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Jesus brought in the New Covenant and this Gospel of Salvation. The question is this, WAS JESUS POOR DURING HIS EARTHLY MINISTRY?
Many will be quick to say that He was born in a stable and buried in a borrowed tomb.
Be it known unto you that Joseph and Mary stayed in a stable because there was no place in the public places not because of lack of money. Luke 2:1-7
Some other misunderstood scriptures along this line are:
Luke 9:58 and 2 Cor.8:9
1. Luke  9:58 And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
They interpret this to mean Jesus doesn't have a place to stay. Well, the next verse nullified this erroneous belief because the same Jesus told another to FOLLOW HIM. The phrase 'the Son of man hath not where to lay his head' refers to the man's heart. It means Jesus has searched him and found out that there was no place in the man's heart to place His (Jesus) authority. Head speaks of 'authority'.
2. 2 Cor. 9:8 Jesus was only made poor when He died on the Cross and not during his 33.5 years on Earth.
A. He became poor when He took our place and died on the Cross Is. 53:4-6, 2 Cor. 5:21. 2 Cor. 8:9 talks about His substitutionary work for us and not talking about His life on Earth.
B. Early life of Jesus
Joseph and Mary left Israel in the night to Egypt and stayed till the angel brought words that they should return. Mt. 2:15. How did they survive in Egypt without money and embarking on an unprepared journey?
C. He had Ministry Partners
Luke 8:1-3
D. Jesus had a home different from Joseph's house.
Mt. 4:12-13, Mt. 9:1, Mk 2:1
E. Jesus' Earthly Ministry assisted the Poor.
John 13:27-29. How could the disciples taught Jesus meant that Judas should give something to the poor if it hasn't been a regular act?  Acts 10:38. 'doing good' here refers to philanthropic acts.
F. He had a thief as a treasurer John 12:6 NIV. A poor bunch of homeless missionary team won't need a treasurer. A treasurer like Judas couldn't regularly embezzle money if there was little or nothing there.
G. Jesus distinguished Himself from the Poor. John 12:8 NIV
Also notice that it was a Year's wages worth of perfume that was poured on his leg. A poor man wouldn't stand that.
H. Jesus never lacked. Luke 22:35
I. He wore nice clothes. The soldiers had to cast lot on who will go home with it. John 19:23-24
J. Jesus had at least 12 grown men on His Ministry team. Some of which are married and even older than Him. All were gainfully employed. Luke was a doctor. The sons of Zebedee were into fishing. His disciples weren't bunch of jobless and homeless people. They all resigned their employment and followed Jesus. How did someone like Peter sustained his nuclear family and a mother-in-law (Mt. 8:14) if there have not been finances coming from Jesus?
K. Jesus' Ministry travelled with the available means or transportation in those days. Most likely His ministry had ships or some ships were continuously being hired. Mt. 8:23, 9:1,13:2, Mk. 4:32, 6:32,45.
If Jesus the Christ that ushered in the New Testament and redeemed us with His own blood wasn't poor when He walked this Earth, then, it is wrong for anyone that follow Him to think that prosperity is wrong. Poverty doesn't produce piety. Poverty and holiness are never synonymous. Don't you have this crazy idea that God wants you to be poor. If Jesus wasn't poor when He walked this Earth, why should you?
Olufemi Solomon


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