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Joel Army 6

I welcome you today in the name of Jesus. In this series, we are still looking at events that will occur before the Adamic civilization will end. Note that the Rapture is NOT the end of the world rather, it is the beginning of another phase.
We are looking at the battle of Armageddon and yesterday, I stopped at THE QUALITY OF THE SAINTS THAT WILL FIGHT ALONGSIDE JESUS. Yesterday, we have dealt with where these Saints will come from. Let us now look at THEIR QUALITIES.

1. ALL OF THEM ARE IMMORTALS: everyone of them would have entered into their GLORIFIED BODIES 1 Cor. 15:51-54. Therefore, they cannot be killed. All the weapons that the hordes of Hell will bring against them cannot harm them. Is. 54:17 will be 100% true about them.

2. They are going to be MATURED SAINTS. I hope you know that the word 'Saint' does not refer to those who are dead  in Christ? 'Sainthood' is a state that all believers have been called into. The Corinthians were regarded as the MOST CARNAL CHURCH APOSTLE PAUL EVER PASTORED yet, he called them SAINTS 1 Cor.1:2, 6:1,14:33, 2Cor. 1:1, 9:12, 13:12.
Some people have argued that ALL BELIEVERS ARE GOING TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE JESUS. This is absolutely wrong! The same wrong assumption exists when it comes to the 'Bride of Christ'. That you attend the Marriage doesn't turn you to the Bride. The believers that will fight alongside Jesus are THE MATURED ONES- those that have learnt to use their weapons of Spiritual warfare while on Earth. I have written extensively on 'The Armours of the End Time Army' in my book to be published early next year Listen, spiritual babes will stay back within the walls of Jerusalem while the matured will go and fight. What many don't know is that at the Rapture, every believer will enter into their spiritual bodies. If you are 50years old physically but, spiritually you are 5years old, it is THE BODY OF A  FIVE YEAR OLD THAT YOU WILL HAVE. This mortal body would have been swallowed by immortality.

Spiritual age is not counted with respect to when you gave your life to Christ. You could have been born again for 15years and your spiritual maturity is that of a 2year old. It has everything to do with your FELLOWSHIP WITH THE GODHEAD. That you die now and you go to Heaven doesn't mean you know God most than those of us on the Earth. The Growth Process continues in Heaven from where it stops on the Earth.
Another thing is this, in every kingdom, there are civilians as well as soldiers as well as soldiers. The same is true of God's Kingdom because the physical is the mirror image of the spiritual. This also butress the fact that it is not all believers that will fight in this battle. One thing I know for sure is that I will be on that battle ground though I don't know yet my platoon in the Army of Light.
Lastly on this note, there won't be casualities on our side. It will be a flawless Victory for us.

This army will be led by the Antichrist. Next to him should be the False Prophet (the one who will establish the Pseudo Religious System that have never existed before that time and will enthrone the Antichrist as the god to be worshipped in this religion).
Demons and fallen angels from all ages will be there. Listen, there are some of these fallen angels that have been bound for ages that will be released in this last days Rev. 9:13-19. Let me stop here for now. I will continue from here tomorrow.
I am Olufemi Solomon.
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