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Understanding The New World Order

We have an online weekly meeting that is focused on the times and season. Recently, we had a discussion on the new world order and we felt it should be archived here so that the readers of this blog can be able to access it.


Topic: Understanding the New World Order

Speaker: Pastor Ebenezer Onomu

Tonight as we consider this topic , understanding the new world order. I acknowledged that this topic as it is. , it may sound irrelevant to many, especially the  christocentric brethren, but i want first of all tell you that , this topic become imperative for us who are alive in a time like this, this last days which begin since the day of the Pentecost, and we are the end of the  last days.

Why do we need to understand the new world order?


Bible says .

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom .

(Psalms 90:12 KJV)

Either contextually or prophetically nothing in this verse communicate relevance of marking birthday, which is not wrong in itself,

It point us to the fact that our life should be well planned, oh, in the sense that , the word number our days in its original rendition is actually allotting our days  , classifying our days into sections, or grouping our days, considering the season we are able to determine what best is each section can be used for, you know that , the best time to drink cold stuff is not early in the morning, and the best time to take hot tea is not 2pm in the after, in the same vein when we are able to observe the world event, in line with the word of God, we can determine the best thing we suppose to be doing now.

Peter buttress it and let me lift out the verse

Second peter 3-11

11 Therefore, since all these things will  be dissolved, what manner of persons  ought you to be in holy conduct and  godliness,

12 looking for and hastening  the coming of the day of God, because  of which the heavens will be dissolved,  being on fire, and the elements will melt  with fervent heat?


In the same spirit, chronicle says

And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.

(1 Chronicles 12:32 KJV)

This story is a out file of the long battle that continue between the family of Saul and David, the battle was long, and the house of Saul grow weaker , while David grow stronger, simply because shift has happen in the spirit as the prophecy over David is near fulfillment , this shift is gradually materializing in the physical, the men of Issachar we highlighted in the verse, acted wise because they are able to discern the season , in that they know that God is no longer with Saul, somehow the grace has shifted to David, hence they can wisely make right alignment, leaving Saul and cleaving David., again they discern time , that inform their action


Don't you think Paul was saying the same thing in Ephesians

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

(Ephesians 5:15-17 KJV)

Hence we talk about the new world order in the light of the scripture, and i will be a little bit pragmatic, diplomacy may not help in this matter. You will be familiar with the term  the-new-normal

And it is important that we don’t discuss any kingdom matter to instill panic or fear in the heart of any believer, ideally , the discussion of the end time , even rapture that wasn’t terminologically used, but depicted conceptually should not inspire fear in you , but joy and gratitude to our lord Jesus, consider Paul's comment about rapture.

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

(1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 KJV)

I want you to take a second look at the last verse, comfort one another with this, your posture towards the end time series and event shouldn’t be that of fear, nothing is said to make you afraid, the spirit of God doesn’t work in that way. The new normal was created by the spirit of anti Christ.

The spirit of Antichrist is already in the world, working everything towards enthroning lawlessness, and justifying evil on a large scale, and this is the first focus of the new order.

 The spirit of anti Christ is different from The person of anti Christ, but of the same root and of the same purpose,  combine the  (a,b,c) scriptures given below, you will see it clearly, one is the spirit, other is the spirit manifesting in a person.


And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

(1 John 4:3 KJV)


2Th 2:7  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 

2Th 2:8  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 

2Th 2:9  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

This.. Is the cruise.. The spirit of anti Christ was at work since the beginning of the last day.. Day of Pentecost.. The presence of church hinder  antichrist embodied physically from manifesting.. Until believers(embodying holy spirit) are taken out of the cosmos in rupturing.

Let's get some  Fact about the new world order. New world order is a spiritual reconfiguration of the world, for showdown of anti Christ, codified and encapsulated , disguised in  socio-economic reset of the world ,through deliberate manipulation of system, science element of the earth.


It is sponsored by the spirit of the anti Christ, it is permitted by God so that the world can be ripe for judgment.


The COVID-19 has not fully ushered in the new world order as it ought to be according to the plan of those behind it, those behind it are yielded men who are loyal to devils and heavily influenced by demonic entities, in the coven, the corona virus is not a natural out break, it is biological mutation of corona that has long been in existence, making it easily transmittable and more deadlier, two thing you need to note here, it was designed to affect the world population to a manageable size, and then implement a policy where human being may be injected with certain mechanism to help them solve this issue, this mechanism will expose human will and choice to the influence , inspiration of devil, in the long run they will be able to breed evil infested generation, but it failed , calm down anytime devil sense what God want to do on the earth, he always want to go ahead to counter the activities of the spirit on the earth.  We are not living in the denial of existence of devil , we are living in the assurance of our victory of him irrespective of all his ploy. Let me show you in the bible how that in the time Moses was born, the spirit of devil move that they should kill all the young male Hebrew boys, and Moses was hidden,  it was the same thing the prophet prophesied about cry in Ramah and Rachael will mourn her children that culminate to the killings that was perpetuated in the time of Jesus, whereby Joseph was instructed to carry the baby and run to Egypt, for a while,  it wasn’t a new thing , the frame in the spirit are always consistent with occurrence and re occurrence, devil always want to outrun the agenda of God , but God knows how to prepare and keep his own .  i couldn’t go into some end time eschatological stuff, but i can assure you that , the reason for all this attempt is because the time of the end is near and devil near, and devil want to wrap up the ages before its time, but until the church is ruptured that will not happen, why God doesn’t judge the wicked with the righteous unless he save the righteous first, it has been consistent in the ways of God in the bible, how that God save lots and judged Gomorrah, how that God save Noah and judged the whole world, how that God saved Joshua and called and judge every one else, God is just , that is the reason why nothing can succeed in the plan of the devil until the system to preserve the righteous is designed and executed. Can you approach thing with  peace  of mind now, you are adequately insured, he cares for sparrow and bird he didn’t father, he's just  God over them, how much more you, that carries his DNA


Vaccines is not the mark of the beast, though it has some biological alterations of human system and , it ill be a choice to take it or not. But initially the plan wasn't the vaccine,but something more manipulated than that.


In the  new normal , things will never return back exactly to former again l, rather the situation of the earth will get worst, reason been that, the earth itself is getting old, the devil is given more free hand, and as time goes on,  Nephilim or giant will return to the earth as in the days of Noah to corrupt human race the more in a modernized style, Jesus himself hint us in Matthew, this will be a modernized version where men heavy weighted scientist will yield the corridor of their heart to produce weapon of mass destruction as inspired in partnership of this aliens spirit. their production will be two fold scientific breakthrough, destructive  scientific knowledge and the one that bring luxury and comfort to humanity, they will continue to cause chaos on the earth , suggesting this comforting palliative and anyone who rejected the offer threatened with, this pattern is seen in what Joe Biden is saying to Nigeria that we will soon face sanctions financially if laws that allow homosexual is not passed into our constitution.. currently they have discovered that cannabis or marijuana is good for health and two countries has passed its free usage, consumption and production into law more I'll come.


Silicon valley is a coven of witches of the world, and hope you know that with crafting is becoming official and they are working on social modalities for its usage in America. COVID-19 could have been more successful it it was developed in us, but China was used because the current government in us , could have spied it out, trump slow down the rate of some things we never know, if you realize the degree of hatred the powers of the world , especially silicon people have towards trump you will know why all the drama was happening. 

Now.. Silicon valley secret place is more known than before. They are moving to be countries.. Tomi Arayomi.. Says something about that.  Even Perry Stone..Luxumburg and one other city will host the coven..

Is this typified  in the bible. Just as Pergamos was said to be habitation of devil in a season in book of revelation... So is those city hosting the evil bakery of end time


The new order is not just a physical disruption of social system of the world, it is a reflection of what is happening in the spirit ,  seal are open, the seven trumpet are been blown, in progressive order, and timeline of this blowing is well scribed in the Bible, but I can't go into this for now, and their is more pressure on the earth from kingdom of darkness, in the same Vein, their is more pressure on the believer in the spirit realm to aligned, the contention is not for goat and dog, the contention is not literal war against devil, but the contention is battle for man, both want complete control over man, and come up into stature, in that the stage is getting set for the showdown, how do we know this, the angel that declare in book of revelation that their should be time no longer that all the mysteries of God must be fulfilled is a communication of the hurrying , and speeding up of activities of the spirit on the earth. the shaking is permitted, and necessary for the winding of the earth, it wasn't like earth will end tomorrow morning, but a shaking as began, and it will gain momentum, until it culminate to fullness of time when Christ will be justified to pick his own on the earth for full revealing of man of sin.

Hebrew. 12-  25 See that you do not refuse Him who  speaks. For if they did not escape who  refused Him who spoke on earth, much  more shall we not escape if we turn  away from Him who speaks from  heaven, 26 whose voice then shook the  earth; but now He has promised,  saying, “Yet once more I shake h not  only the earth, but also heaven.” i 27  Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates  the removal of those things that are  being shaken, as of things that are  made, that the things which cannot be  shaken may remain.


In this process , people will get comfortable with worldliness, with the pleasure of the world as an escape route from pressure, the same way you see people resort into drinking and ganging, when they lose their job or experience depression, now Jesus plainly say , love of many shall wax cold, because iniquity shall abound.


One of the strategies to achieved new world order  will be false sense of unity  to achieve global peace..  see it mentioned by Paul..

1thesalonian 5 2 For you  yourselves know perfectly that the day  of the Lord so comes as a thief in the  night. 3 For when they say, “Peace and  safety!” then sudden destruction  comes upon them, as labor pains upon  a pregnant woman. And they shall not  escape  

It's clear here, that's is the subtle introduction of one world religion, it won't be Catholic things many Pentecostal will fall into it to semi brotherhood, don't be surprised that the plan is going on seriously and their is a video on line, on YouTube where some of leaders of world religion have meeting towards uniting all the religion of the world, I will not mentioned name so not to indite anyone.  one world religion will not necessarily begin as creating another God, it will be mutual agreement where religion of the world will reach state of defunct; where they will come into peace deal, and consentially ironclad the confine of their religious practice to accommodate each other, shift certain ground and detoxify their religion to make it look like they are the  serving the same God approached differently, example is chris -islam.. now been practice ,hope you know that Rick Warren is now subtly projecting chrislam. Rick Warren wrote purpose driven life and purpose driven church.


The new order will weaken , and continue to weaken the gathering of believer to the point that revival will broke out from different angle in little corner, as some of the popular cathedral compromised to enable continuity, popularity, political correctness and acceptance.

God will open doors of wealth to his children ,those one who has escape bound age of greed and corruption, and ultimately they have escape bound age of selfish, this is purely prophetic. but not this wealth will transcend accumulation of currency, but to own  means of production and the door has certain time frame for expiration.

What should believer do in a time like this?


Grow in discernment

22 And unless those days were  shortened, no flesh would be saved; but  for the elect’s sake those days will be  shortened.  23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look,  here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not  believe it. 24 For false christs and false  prophets will rise and show great signs  and wonders to deceive, if possible,  even the elect..

And also consider

Ephesian 4-.

14 that  we should no longer be children, tossed  to and fro and carried about with every  wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men,  in the cunning craftiness of deceitful  plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in  love, may grow up in all things into Him  who is the head—Christ


Don't do blind follower-ship, while we maintain culture of faith, love and honour, to God that translate into loyalty to individuals for purpose of kingdom goal, in the process we mustn't become emotional , we must be loyal first to the kingdom ,  the era has come where we mustn't exalt anyone, regardless of their fame and status among  believers, we must not exalt  anyone above Gods word. this is necessary so that we I'll not fall along with those who may fall for deception. while we watch for all the saint as Ephesian 6 instructed, someone must betrayed Jesus, some people will fall, when I say fall, they will give their allegiance to the operations of the agenda of new order. anyone minister of God who vote Biden ,consciously or ignorantly give his power to operation of the spirit of Antichrist.. some are ignorant and some do it consciously.


Guard against ..lust, for money, for fame and craving of the flesh, all this make a believer susceptible to deception..the prince of this world comes and find nothing in me says Jesus. this directly. just like remote control, if you press remote control devise of Samsung to LG TV it won't work because their is no systematic coding that allow it to accept the sensor and  signal of that remote. Lust of all kind, works of the flesh exposes us, make us susceptible, or give a connecting point between us and the system of devil for deception. The greatest tool of the enemy in the end time will be deception.


Nothing should be more important above kingdom principle the reason why many figure Will agree with one world religion is because they need to preserve their power. their influence and their  hard earned territory and small empire. 

He who lose his life shall find it and he who keep his life shall lose it. be prepare to lose friends , popularity and opportunity if need be in time to come.

Finally my brethren,

Jude 1-24  Now to Him who is able to keep you  f from stumbling,  And to present  you faultless  Before the presence of His glory with  exceeding joy,  25 To God our Savior, g  Who alone is wise, h  Be glory and majesty,  Dominion and power, i  Both now and forever.  Amen.


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