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Prophetic Series- Day 7

I welcome you again to another edition of this prophetic series in the name of Him who died and rose triumphantly on the third day day, Jesus the Anointed. We started looking at Spiritual Gifts under the Prophetic office and today, we are going to consider
A. It is not the gift of knowledge.
B. It is not a mind reading or psychic gift.
C. It has nothing to do with academic prowess or intellectual capacity.
                 WHAT IT IS
 It is a sudden impartation of a fragmentary knowledge of God concerning a matter.
The scope of the revelation offered by this gift is limited to THE PAST AND THE PRESENT.
The gift under consideration can reveal the activity of the God Head and every being or thing in creation.  Most times, because its occurrence precedes that of the Gift of a Word of Wisdom, people find it difficult to tell the difference between the two.

The Gift of a Word of Knowledge help the prophet to reveals the past and/or present while the Gift of a Word of Wisdom reveals the future. Take as an example, this prophetic word for someone reading this post:
There is someone reading this series with a strong desire to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. God said I should tell you that as you engage in prayers and fasting for the next three days, His anointing will come powerfully on you. His glory will shine on you and through you visible for all to see and they will wonder and will say about you, 'are you a prophet?' Just like they said about Saul the king; is Saul also among the prophets? 1Sam. 10:11-12.
 Thank you Lord Jesus. Glory to your Holy name.
The above is a prophetic word for at least one person reading this post. Whoever the person is, contact me after today.
Now the above utterance  is sponsored by the operation of the Gift of a Word of Knowledge and Wisdom. The first gift revealed the desire in the heart of the person (past and present) while the gift of a Word of Wisdom revealed what the person should do and the result.
Someone will say, can prophetic word written down carry power like the one spoken in words? Yes, they can. The power of God is what backs it up not the vocal dexterity of the speaker. I have cast out Devils online before. How? I just type the decree I would have made through my words and the demon left on the other side. I have prayed for people to be healed before by typing it and those to whom the prayers were directed testified that they got healed. What about the infilling of the Holy Spirit? God's power doesn't know boundary. It is not about Correct Spoken English. You can be an orator and be deficient of power and an illiterate with power will do far better than you. It was said that Smith Wigglesworth once sent a telegram to one of his relations to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He made grammatical blunders in the telegram but the receiver of the telegram testified to receiving the Baptism with the Spirit. Whao! Am I celebrating mediocrity? No. What I am saying is this, God's power and anointing can flow through any medium so far the medium isn't against God's Will.             CAUTION:
Nobody should take this to an extreme to think that you can sleep with someone to transfer power. That is an abomination/abomicountry; a grievous sin.

There are numerous examples in the Bible that time and space can't make me to exhaust. But, EVERY TIME PROPHETIC WORDS AND VISIONS REVEAL THE PAST OR THE PRESENT, THE GIFT OF A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE IS INVOLVED.

This gift manifest through the same channels just like the Gift of a Word of Wisdom. You can reread yesterday's post for more details.
A. Through Prophecy.
B. Through Dream, Vision and Trance.
Apart from the fact that this gift manifest in the above highlighted ways, there is also what is called THE INTER-RELATIONSHIP OF GIFTS. This is when two or more gifts of the Spirit combine together to get a certain spiritual task done. For example at least THREE GIFTS WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PARTING OF THE RED SEA; the gift of a Word of Wisdom revealed what God will do and the strategy/instruction for Moses and the Israelites; the gift of Prophecy conveyed the above message; the Gift of the Workings of Miracles parted the Red Sea; and the Gift of Faith kept it parted till the last Israelite walked through the Red Sea.
FOUR GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT WERE INVOLVED IN GETTING LAZARUS OUT OF THE GRAVE. Fish them out and let me know if you are correct.

This list may be endless if we have to mention all the applications of the gift of a Word of Knowledge and Wisdom.
1. The duo of them are the backbone for the Prophetic Ministry especially those that are PROPHETS. Seers may still prophesy without these gifts. (Read previous edition to know the difference between SEERS AND PROPHETS).
2. Healing Ministers need these gifts to tell health conditions of people and what to be done. So, Gift of a Word of Knowledge and Gifts of Healings flow together very often.

3. Prophetic Evangelist flow in these gifts to declare a word in season and to call people out during Altar Calls. I know Evangelist that will call people's name in the congregation by Word of Knowledge to come and give their lives to Christ.

4. It can be directed at looking for missing things.

5. Students preparing for exams need these gifts to know where to read, which questions will come out, etc. This was how I got Distinction in my O'Level Biology exam despite the fact that it was the subject I hated the most.

6. These gifts have serious relevance in the Marketplace. I can't understand why you will do business and lose your money. Prophetic Seers consult for government in military affairs in the Old Testament.
Don't think you can direct God's ability to ventures that God doesn't support. For example, for a long time, I know which team will win when I see Football Match Fixtures. Sometimes, I can tell you the score line. But, that is not for me to go and place a bet on it.
Let me stop here. I will continue tomorrow.
1Cor  12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
This gift is available to ALL BELIEVERS INCLUDING YOU. The gate is now open; you can enter in. The Prophetic Realm is opened unto you, as you READING THIS POST. This series is not to give a mere awareness of a truth but that ALL WHO READ MAY ENTER IN. LET OUT YOUR HUNGER AND EAT. THE SPIRIT BIDS YOU TO COME AND DRINK TILL YOU ARE FULL.
Direct your questions and enquiries to:
  WhatsApp: +2348101025734,,
Facebook: Christian Youth Alliance Nigeria or
Twitter: @cya_nigeria
God bless you real good.


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