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Holy Spirit 5- The symbol of Wind

Acts 2:2, Job 33:4,15:30, Ps 33:6, 35:5, Is.11:4, 30, 30:28. The breath or wind symbolizes the Holy Spirit as the Life Giver (Eze 37). It describes His Omnipresence power. No wonder He is called 'THE ANGEL OF HIS PRESENCE'. Isa 63:9. It doesn't mean that He is God's errand boy but, one of His many responsibilities is to bring the Presence of God to you.

The Holy Spirit is the Glory of God- ROM.6:4. Shekinah is the visible Glory of God. Jesus was limited by time and space when He was here but, the Holy Spirit has come to make the SAME POWER Jesus carried when He walked this planet to be available everywhere and at the same time with the same intensity in every region of God's creation.

Whao! Thank you Holy Spirit. Many 'Jesuses' are to be raised in this time. The wind also typifies THE TRANSPORTING ABILITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Gen 5:24, Elijah, Jesus Acts 1:9, Phillip Acts 8:39-40 etc.

The Holy Ghost descended on the day of Penticost like A RUSHING MIGHTY WIND so much that the sound drew the attention of everyone in Jerusalem to the Upper Room. Acts2. The Holy Spirit typified as WIND can also blow away/destroy whatever is against the counsel of God. The Red Sea was parted by the Wind Ex 14:21, When d enemy shall come like a flood, the breath of the Spirit shall drive him away. Isa 59:19(Amplified).

One of d things the Spirit said to us in the course of praying every morning and evening for EPIGNOSIS Nite is that, the Wind of the Spirit will Invade the Church and this Nation to blow away and flush out everything and everyone that is antagonistic to the Divine Will. Amen.

THE WIND MECHANISM is also used by the Spirit to disperse/spread DISPENSATIONAL TRUTH/TIME BOUND EMPHASIS of God. It means, different people in different places will begin to preach/demonstrate THE SAME ASPECT OF THE GOSPEL SIMULTANEOUSLY or a particular type of Grace will be made available IN A PERIOD OF TIME for all to minister in.

There have been many waves in Church history: Azuza Street Revival, Healing Wave, Evangelistic wave etc. The move of God during the Azuza Street Revival also occurred in Africa and other continents AROUND D SAME TIME. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS BOUNDLESS, LIMITLESS AND HIS MIGHTY POWER CAN BE SIMULTANEOUSLY DISPLAYED

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