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Joel Army 9

Hello everyone, I welcome you to another day in this series in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. I'm almost through with the first part of this series. Then, I will go to the book of JOEL.
The Justice system of God cannot allow a person to be cast into Prison without being tried in Court. Hence, the essence of this Court. The Devil and other Fallen angels were judged in Eternity past. Some were left to roam the Earth while some were bond in different places pending the time for the manifestation of the Lake of Fire.
Everyone in Hell Fire right now is AN ACCUSED PERSON; they have not been declared guilty/criminals. It is only a Court of Law that can pronounce a person a criminal.
1. Hell Fire is the Cell that sinners go while the Lake of Fire is the Prison.
2. Compared to the Lake of Fire, Hell Fire is a child's play. It is not hot at all. As a matter of fact, the Devil and many demons are not hurt by that Fire.
3. Hell Fire is temporary while the Lake of Fire is eternal.
4. Hell Fire and Death will be cast into the Lake of Fire  to be burnt forever Rev. 20:14.

A. Everyone that will be in Hell prior to this time Rev. 20:13. Hell will be emptied as everyone will go to Court and from there to Prison.
B. All the armies that participated in the Battle of Armageddon and that of GOG and MAGGOG.
C. Those that will be on Earth during that time that have not received Jesus Christ as Lord. Listen, reproduction will continue after the Rapture. The same goes for Death and the possibility of getting born again. Even during the Reign of the Antichrist, The Two Olive Trees will be on Earth to preach the gospel with signs and we wonders Rev. 11.
Lastly on this note, everyone that appears before this Court is damned forever. You can't prove/plead NOT GUILTY before this Court.

This is when Jesus Christ will be joined with His Bride that has taken ages to get prepared. Personally, I am not sure of the exact time after the Rapture that this event will take place.

The Church is the Bride of Christ. The challenge here is whether the Bride is the Church as of many (l mean everyone) or as of one (where each member constitute a part of the body). The age long argument is WHETHER OR NOT ALL BELIEVERS WILL BE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST.
If you go by some of the teachings of Paul, your conclusion may be that THE CHURCH CONSISTING OF MANY MEMBERS IS THE BRIDE OF CHRIST. Eph. 5 and 1 Cor. 12.
If you go by the teachings of the Synoptic gospels coupled with the book of Revelation, your conclusion may be that NOT ALL BELIEVERS WILL BECOME THE BRIDE OF CHRIST.
The Synoptic gospels and the book of Revelation put the responsibility of qualification of being part of the Bride on the Believers. Mt. 25 showed us that some virgins didn't make it to THE MARRIAGE SUPPER let alone they will be Bride. By the Grace of God, I will do some indept teaching on THE BRIDE OF CHRIST next year.
This brings us to the end of the first half of this series. Tomorrow, we will really begin to look into the book of JOEL and this End Time Army.
I am Olufemi Solomon.
Call/WhatsApp: +2349095507154
Twitter: @cya_nigeria

 Please, read and share. God bless you!


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