judgment on Evil doers and everything/everyone that pertains to the Devil.
EVERY HUMAN BEING WILL PASS THROUGH THE FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. It's either you pass through it here in this life to purify you or in the life beyond in Hell and Lake of Fire. The choice is yours. The Holy Spirit is THE REFINER and PURIFIER. Mal.3:2-3.

The Holy Spirit descended as a Wind and filled the Disciples as FIRE. We need the Fire of God in these days to purify us from every draught, impurities and iniquities.
The Fire deals with the WEAKNESSES of the flesh and create an hunger for God.

The Fire Dimension of the Spirit is responsible for REVIVAL. Theologians says we are in the time of the LAODECIAN CHURCH known for LUKEWARMNESS. Jesus says to us 'buy of me gold tried in FIRE'.Rev.3:18.The cure for lukewarmness is FIRE.

Zech. 3:9, 4:10 Rev. 5:6
The Seven Eyes are responsible for the Omnipresence of God. It is only the infinite Wisdom of God that can explain the mechanism of these 7 Eyes.

They run to and fro in all the realms of God. It means they are PRESENT EVERYWHERE: THEY SEE (NOT LIKE THE HUMAN'S EYE) THROUGH 360 DEGREES- THEY SEE THROUGH BOTH PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL THINGS AT THE SAME TIME. Also, there is perfection of knowledge with everything they see. These EYES are also TALKING EYES. That's why I said Hunan's intelligence may not understand it.
In short, the 7 Eyes are present everywhere at the same time. They SEE EVERYTHING, KNOW EVERYTHING and can SAY EVERYTHING.
The Seven Eyes denote THE PERFECTION OF THE REVELATION OF GOD. Nothing is hid from His Eyes. Heb. 4 :13 That's why we need the ministration of these 7 Eyes.

God's Word in this last days is this, 'UPON ALL BELIEVERS (stones- 1 Pet. 2: 5)
SHALL BE THE SEVEN EYES WHICH ARE THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD SEND FORTH INTO ALL THE EARTH'. Zech.3:9, 4:10.  Halleloyah. Glory to God. I receive this word in Jesus' name. Amen.

The Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ (I hope you know that the word 'Christ' means 'The Anointed One and His Anointing'?) is described as having 7 Horns and 7 Eyes which are the 7 Spirits of God.

Horns in Biblical interpretation denotes AUTHORITY. No wonder when Jesus rose from the dead, He said All power (Grk.: Exousia-AUTHORITY) is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Mt. 28:18.
The 7 Horns represent the PERFECTION IN AUTHORITY. The 7 Horns is connected with the 7 Eyes in Rev. 5:6. The EXOUSIA that you can weird in God's Kingdom is directly proportional to the REVELATION (EPIGNOSIS) that you have. These actual reflect your RANKING AND STATURE IN THE REALM OF THE SPIRIT. May God give you understanding.
The name of Jesus is NOT equally powerful in all Believers' mouth. In the mouth of some, the name is a mere punctuation mark in spiritual dialogue. While for others, it is the release of the armoury of God against every onslaught of the Devil. Chai.

The proximity of the 7 Horns and the 7 Eyes to the Throne of God show that BOTH AUTHORITY AND REVELATION FUNCTIONS IN THE PRESENT TENSE  FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD.
 I pray that these mysteries will be unlocked to EVERY READER IN JESUS' NAME.
2moro's teaching is: THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT.

If you have missed any of the editions or you have questions, contact:
WhatsApp: 08101025734
These broadcasts are prelude to EPIGNOSIS Nite which holds on the 26th of December by 9pm. Theme: HOLY SPIRIT, THOU ART WELCOME TO NIGERIA
@Methodist Church IYANA Church, Ibadan. You are most invited.


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