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Holy Spirit 3- The Holy Spirit of Wine

Many symbols/things are used by the Scripture to give us insight about the nature, ability and character of the Holy Spirit. We will look at them one after the other.

Eph. 6:18- says Be not drunk with wine which is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.

Pls, understand that Paul wasn't encouraging the consumption of liquor. Some ignoramuses have linked this scripture with the admonition of Paul to Timothy to take wine because of his health. Paul used the analogy of the intoxicating power of wine to describe the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is referred to by Jesus as THE NEW WINE.

It's possible to be filled with the Holy Ghost to the point of intoxication so much that you can begin to stagger/walk like a drunk person. I have seen a lady that was under this intoxicating power for 3 days stretch. She couldn't speak in any other language except TONGUES. She had to carry a notepad and pen around to express herself. Pastor Chris Delvan once said that a Bank Teller came under the influence for almost 2 days. She had to be carried home from Church that Sunday afternoon. She couldn't go to work. Neighbors, friends, colleagues and boss at work that came looking for her benefited from the keen prophetic gift with which she ministered to them individually.

This dimension of the Spirit is very contagious and its various manifestations like: Singing, laughing, dancing, etc are very wonderful to experience and behold. Apostle Paul listed some effects of being filled (to the brim) with the Spirit in Eph. 5:19-21. Speaking to yourselves in PSALMS (spiritual poem/ode-it may/may not rhyme but, it has a flavour of poetry), HYMNS (not the ones in Baptist Hymnal), SPIRITUAL SONGS (they contain the revelation of God's word to you), SINGING AND MAKING MELODIES IN YOUR HEART sine GOD, GIVING THANKS TO GOD AND SUBMITTING TO ONE ANOTHER.

These are very awesome and wonderfully needed experiences today. The Holy Spirit as Wine refers to His ability to impart boldness to do God's Will. You know God has a good sense of humor. It's wonderful to see pple drunk in the Spirit. I've been there before. The New Wine is good. You get high in the Spirit, worry, fear, anxiety, depression and all the bondages of the Devil lose their grip over you. You will no longer be contained and restricted.

Whao! Glory to God. Eph. 6:18 from the Greek denotes a continuous action. BUT BE BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT. Hallelujah. You can partake of the New Wine ANY DAY and ANY TIME by speaking in other tongues. Stay put until you are filled. Hallelujah. READ AND SHARE.

Watch out for EPIGNOSIS NITE. 26/12/16
Facebook: Solomon.Olufemi.1
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