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Prophetic Series - Day 8

I welcome you again in name of the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire to another edition of this Prophetic Series. We are still considering the Spiritual Gifts that are the major tools for the prophets to function effectively. Today, we are looking at
           WHAT IT IS NOT
1. It is not a gift of suspicion or fault finding. You don't have to be a Christian to suspect or find fault in people. The degenerate nature of humanity carries a tangible ability to suspect people with it. This ability are in layers to be put off depending on our consecration to walk in the Spirit.
2. It is not a SIN DETECTIVE MACHINE. Many people think that all you have to see is the brother/sister that is fornicating; no. Though, this gift can unveil sin, but it is not primarily design to be a sin detector. God is more concerned about restoring the person to himself if he/she wants to  than exposing the wrong deeds and make the person more vulnerable to the Devil.

3. It is not a mind reading gift. Many mind readers use demonic powers to do it. As far as as this planet is concerned, God has made it possible for everyone to be capable of individualised thoughts. But in Heaven, there is nothing like that. Individual thoughts are known to all. That was why Lucifer's thought became obvious. Is. 14:12. Jesus in bringing the Heavenly atmosphere down here replied people's thought answered people's thought. Mt. 9:4, 12:25, Luke 9:47
      WHAT IT IS
To discern means 'TO SEE THROUGH SOMETHING'.
The gift of Discerning of Spirits is the ability given by the Spirit to see and/or to hear into the REALM OF SPIRITS.
Unlike the two other Revelational Gift that can reveal anything about anything, this gift is limited to SPIRITS. In other word, this gift is useless when no spirit is involved in a matter.
If you ask me what Spiritual Gift is the Watchdog out of the Nine Gifts, IT IS THE GIFT OF DISCERNING OF SPIRITS. Why did you say this?
You see the Demonic realm can pirate all the other Eight Gifts of the Spirit. A person with a familiar spirit can mimic the  other Revelational Gifts, there are utterance (tongues and words) from the Demonic Realm and the Devil can mimic the voice of God. The Devil has transformed into an angel of light. 2 Cor. 11:14. Most of us were first familiar with the Devil's voice before God's voice. As a matter of fact, there are still billions of Christian that can't recognize God's voice up till now. But, I prophesy to everyone reading this post, 'as from today, you will no longer be in doubt concerning how God speaks in Jesus' name'. You will be able to clearly differentiate between God's voice and the Devil's voice in Jesus' name.
The Gift of Discerning of Spirit discern/sees the spirit behind a supernatural occurrence (action or vocal).
The Realm of the spirits consist of the following category of spirits:
A. The God Head and other beings in Heaven
B. The Human spirit.
C. The Devil and his cohorts.

The Gift of Discerning of spirits can see and/or hear the actions/words of any of these spirits.
We have talked about Prophets and Seers before; a prophet prophesies by the bubbling of words from his/her spirit while a Seer prophesies by what he/she sees. This gift functions more frequently with Seers.
The Joel Two Company of Prophets are those that will speak based on what they see.
A Prophet is a Spiritual Watchman upon towers of varying heights in the Realm of the Spirit depending on the measure he/she operates in.  Every citizen can see the same way every normal Christian can see but A PROPHETIC SEER SEES FARTHER BECAUSE HE/SHE HAS BEEN POSITIONED UPON THE TOWER SPIRITUALLY.
He/she is there to sound the alarm of approaching danger or prosperity.
The ability to see is one of the greatest benefits of Redemption.

All Prophets that were called Seers in the Old Testament operated in this gift.
Everyone that saw into the spirit realm were enabled to do so by THE GIFT OF DISCERNING OF SPIRITS. When Micaiah the prophet saw the decision of the Heavenly Council, it was by Discerning of Spirits. 2Chro.18
It manifest majorly through DREAMS AND VISIONS. Most times, your spiritual ears can also be activated to hear discuss of spirits. You can either SEE AND HEAR or HEAR ALONE.


A. When dreams and visions reveal the past and/or the future, the other two Revelational Gifts are involved.

B. In conducting Deliverance or ministering to the sick, this gift walks with other gifts like the Gift of Faith and Gifts of Healings to get the job done. This gift enables you to see the demon/situation and you cast it out either by the faith of ROM. 10:17 or by the Gift of Faith.
Moses saw Genesis by this gift plus the Gift of a Word of Knowledge.

In this days where false teachers and prophets are on the increase on our Pulpits, we need many people sitting on the pews to functions in this gift. There is a strong spirit of delusion hovering over Nigeria causing PEOPLE TO BELIEVE THINGS THAT ARE WRONG AND NOT EVEN CONVENIENT. This spirit is not just at work in the Church but also in various parts of our economy especially POLITICS.
1Cor  2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
Let me stop here for today.
Pray Eph. 1:17-20 (PREFERABLY FROM THE AMPLIFIED VERSION) for at least the next 15 days as many times as you can in a day. I tell you, THE EYES OF YOUR HEART WILL BE FLOODED WITH LIGHT.
Direct your questions and enquiries to:
  WhatsApp: +2348101025734,
Facebook: Christian Youth Alliance Nigeria or
Twitter: @cya_nigeria
God bless you real good.


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